
Created an Empire for my Sister's Lie.

After so many ups and downs, Qi Yun finally completed all his Missions and wanted to live well with his family and lover. "Come, This is my Empire." Qi Yun pulled the man forward and excitedly showed his home to him. However... "Your Majesty!! The Dragon clan elder ran away with Shark Clan's Princess!!" "Your Majesty!! The scientist blew up the Imperial Palace!!" "Your Majesty!! Elves planted rice in the stadium!!" "Your Majesty!! The Prime Minister and the General are having love affair and the Prime Minister ran away with the baby!!" "Your Majesty!! The young Princes fell in love with the young Princes of the other Empire!!" "Your Majesty!! The Dragon Clan leader and Vampire Clan leader destroyed the jail and went to fight again!!" Aldriac glanced at his lover, who fumed angrily and hugged him tightly. But Qi Yun broke free. "Good, Excellent! You bastards destroyed my welcoming ceremony! Watch how to destroy your whole ancestry!!"

Zeal_Faust · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Ji Weizhou's plan

Ji Weizhou entered the grand halls of his family mansion, the weight of responsibility pressing upon his shoulders. As he made his way through the familiar corridors, he couldn't help but notice the worried expressions on the faces of the servants. It was clear that something was amiss.

He reached the study, where his father, Commander Ji, sat behind a large desk, surrounded by maps and documents. The room was filled with an air of tension, and Ji Weizhou could sense his father's unease.

Ji Weizhou approached his father, concern etched on his face.

"Father, you seem troubled. What's the matter?"

Commander Ji sighed heavily, his eyes meeting his son's.

"Weizhou, I have lost contact with my spies in the palace. The Emperor's actions have become increasingly erratic, and I fear something sinister is at play."

Ji Weizhou's brows furrowed, his mind racing to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

"Erratic? What do you mean, Father?"