
Cowboy in a Fantasy World

mc gets transmigrated to a fantasy world CYOAs

Tomas_Vega_2683 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

New assignment

After bringing back the victims of the goblins to the guild. Eli went directly to one of the clerks to request a class change. Going through the process he was met with a problem.


[Legendary adventure job title cannot be removed]

'System what's the meaning of this!'

[Host has been locked into job title, by the authority of the Goddess Gaia]

'That Shitty Goddess! I knew she was up to something.'

'System is there any loophole to change my job title?'

[Negative. Host must complete Legendary Adventure job title]

'Well Fuck! Now I'm going to lose 25% of my experience, but I do get the skills up to level three.'

"Sir it appears we're having issues with the crystal orb. Maybe we can try a different one and see if it solves the problem."

"It's fine, I'll just purchase some skills. Can you open that function?"

"Yes sir."

Going through the skills Eli purchased.

Stealth- user Becomes invisible and hides 10% of their presence per level. (Until first attack)

Sneak- user is 15% per level, harder to detect while in sneak mode.

Quick Hands- User increases hand speed by 15% per level.

Iron body- +2 per level natural armor.

Blacksmith- Increase proficiency with Nonmagical metals by 20% per level

Second mind- User gains 20% per level of a second mind, to store all spells, Recipes and designs/blueprints. 

Thought acceleration- Increase brain processing speed by 15 % per level.

Mana heart- User games 20% per level extra mana spills 

Pyromancer- Increase fire spells/attacks by 20% per level

Silent step- Walking and running counts as sneak by 20% per level.

Novice Elemental caster- 10% per level less mana for Element spells of tier 0-1

Apprentice Elemental caster- 10% per level less mana for Element spells of tier 2-3

Adept Elemental caster- 10% per level less mana for Element spells of tier 4-5

Novice Illusion caster- 10% per level less mana for Element spells of tier 0-1

Apprentice Illusion caster- 10% per level less mana for Element spells of tier 2-3

Enchanter- Increase creation proficiency of Enchantments 20% per level. 

Enchant boost- enchantments are stronger by 20% per level.

Extra Effect Enchantment- Extra Enchantment per level

Medical Enchanter- Enchantments of health, magicka and stamina are 5% per level stronger.

Doctor- Potions created restore 5% more per level, health, stamina and mana.

Assassination- Ranged Sneak-Attack does 1.5x per level and Melee Sneak-Attacks does 2.5x per level.

Piercer- Ranged Attack Ignores 10% per level of enemy armor.

Backstab- Attack hits enemies blind spot, damage 4x per level.

Charge Shot- User charges x per level. Hit multiplier is added to damage per charge.

Steal- User can take item(s) x per level from target. Based on luck.

Repair- fix item by 20% per level

Eli put three points to each of his new skills and filled up most of all his remaining skills, bringing them all to level three. Appraisal he rose to level 5, allowing him to view all the information of everything.

After purchasing all the skills, Eli gave the clerk his guild card to confirm the two Monster subjugation mission he completed. The Clerk inspected the guild card Verifying that he completed both missions and paid him for all the kills he made. Eli left the adventure's guild with 500 gems and headed home.

Adventure's Guild Master Office

The Guild Master Lothric Sulyvahn, was sitting on his office reading through a stack of papers, while two girls were standing in front of his desk, waiting for him to finish reading. 

"So, the hero sacrificed his whole entire team and left with the priestess disappearing Living no trace of his escape. And our newest adventure, Eli, appeared clearing up the whole entire goblin horde by himself. With no help from you two! Is everything in in your report correct or are you embellishing, any of the events that happen? Petunia."

"No father! except for the part that he was an Asshole! The whole entire time. Everything in the report is spot on."

"Father! What's going to happen to the girls, that we brought back?"

"Once we extract those file little creatures from them. We're going to wipe our hands of them."

"Father, how can you say that! Almost all of them were adventurers. Don't we have a responsibility to take care of them?"

"Petunia! Where not a charity, we can't just help everyone who needs a helping hand. Everyone who signs up as an adventurer knows the risks, they're taking. Eli was right, Friends will bounce back, your three friends will come back from this incident. They each just need time. Sadly, for the other as I said, we can't do much for them."

Petunia was facing the floor down from being scolded by her father. Well, Lily just stood quiet and for her father and sister to stop their argument.

"So, dad now that me and Petunia are done with watching over the hero party assignment, can we get a vacation. Please?"

"No! You two will be given a new assignment." 

Lothric then handed Petunia a sheet of paper explaining her new assignments. Reading through it her face was becoming more paler the more she kept reading.

"You want us to join this party and at the minimum, you want us to become his whores."

"Uhm, sis. What do you mean, become who's whores?"

Petunia looked at her innocent sister and gave her the sheet with their new assignment.

"Just read through it lily and understand just what our father wants us to do."

Lily began to read through it. And was shocked by what their father wanted them to do.

"Dad. You want us to join Eli's party and let him impregnate us. Why Dad? What do we do wrong?"

"You both did nothing wrong. Don't you see? This is an honor for you two to carry his offspring."

Petunia burst out in anger while Lily was beginning to cry.

"What do you mean It's an honor, just because his a high elf doesn't mean that he should get special treatment. If we do get pregnant by him at best, our children will become half elves Because we're a quarter elves, so what's the point Father?"

Lothric sighed and rubbed his forehead. "You girls don't understand what kind of high elf he is. That boy is a Sun Elf! As long he doesn't mate with a heteromorph, all the children he produces will be Sun Elves."

"Now you both see why he's so important. Having a child with him will bring a high elf, to our family for generations. Unlike me, who is a half elf, from birth from a high elf. If you do give birth, I can finally rub it into our family for abandoning us and causing your mother's death."

"Find if we're getting back at those Fucker, I'm the one that's going to be doing the business, that a A-hole is not going near my sister. Is that understood old man?"

"We're clear dear. But once your sister discovers that she can get the Fey Ancestry ability from birth him a child. I don't think you'll be able to stop her."

Lily snapped out of her little depression moment. and paid attention to what her father said. 

"Dad will I really get my Fey Ancestry if I birth him of child. If you're telling the truth, I don't care what I have to do. I'll give him as many children as he wants, as long as I can finally get that ability."

"You cunning old Fox. You said that out loud, so my innocent Lily would hear you, didn't you? Lily, stop we can find another way for you to get Fey Ancestry.

"Oh, No, you don't Petunia. You're not getting Fey Ancestry just for yourself. I've wanted that ability since we were kids, and you know it!"

"Lily, can you see it, I'm just trying to protect your innocence."

"Hah nice try, Petunia. I'm not falling for it!"

Lothric Stood up and banged his desk, yelling at both his daughters. 

"Can you two stop fighting in my office, and try to finish your new assignment?"

Name: Eli Rivers

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 19

Constitution: 15

Intelligence: 16

Wisdom: 10



Job Titles:

Legendary Adventure (Minus 25% of XP Earned)-LV 3

skill: 1 points

Passive: [Longsword proficiency: lv3], [Shortsword proficiency: lv3], [Shortbow proficiency: lv3], [Longbow proficiency: lv3], [Darkvision: lv3], [Keen Senses: lv3], [Fey Ancestry: lv4], [Trance: lv3], [Conceal: lv3], [Alchemy: lv3], [Acrobatics: lv3], [Stealth: lv3], [Sneak: lv3], [Quick Hands: lv3], [Iron body: lv3], [Blacksmith: lv3], [Second mind: lv3], [Mana heart: lv3], [Pyromancer: lv3], [Silent step: lv3], [Novice Elemental caster: lv3], [Apprentice Elemental caster: lv3], [Novice Illusion caster: lv3], [Apprentice Illusion caster: lv3], [Adept Elemental caster: lv3], [], [], [], [], [],

Bonus Actions: [Quick step: lv3], [Assassination: lv3], [Piercer: lv3], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

Turn Action: [Appraisal: lv5], [Snipe: lv3], [Backstab: lv3], [Steal: lv3], [Repair: lv3], [Charge Shot: lv3], [], [], [], []

MSP: 214,525

Gems: 1,103,368,658


Copper coins= 8

Big Copper coin= 1

Silver coin= 12

Big Silver coin= 6

Gold coin= 348

Big Gold coin= 110,302

Gacha: White= 0, Silver=1, Gold=1

Magic stones: 8 E-Rank, 3 D-Rank, 1 C-Rank