
crazy night

She is a beautiful young lady,24 years old with black hair and blue eyes,she was kind and charming but fate was cruel to her she was the the unfavoured daughter,the loser everyone mocked and despite the most.She came from a rich family but that never mattered to those who abused and bullied her,she thought she had faced the worse until that crazy night her former classmates had organized a get together,she had complete trust in them and they took advantage of that and drunked her.She spent that night with a complete stranger against her will. That night changed her completely and she decided to avenge herself but her nightmare was far from over she had gotten pregnant and worse she didn't know the father of her baby.Her parents had told her to get rid of the pregnancy or they will disown her,her brother had posted the news of her being pregnant on internet and her so called friends were celebrating her complete downfall calling her all kind of names but she wasn't going to let them get away with what they had done. Her parents hated her for that and they kicked her out of the house.She left hurt and betrayed by her own people but after two years she came back not as the weak and frail girl she was back then,she was now powerful and strong.A nightmare had began,the hunter was ready to hunt her prey..

phaynique · Urban
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60 Chs

Phobia(chapter 19)

Jennie spend her entire weekend at home,she had no where to go or anything to do,she had no work so she mostly spend her time watching movies or sleeping,she did light exercises as adviced by her doctor.Her baby bump was slightly showing but since she wore lose clothes it was hard to notice.The weekend passed on quickly,it was on Monday,Jennie sat in her office busy with her laptop it wasn't even past 1:00pm but she felt tired and hungry.Her boss seemed very angry,he didn't approve the work he had given her to do,he even complained about the coffee she made,"it's too sweet,it's too bitter,the taste isn't good" that what he kept on saying when Jennie brought him coffee,she kept on making coffee that she got tired.Without being told she knew he was in a bad mood,so she did her best not to anger him more,though he was taking his anger on her she didn't complain.

It was already past 8:00pm but Jennie was still in her office working on some files,only few employees were left at the company.Lucas was in his office,he was busy signing documents,he knew it was already late,he should dismiss Jennie but he didn't,he was angry at her though she had done nothing wrong, that's how he was sometimes,when he got angry others will suffer even if they did nothing wrong.Jennie was still busy when there was a sudden black out,she was shocked,then she panicked,it was completely dark that you couldn't see anything.She began sweating and breathing heavily,her heart beating wildly,tears formed in her eyes and she held her stomach.She was so scared and terrified that she began shaking.

Since highschool she had severe nyctophobia,she was extremely afraid of darkness,even her room always had lights turned on all the time.She didn't have that condition when she was young,she grew scared of darkness in highschool, she was bullied alot.One evening she was preparing to go home when they had called her to help them with something,she didn't refuse and followed them,but once they reached near the janitors closet they opened it and pushed her inside and locked her inside.She was locked in a janitors closet for a whole night.The room was so dark that one couldn't see anything,she had cried and begged them to let her go but they didn't,they ignored her and left laughing.She tried her best to scream loudly and ask for help in case there was someone nearby who could hear her,but no one come to her rescue.She was so scared that she fainted,she found herself in the hospital the next day,the janitor had found her lying in the closet,he had called the teacher and took her to the hospital,though she had explained what had happened they were not punished,the teacher asked her to forgive them, saying it wasn't serious,they were just being mischievous and that's why she became so afraid of darkness.

Lucas was in his office,he was shocked when there was a black out,he clicked his tongue in annoyance."What nonsense is this" he said.He took out his phone and made a call."Whats this?why is there a black out?" he asked coldly,"sir the fuse is blown I'll replace it immediately" replied the man."two minutes" he said and hung up.He sat quitely waiting for lights when he had low sobbing,"is someone there?,please help me" said the person in a distressed voice.Lucas stood up and headed to where the voice was coming from,he was surprised to know it came from Jennifer's office,he quickly pushed the door open."Jennifer" he called worriedly,he turned on the light in his phone,he was shocked to see Jennie crying covered in sweat.He immediately knew what was wrong and quickly hugged her "sssh,it's okay I'm here" he comforted patting her back,Jennie hugged him tightly and kept on crying,she was feeling dizzy and naustegic.

"Relax I'm here, nothing will happen to you" he assured,he was so worried about her,he wanted to tell her to never be afraid,that he will be there for her.He felt hurt when she saw her in this condition,he wanted her to trust him that he will protect her but he couldn't say that.After sometime Jennie managed to calm down,Lucas kept on assuring her she was save,Five minutes passed and the light were back.Jennie came to her senses and let go off Lucas, though she had managed to calm down,her heart was still beating fast,she felt embarrassed for hugging him."Are you okay?" asked Lucas worriedly,Jennie wiped her tears "yeah,thanks sir" she said gratefully "I'm sorry for troubling you"."It's okay no need to apologize,I never knew you had nyctophobia,you should have told me,what if I wasn't here,things could have gotten ugly" he said."I never told anyone about it,I didn't see the need to but luckily you were here,thank you" she replied."Have you received treatment?",Jennie shook her head "I think you should,it seems very serious next time I might not be there and something might happen to you" he advised."I will sir"."Get your things I'll drive you home" he said and left without waiting for her reply.

Jennie was shocked to see this side of him,he didn't seem so cold,he even hug her when she was in distress."Maybe he isn't that cold" she said and began clearing her table.What suprised her was that he came to her rescue and even tried to calm her down, though she had sworn never to show her vulnerable side to anyone,this time she could help it,she didn't mind Lucas seeing her in this state.She sometimes she hated how weak she was,if only she was strong then no one would have been able to bully her,she would stand for herself even without her family's help.Lucas stood leaning on the wall in his office,he couldn't shake off the image of Jennie in her distressed state out of his mind,last time he had seen her have a nightmare,she had cried and begged like someone was trying to hurt her and now she had nyctophobia,he couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her.No wonder she is always alone,she rarely goes to the cafeteria most of the times she brings her own lunch, though she always seems polite she didn't have friends at work.She rarely talked with other employees and when she does she always kept it professional,it's like she had closed in herself and didn't want anyone to get close to her,he thought.

There was one main reason why someone chooses to be alone it's either they have been hurt or betrayed by those close to them,if one is hurt by his or her close friends or relatives,it becomes hard for them to ever trust again,they even isolate themselves and prefer to be alone so not to be hurt again.Lucas knew all of this and felt heartache and sorry for her,at her age she has already suffered so much.He took his car keys and left,he drove Jennie to her apartment,she thanked him and went inside.Though Lucas was curious about what had happened to her,he didn't dare to ask her,he didn't want to open her wounds also they weren't close for him to ask her,it would seem inappropriate and she might think he is a busybody.He was tempted to dig information about her,but he decided not to,he decided to wait until she was ready to share her past and pain,he was willing to listen and share her burden.

hello guys,, I'll be updating every Tue,Thur and sat.....

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