
Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Author: SorryImJustDiamond
Ongoing · 1.6M Views
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Reveal spoiler


Have you every read a webnovel where you caught up to the latest chapter and felt like you need to time travel to read the rest of the book or open up the author skull to get the rest of the chapters out? This is one of those books... Oodles of potential... I'm excited for the rest of this book!


It's entertaining, but I have several problems with the main characters and dialogue. The main characters don't question anything. They suddenly transmigrated to another world and didn't question anything. They just said, "Oh, let's Dr. Stone this [thing]," and that's it. There are no hypotheses, internal monologues, questioning, or anything like that. Also, I feel like the characters don't try to change the world; they only try to make money, especially given how they act towards it. Apart from the blatant [racial discrimination] that Poul receives, they don't have opinions about anything else. They are like: Oh, look, the streets smell like [unpleasant thing that smells bad]. Well, it is what it is. Oh, look, people look at me as if I were an [intellectually challenged person] because I don't know these useless and overly complicated manners. Well, I guess it's my bad. I'll learn. Oh, look, races are separated by hair color and skin color. Well, I don't care, I'm not going to investigate it. I'll just work for 300 chapters to produce more air brakes. I understand that the characters have to adapt, and it's the smart choice, but I feel that the MCs don't have any conviction towards their past lives and 21th Century beliefs. They act as if they were commoners in that world that suddenly gained knowledge from another world, instead of actually being highly educated transmigrators from our era. They just accept things, and we aren't explained why they accept it. It's just weird, and it feels like they are empty. I don't know how to describe it. The dialogues are sometimes too specific or weirdly structured. Instead of something being explained through the narrator, the characters explain it. But sometimes, it's obviously structured so that we, as readers, can understand it, which makes the dialogue weird because nobody would talk like that. It's like they are reading a presentation/script. Also, the MCs act too respectful, let's better say "agreeable", too much, not in healthy amounts I think, and while they have obvious flaws. For example, Poul is sometimes too lazy or too confident, and Jonathan is too passive or aggressive because of his position of being unable to use his knowledge. However, the characters never swear or do anything that a normal person would do, not that I expect every single person to swear or do crazy [thing] or something, but they don't act like normal 30 year olds would do. It's weird how they act, it's just so bland, so simple. Maybe it's my prejudice towards the societal norms of the past, but I, for example, would have never acted as a "gentleman" according to the definition of the time, not the idealized version of today. Why? Because I believe that how I act is acceptable, not how they acted. Even if it harms my business, why should that matter? I possess knowledge and, regardless of how foolish I may appear, if I have enough money to produce them, people will still purchase my products because they are that awesome, even if I am an eccentric, weird and disrespectful piece of [thing that's really dirty] (for them) (There's tons of examples of weird people that are genius and earned a ton of money). Obviously, I don't expect the main characters to act like I would, but they bent too much, they concede too much, and we aren't never explained why. (I had to post and delete my review two times because my review didn't appear for... some reason. My bad.)


Very interesting story. After electricity, you can create the first Ford Model T he rode on ethonol "alcohol". in the history of the United States, the automobile has played the backbone in industrialization. I hope the author takes this into account. If you need to know about the history of the car, then there is a blogger on YouTube (АСАФЬЕВ СТАС)


Novel is quite bland. It is rarely enjoyable. The primary concern is that the writing quality is quite low. Author constantly pads the word count with completely nonsensical and useless information which has no impact on the story, coupled with repetition. You can have entire chapters that are nothing but fillers. I will give the most "on-the-nose" example (I just copy-pasted, this is really how it was written in the novel): "Well, my partner has performed some calculations, and he has determined that we will require ten million dollars to mass-produce this rifle. Will the government be willing to add three million dollars?" Poul inquired. Sherman paused for a moment, carefully considering the offer. "If we provide you with ten million dollars, you will be able to mass-produce this rifle. Is that correct?" "Yes," Poul replied "we will need ten million dollars to mass-produce this rifle. Is the government willing to add three million dollars?" Poul asked. Sherman was silent for a moment, pondering the offer. "If we give you ten million dollars, you will be able to mass-produce that rifle. Is that what you are saying?"


It's a good novel, but I must say that the Poul has no spine whatsoever. The fact that he apologizes for the discrimination he faced is disappointing and frustrating. I do not care if it was to save their face. In the end, he has no dignity. It's a like a white woman calling a black man the N-word. Afterward, the black man will apologize for his reasonable and justified outburst of such words. And also, these character seems to be conservative in the sense that they're okay with all the struggles the marginalized face as long as they remain in their position.


Reveal spoiler


The MOST BORING. good book i have read ever. There is no drama. There is no tension, there no thrilling moments & there are no ingenious/ devious/ brilliant manuvrrs. The dialogues are bog standard. This like a daily log of an average business tycoon. (I.e. boring) whenever the face an adversary or injustice they fold. Grovel scurry away. If i wanted to read about that i would have read the news. Omg. They wrote a company vision and mission statement. That is most boring, nonsensical, bog standard, corporate-lingo-bs i have ever read in my life. That sums up everything about this story. Mediocre


I say it's a good novel because of the author's tenacity to see the novel through and backed by quiteadequate skills. However, the same as most of the concerns in the review section, the MCs have inconcistent character designs. It just feels weird how they seem to be bendable to the view of the current time. Like apart from their modern knowledge, they don't reflect any modern behaviours or ideologies from our society. They feel as if a character from the 19th century suddenly receiving engineering knowledges rather than someone from the modern society that tranmigrated to the 19th century. And this defect in their designs shows how they have weak views or will coming form the modern era when they became massive simps for Carolone and Amelia. Even if Amelia wasn't a spy to their comapny or Caroline is a reincarnated individual, bruh you can't be that naive of accepting Amelia to your company when both you(MCs) and Caroline are trying to create legacies that both you only have. They don't have the sense of wariness one would expect from someone coming from the modern era who have seen it all.


A good and interesting novel held back by pointless scenes and sudden drops in MC's IQ. The story is great and it's fun to see the 2 MCs change the world and get rich. Sadly, they don't always seem as intelligent as they should be considering their background in the real world. Writing quality is fine, though you might get irked by sudden mixing of 1st person and 3rd person in a few para. Good luck to the author.




Reveal spoiler


What the author said is no cheats i call BS since being the protagonist makes you the cheat


Well, I don't have much to say so I'll just inform any readers that stumble upon my comment of the following words: I'd like to tell you all that this story has such a huge amount of potential and that I hope that the author stays consistent and doesn't drop this story, anyways, that's all.


Reveal spoiler


When will the next chapter be realist ??


This is a great story. I like the setup and the fact that there is no system. It's refreshing.The grammar is great too. However, having reached chapter 219 I think it is getting a little stale. There is no exitement anymore. Everything goes too smootly for the protagonists. There is no struggle, no challenge anymore. Everything goes exactly like the protagonists want. An example: One of the protagonsists says "Although we might not have experience in shipbuilding, we are still able to build a better ship than anything currently in the market". The official they are talking to simply accepts that. This story tries to stay realistic (as much as you can anyway with a setting like this) but seemingly don't take into account that there are other intelligent and innovative people in the world. Yes, they have experience from the 21st century and it gives them a great advantage, but that does not mean that they incapable of losing. I think this story should try to get back to its roots, if just a little.


author i hope you can finish this story .i am huge fan of world building and business management ❤️.


I have a problem that is from chapter 31 onwards the chapters appear broken for example (a whole paragraph of Chinese letters, spaces for each letter making it impossible to translate and finally the appearance of symbols trying to make emojis) that all added makes history is illegible


I’m just leaving this here so when someone reads the chapters up ahead, they can tell me when they both get famous and powerful(I DO WANT SPOLIERS😤😤😤😤😇)