
Coven of the Round

In the aftermath of a mysterious fog that engulfed Earth, Jiang, a low-rank soldier, patrols the base with his partner, Smith. This base was not where Jiang was assigned, so he is unhappy with being forced to survive with these strangers. After a few weeks, Jiang and Smith encounter a strange storm and are transformed by it. As he gets used to his new abilities, Jiang finds that the base has strange secrets all around. Especially when he discovers that there are others like him. His future incarnations would all carry his blood, memories, and abilities to implement his will throughout the ages. This would mark the beginning of the bitter struggle between humanity and the vampires. A story with generations that tells the fall from modern times to when kingdoms would rise again. Disclaimer: All characters and events depicted in this novel are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Parallel Fantasy Earth, I deliberately made some terms vague.

GreatRedDragon · Fantasy
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37 Chs

First Blood

When Jiang's feet hit the concrete, almost immediately sirens started to sound off. But he could distinctly hear something else aside from the blaring sound. It was pretty hard to ignore the sound of metal being forced open.

Jiang and Smith were sent on patrol that night when they ended up in the middle of a mysterious red storm. It was already bad enough the area had been engulfed in dense fog, and some strange disease was popping up too.

After the storm, Smith ran off and hurt someone trying to climb over the gate.

Now Jiang was trying to catch up to his friend and reason with him as much as he could.

Jiang made his way into the restricted area through the torn down door, Smith was clearly not all human any more. Strength, agility, and a desire for blood that only left two possibilities. Smith was either a vampire or a zombie, Jiang had shot him before he could tear more into the poor woman by the gate.

"Come on, Smith, you can't have gone feral that fast, right?"

Jiang saw a broken door lock with a bloody handprint on it and opened the door to reveal a large warehouse. The lights were dimmed but he could see rows and rows of boxes and a small bloody trail.

He carefully stepped forward, weapon drawn as the sirens kept blasting in the facility.

Occasionally, Jiang could hear things dropping and so he went in that general direction. It was strange though, perhaps it was because of the adrenaline but Jiang felt hyper focused and not tired at all.

Eventually, Jiang found himself in a strange section of the warehouse. There were no longer brown boxes, but all manner of alien shaped objects. Their design was unlike any Jiang had seen before but several looked like prototypes with wires hanging out.

Jiang stopped in a section where many pierces were strewn all over the floor. It looked like it had recently happened, and his instincts were screaming that it was a trap. In fact there was a strange tipped over black box on the shelf next to Jiang.

On the floor was a strange black orb with etchings marked all over it.

'So this is your game, is it Smith?' Jiang sighed as he drew his weapon again, ready to swing around at a moment's notice.

'Don't do it' Jiang thought as he knelt down and reached for the black orb. It was a trap and the moment Smith leaped at him, Jiang would be ready on the trigger.

But Jiang never expected what happened next!

When he picked up the orb, it felt like something was fighting to break out of it. Cracks started to form on it and a strange metal-like substance leaked out.

"Agh!" Jiang let go of the orb but the mercury-like substance stuck to his hand and he felt an immense pain.

<Host Detected>

"W-what is this!?"

At that moment, Smith decided to descend upon Jiang from above.

*Bang* *Bang*

Jiang squeezed out two shots before Smith rolled off of him and then they stood face to face with each other.

"I see… Smith died on my back. There's no way you could be him."

Smith's face was contorted and his eyes looked at Jiang like he was prey. Then something even more unbelievable happened.

"What the hell?" Jiang was shocked, blood had started to run down Smith's hands.

They slowly gathered at his fingertips and started to solidify into the form of claws, like the hooked talons of raptors.

Jiang started to blink his eyes more as felt strange and saw what looked like words.


They slowly started to change until




<Blood Claws: Create hardened claws made of blood, can tear through metal easily>

Smith seemed to sneer at Jiang and lunged forward, delivering a series of slashes at blinding speed. Strangely though, Jiang was able to react in time and dodge Smith's first attack. But then he twisted his body in an inhuman like way and managed to graze Jiang on his stomach.

"Damn!" Jiang stumbled onto a shelf as he saw red lines forming underneath his uniform. He noticed a long chunk of what looked like metal and grabbed it as Smith attacked once more.


The metal hunk was lighter than Jiang anticipated and when he swung it, it shattered Smith's <Blood Claws>.

"Rauuuughghh!" Smith howled in pain as Jiang swung the metal slab into his head this time. Bullets didn't do much to him but for some reason, the metal was very effective. In fact, it looked like Smith was melting a little bit where he was hit by it.

After a few more blows, Smith fell to the floor, cowering in pain. Jiang let the metal fall to his side and looked Smith in his animalistic eyes once more.

"Smith, please tell me you're in there?" Jiang held out his hand while his other hand was ready on the trigger of his gun, just in case Smith attacked once again.

Smith hissed and tried to inch away.

That's when Jiang felt the strange sensation again, only this time it spread from his eyes and downwards throughout his body.

"Ugh, what the?" Jiang blinked again and now he saw Smith look at him in fear.

But that didn't matter to Jiang, he was paying attention to something else.

That's when he went for it!

Smith's neck!


<New Ability Unlocked>

<Blood Claws>

Before he knew it, Jiang himself was feeding on Smith.

Only when he heard the sound of the siren stop did he pause, after that came the sounds of shouting and footsteps. Not even having the time to process his situation, Jiang had to act fast.

"Is there anything I can do? Can I suppress the desire? Smith's mind is gone but mine is still here."

<Blood Suppression: Suppresses Vampire traits to old human base lines>

"Like a system with skills, is that it? Well, before that..."

Jiang stood up and wiped blood away from his mouth and reached for the metal slab once again. He pressed it on Smith's neck, where he had bitten. Like he predicted, the moment the metal touched Smith's flesh, it caused it to melt.

He removed the metal when the wound was disfigured enough. He wanted it to look like he got lucky and beat Smith with the slab not decapitate him somehow.

<Blood Suppression>

As soon as he used that ability, Jiang felt like he had run into a brick wall. All the pain he felt was suddenly amplified and he dropped to his knees for a moment.

"Get your hands and feet apart and slowly drop to the ground!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

GreatRedDragoncreators' thoughts