
Ch.2 First on the list: Dragons and lesser versions

[1st POV]

You know, upon waking up after about a three hundred year nape and finding out the planet that I was going to use ended up getting bigger to the point that I was laying on the surface of said planet was a big surprise for me. Not as a big of a surprise when I found out the the planet has continents and a sea. Of course there is no life in the sea or land except for some grass and trees on land which is perfect for me since I can see how large and how many continents there are. The fastest way to map the planet is to of course use magic that I like to call >mapping<. While that is going on lets design my first creature, and that shall be Dragons. Both the Western and Eastern dragons. Now then when creating a living life form with a soul I have to be clear on how I want their body to look like such as do I want them to have a long neck with a small body, or do I want them to be gigantic. Now then instead of designing multiple bodies that will take to much time and also because I'm lazy, I'll just have them evolve from the first generation. Now then first is time to create the Eastern dragons, since they might be easier to do. First I'll have to make the body of said dragon. The body will be without legs or arms, whilst also being long like a snake. While the Western dragons would be like lizards. As for the the lesser variant such as wyverns and dragonkin, the wyverns shall have two hind legs and use their wings to walk, while the dragonkin will look like humans but will have some scales and some dragonic features on them.

[3rd POV]

As time went on out nameless godling went through countless designs for the Eastern and Western dragons, since this will be from what the Eastern dragon evolve from the amount of time and concentration it took to make the perfect body went on for a couple hundred year. The outcome was a 2.5 meter long body, with a azure color scales, and bright yellow eyes for the Eastern dragons, while the Western dragons had golden scales, clear purple eyes, and it's body was 2 meters long and 1.5 meters tall. Their genetic makeup was too complex to study since inside those genes was the ability to evolve when a certain level of strength was reached. The number that he made for the Eastern and Western was ten for each, five males and five females. Their strength was enough for them to survive, evolve and in the near future procreate and bring forth more of their kind. The wyverns ended up being about 9 meters long and about 8meters tall, the head had characteristics from the Western dragons as well as the body and two hind legs. Their wingspan was 19 meters across. The dragonkin was the most easiest creation the nameless godling did since he use his own body for the template. The end result was that they reached the height of 2.3 meters for the males while the females were 2.2 meters.

[1st POV]

Oh God that took longer then expected, but in the end I was able to create dragons and their lesser versions. in the end there are ten wyverns, and twenty dragonkin so the can procreate and expand their race. Since the dragonkin are stronger they have a lower pregnancy rate then what I'll give the humans. Though the dragonkin will live for 800 years, the wyverns and dragons would grow stronger the older they are, with the wyverns being weaker than cartons of course, while also being unintelligent. *Ding* oh the mapping finished and I'll say, the continents are huge. There about 9 of them and are individually different. one comprises of mountains, while one is mainly forests, while others is a mix of plains and trees. this is perfect though since this would allow me to place down the creations in perfect places. I know where to put the dragons and the lesser variants. on one continents there is a nice ratio of mountain, trees, and plains. Before I place them down I'll first make the other races before that since placing them down will kill them since there is yet any food for them to eat. Hmm, creating them took a while so I gotta up me speed a little, but thanks to that I can reuse the templates to make the other races I plan to put down. Soon my little huge planet would be filled with a variety of creatures. After them I will make the gods that will after the world for a little since I want to sleep for a while. This way they should be able to learn how to handle their own powers and learn how to act like a proper God. So next on the list are the.....

short chapter since I didn't get much sleep

Forgottenmindcreators' thoughts