
Chapter 1 - Reincarnation

Michael was in a daze unsure of what was going on around him. He could hear sirens moving in the distance as cops and ambulances made their way through the winding roads. He could feel a cooled pain in his back and a warm liquid as it made it's way down his torso. Michael closed his eyes and prayed, but when he reopened his eyes everything was pitch black Michael... had died.

To Michael, he had been endlessly floating in an untold abyss. Suddenly his floating turned to a downward spiral. Micheal's body was whipped from side to side the scenery before his eyes changed from green to blue over and over again. "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!" Micheal went straight through tree after tree only hitting the ground after several impacts. In a crater sat Micheal who had the look of death on his face. Before he could even take in his surroundings a message appeared in front of him.

- Congratulations -

Dear Micheal,

You have been given a second chance at life, and with it a new world to explore. While the world may look similar to yours at first glance it is far from it. The planet is filled with magical creatures and dungeons the size of skyscrapers. Because of the dangers you have been given three unique skills.

Skill 1 - Skill Creator - Lv none - You have the ability to create skills by repeating a action. With skills the proficiency of an action will increase as the level of the skill increases.

Skill 2 - Skill Share - Lv none - The ability to share any none unique skills.

Skill 3 - Language - Lv 1 - Allows for verbal communication.

Training, completing quest, and fighting in dungeons will give exp to level up. Leveling up will give you five stat points which can be used to increase a trait. Traits include strength, agility, magic, dexterity, mind, and endurance.

One more thing, there is a town near by called Acharnae, and it would be best to make it there before night. Animals possess magic become stronger and more aggressive at night. At your level you will surely die.

- Quest -

Description - Make it to a town nearby before nightfall.

Penalty for failure - Death

Time limit - Nightfall (2 hours)

Rewards - 100 exp and 5 copper coins

Micheal was at a loss of words. He couldn't tell how long it had been since he had even seen light. Now this was dropped on him as soon as he dropped from the the sky. He finally had a chance to take it his surroundings, and it was a rather peaceful forest. Next to his landing sight was a dirt path. Micheal figured this was the path to the village, but which way was the village in. Micheal got up and started walking, but as soon as he took his first step towards the path he collapsed. Confused he got up again and tried to walk forward, but again he collapsed after taking three steps. Once again he tried walking. He started falling, but this time he had managed to catch himself. After doing that a few times he had made it to the road.

- Skill Learned -

Skill walk has been learned.

Walk Lv 1 - Allows for easy slow movement.

You have received 10 exp.

Micheal was puzzled, "why is something as simple as walking a skill!?" Through his confusion Micheal started to see how useful the skills he had received were. If something like walking was a skill, than there was no telling what other miscellaneous skills there were. Despite the weirdness of the skill walking did become much easier. Now that he could move Micheal refocused his mind on the quest. After all the penalty was death. He looked back at the quest to see if it had given him a direction, but it didn't give any sort of direction at all. Whats worse is that he had spent 15 minutes trying to learn how to walk. With 15 minutes down he decide that he needed to pick up the pace. Without much thought he pick a side of a path and started walking.

I must give thanks to the writers of "The Legendary Mechanic" and "I Can Make Everything Level Up". I enjoyed reading them and they inspired me to start writing my own book. I recommend checking those out, and I thank you for reading my book.

Kason_Andersoncreators' thoughts
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