
We're Leaving Together

A crash of lightning came down as mutated-looking creatures heading down to the village that sat near a shore.

The holy fence that had protected the village for many years broke down. Whether it was due to wear and tear or the sheer power of the monsters, it was unclear.

As if everything couldn't get worse, a towering monster that could beat the height of a tall skyscraper. Every step it took, the floor roared along with it in unison. 

Grounds shaking, the dirt emerged and dropped as if gravity had stopped working. 

The people in the village screamed for mercy as they trembled, unaware of what they should do. All of them had lived in peace, none had the capability to fight nor defend their family.

With their feet, they ran into their houses as they made their last prayers to God.

"Ezekiel! Come in dear!" A lady with red braided hair called out to a child who is watching everything in disbelief.

The child had dark red hair that blew along with the debris swirling around that was dormant just a while ago. His eyes widened in shock at the sight in front of him.

A large tall burly man grabbed the child by the shoulder and slowly aided him into the safety of the house.

"Ezekiel, what were you thinking, standing there?"

The concerned man asked, looking up at the woman worriedly.

"Dear, he's just shocked. Just like everyone else."

The man sighed and ruffled his hair. He lowered himself down to the boy's height. "Ezekiel. Promise me this. Protect your mother for me, and your little sister in her belly." He whispered, his eyes getting teary.

The woman immediately took her husband's hands and covered it with hers. "What? Where are you going? No! No! Please stay, you can't go." She begged, falling onto her knees.

Feeling pity for his wife, he wiped her tears. "I'll stall for time. You have to escape from here, promise me this Elenia." 

"No! If you go, I'll go with you! That's what you promised, remember? Is it because I'm pregnant with this child you think I'm incapable of using a sword? You think I've passed my prime? I won't let you leave!" She sputtered out in desperation, her violet eyes raining tears.

"That's not it." The man stopped and his heartbeat seemed to pause for a moment. He clenched his jaw and pursed his lips. "I'm the selfish one. I want you to live, to carry our children and be happy. I've brought you so much trouble, I want to repay it all."

The ground trembled once more and the boy who was by the door slammed it. "Daddy!" He yelled, but his parents were still deep in their heart-felt conversation to be aware of the tragedy that crawled up behind them.

"Kayden. I can't live without you. I'm selfish and you know it damn well. And you're still going to leave me? I'll kill myself to go after you, so don't you dare leave."

"You're going to say that in front of Ezekiel?" 

The name of their child immediately snapped the two back into reality. They had no time to afford to be squabbling like little children when their lives were at stake.

Elenia looked at her child with remorse and apologized with her eyes. "Don't worry, we'll all leave here together."

With the look of distrust in his gray eyes, Ezekiel nodded. He gulped and got away from the door.

As if his instincts had been right on the dot, the door busted open and an army of goblin-like animals charged in. Their mouths filled with saliva and red liquid that resembled blood.

And the most terrifying thing? The remnants of flesh that stuck onto their sharp teeth.

Without hesitation, Kayden charged in and was focused as if nothing had happened just a second ago. He swung his blade and the monster popped into half. 

The rain of monsters poured in as they smelled the blood of their dead comrades. 

Ezekiel wanted to scream but his mouth was zipped tight, his mother was also fending off the monsters with a dagger she had kept by her side always. 

However, due to the intensity of the monsters, a small one managed to pass the barriers set by his parents. It crawled up to the child, detecting the weakest and most delectable meal in the room.

With one big raise of its jaws, it relaxed, releasing the strength of its bite. 

Suddenly, a blast of fire combusted the small green animal. 

"Ezekiel, get out using the backdoor! We'll come after you, we promise!" His father yelled, the fire building up within his hands at an alarming rate.

Taking the hint, Ezekiel pulled himself up using the table and ran towards the door. He pushed it open and found himself running in an empty field. What happened? To all the houses back here? 

To his dismay, everything around him was on fire. The flames enveloped the place where houses used to be. Smell of smoke entered his nose and ash flew past his view.

"Ah? A child?" A lady with red hair that reminded Ezekiel of his mother wandered over with a group of her own people.

Ezekiel immediately ran over and fell onto his knees. "Please! Save my mum and dad!" He cried, choking on his tears. He clawed at the woman's dress.

The woman bent down and gently cupped the boy's face. "Is your mother Elenia?" She looked at the red hair that gleamed in the circle of burning flames.

"Yes..she is. Why?" Ezekiel asked, looking up as he watched the woman's face contorted into a wicked expression. He shivered and wanted to back away.

The woman smiled, even though she was smiling, it felt unsettling. "I found her~" she hummed, strutting past Ezekiel.

"Will you save my mother?" 

"Of course. I'll give her the retribution she deserves."

As Ezekiel was about to question more and stall for time, he was yanked back by the black cloaked people who were diligently lagging behind.

Seeing the woman approach his house which was burning down, Ezekiel didn't feel a sense of security. Something has gone terribly wrong. He had made a grave mistake. 

Struggling, he bit the arm of the man he held him back and ran towards the woman. "My mum is not in there." He said. "She's defending the front of the village."

The woman slowly turned back and smiled. "You have good instincts. And yet, a terrible liar. If you want to deceive properly, you ought to wipe that nervous look off your face!" She laughed. 

A red line circled around Ezekiel, it grew upwards and a clear transparent glass trapped him. He tried to get out but the moment he touched the glass, it burnt his hands and his clothes. 

"Mum! Dad! Careful!" He yelled, crying as he banged his hands against the barrier.

The building they called their home eventually burnt down. And the only thing left was the three who stood face to face, confronting each other.

Without even speaking, the mysterious woman struck out her hands and a spear appeared. She charged towards Elenia and stabbed her in the belly.

The spear punctured through Elenia, blood and the fresh red flesh was shown.

The hole eventually got larger until a glimpse of what could've been a human was seen. The pale body that was yet developed dropped out of its place as the skin that once protected it had been burnt.

The horror of what had happened in that split second caused Ezekiel to puke and cry. He couldn't comprehend what was happening. He felt repulsed by the sight as the gore was too much for him to handle.

However, he dared not take his eyes off it. Everything was unfolding like a tragedy.

Elenia dropped to her knees with her rib cage and organs exposed. Her body started burning and the flames swallowed her.


The tragedy unfolds faster than he could process. 

The lady swiped her hands and the place where his father's head used to be, disappeared and plopped onto the ground.

"You..promised." Ezekiel cried out, he banged his hands against the barrier but lost his voice the moment he saw his parents smiling at him. 

Even if they were dead, they wouldn't lose the love they had for their child. 

Head on the floor and the body half dissolved, they were no doubt, his parents who were smiling brightly.