

"My neighbor?" Lee Jin Ho frown. 

"Uhm. She could be your neighbor. I saw her yesterday entering your residence building. Have you chance upon seeing a youngster in your area?" Lu Jiaosheng was excited. 

Youngster? He never encountered a neighbor yesterday who was wearing a school uniform. The only youngster that he saw yesterday was his sister and it was impossible that it was his sister that Lu Jioasheng had a one night stand with. 

He shook his head. 

Lu Jiaosheng face sank. 

"Forget her!" Lee Jin Ho told Lu Jiaosheng. "Don't tell me you have falling in love with that girl with just a one night sta...?" He suddenly stopped when he realized that his world turned upside down too after he had a one night stand with Tan Ja Nin. But there situation was different. He known Tan Ja Nin since gradeschool but Lu Jiaosheng only met that girl on that night and haven't saw the girl again. 

"I just wanted to say sorry to her...for what I did."