
Yorugakure is officially founded

"Kenjutsu style of the Hatake clan, this art is good for Ken to study!" Sasaki

Inside the room, Sasaki was reading the hokage's jutsu scroll, he was surprised by the amount of information, even jutsus exclusive to noble clans.

"Kenji is good at classic ninjutsu style, I'll give him some C-level fire jutsu for him to study" Sasaki

"now hana it's hard to decide, she looks like a sponge, whatever knowledge i teach she can use"

The three Uchiha sons have some nice changes, Kenji and Hana have become gennin, Ken hasn't become gennin yet, but that's close, but even though Hana is gennin, she's already mastered the basic gennin jutsus fully.

"I will teach her Chidori, a strong B-level jutsu, I want to try it out and see if she learns" Sasaki

Keeping the parchment, Sasaki went to the backyard to meet the 3 children, every day he trains them personally

Sasaki let Ken and Kenji study their new jutsus, then took Hana to the nearby forest.

Of the 3 children, Hana is the one who most receives Sasaki's attention, Ken and Kenji are close brothers and they always keep each other company, but Hana not only has a bad past, she has been alone for many years.

Also, due to the burn on her face, Hana has already known the dirtier side of humanity, in a way she has the more mature mentality of the 3 children.

"Hana, the jutsu I'm going to teach you is very strong, you should learn it, but never use it against your allies and friends, it's a jutsu that should be used against your enemies!!" Sasaki

"Yes teacher" Hana replied, despite her serious voice, her little face was excited with the knowledge.

"Lightning Release - Chidori!" Sasaki screams, in his hand a blue electric current starts, sounds of thousands of birds are heard in the forest

Sasaki attacks a huge tree nearby, Chidori crosses the huge tree easily, the tree is destroyed

"That's really cool teacher" Hana

"Yes, cool and powerful, now come here, I'll teach you the hand seal"

For the next few minutes Sasaki taught Hana

"chidori!" Hana, she tries to use jutsu but nothing comes out

"hahaha Hana, this is a powerful B-level jutsu, it's not easy to learn and use, you know it took me 2 days to..." Before Sasaki could finish speaking, bird sounds are heard

"Fuck you did it on the second try" Sasaki

Hana managed to use the jutsu, but it was an incomplete chidori, after 5 seconds it fell apart in Hana's hands

"You did it, but you still have no control, keep training Hana, in a few years you will receive a very important job in the village" Sasaki

"Yes teacher, I will make an effort" Hana

Sasaki decided to make Hana, the village ambu leader, not just talent, but confidence is extraordinarily high.


Northern region of the country of hot springs

A downcast man was walking through the forest, he looked like a hungry beggar, he actually didn't, because he really was a hungry beggar

Masamune Okazaki, an ordinary man who was born into a blacksmith clan in the Land of Iron

His family developed a very good forging technique, unfortunately it was just a humble clan, and soon a powerful samurai nobleman tried to steal the family's forging art.

Masamune's father was also a strong samurai warrior, he defended his family and hurt the nobles, unfortunately he saved the noble's life, 3 days later hundreds of samurai surrounded his family, Masamune managed to escape to the harbor where he hid on a ship

Crossing the sea, leaving the land of the samurai for the land of the ninja, Masamune managed to survive, begging non-stop and for some strange reason always heading north

Masamune doesn't know what motivates him to go north, but he is a simple man, always following his heart, one day Masamune wants to return to the Iron Country and take his revenge


Konoha, Uchiha District

In the office, Fugaku looked at the ninja kneeling in front of him, his face was calm, but in his heart the anger and hatred emitted nonstop

"Tell me again, what happened!" Fugaku

"Patriarch, Jaya and Yero led us to the country of hot springs, we managed to find the 5 traitors, they were in a small village, we finished the job and cut off the heads of the 5" The Armless Uchiha Woman Speaks

"But on the way back unfortunately we were attacked by Orochimaru, he attacked us because he wanted to steal our eyes, Jaya and Yero sacrificed themselves, I managed to escape with serious injuries and fall into the river, thanks to the fall into the river, I managed to survive, patriarch, please send a team to hunt Orochimaru " in the last part, the woman screams in pain

"You did well, you are a hero of the clan, now go home and heal, your wound is very serious, I will take care of everything" Fugaku

The woman quickly left the office

"what do you think?" Fugaku asks the elder Uchiha

"We must take this matter to the Hokage, with our strength it is difficult to hunt Orochimaru alone, but with the village we can" elder

"It makes sense, I will go to the Hokage, Orochimaru must pay for this blood debt" Fugaku

While Fugaku and the eldest were talking, in the back of the office a 7-year-old child was reading some ninja scrolls.

"Orochimaru is a legendary sennin ninja, I doubt he let a little ninja chunnin escape, stranger" the child whispered softly

If anyone could hear what the child said, they would be surprised by the high level of intelligence shown

Itachi Uchiha was a child, he later returned to read his scrolls


Sasaki, Futoi, 3 children, Momo, the old man and everyone from the village were gathered

"Today is a special day, today the ninja academy will be founded!" Sasaki

"Not only that, but our village will also be renamed, and a new hidden village will be born."

"Now I officially announce the foundation of the Hidden Village of the Night" Sasaki

Yorugakure is officially founded