
Reincarnated? Summoned?

1: Reincarnated? Summoned?

I woke up with the light of the sun glaring down my face. The thundering roar and rumble of the waterfall can be heard in distance. A groan escaped my lips as I try to move my hand. I felt pain in every part of my body even the parts that I didn't know it even exist, my face stings as well as my chest as if someone had slapped me. Failed to cover my face from the harsh sun I accepted my fate from being toasted.

The question was, Where the hell am I?

The next thing I knew was two heads had covered the light from me. I was somehow relieved but then I was still in pain. Now I could feel my head throbbing in pain like it was hit by something.

Two pairs of clear blue eyes like gem stared down at me. Both of the children had the same color of hair which was blonde like the color of sunflower.

I was seeing cute angels. "I must be dead," I was able to say it before my consciousness took me.

Thing was, I wasn't dead.

While I was still half asleep, four hands were touching my body not in a bad way. I wasn't being molested, I tell you. In fact, two hands were holding me upright while the other two hands were taking my clothes off. Still in the groggy state, the hands had pulled me out of the bed and lifted me, carrying me somewhere.

I jerked away from the hands when my senses were fully awakened after my feet touched something liquid. With that sudden movement I did, the person who was carrying me had let go of the hold and I fell into the water.

Ahh— I felt like I had experienced this before but deadlier.

"Miss!" I heard their muffled shouts underwater.

Coughing as I stand up, I found myself in a large round white bathtub. Different colored petals of violet, pink and white floating on the clear warm water.

"Are you alright, Miss?"

"I'm s-sorry. I didn't mean to let you go."

I looked at them. Somehow they looked big and tall. I was already standing on the bathtub that should be adding to my height, but why was my head tilted looking up at them?

What in the world was going on?

I looked around. This wasn't my bathroom and these two weren't my maids.

"Who are you?" I said quite aggressively.

Both of them looked at each other and gave me a questioning looked. "Miss?"

I cursed under my breath and tried to get out of the tub, but when I raised my leg I was shocked to see a thin short leg. With wide eyes, I stared at my hands; small, skin and bone.

With my color draining on my face I stumbled back, one of the maids immediately caught me and pulled me out of the tub.




This must be some weird fucked up dream. When the maid put me down, my wet feet touched the rug. This was too real to be a dream.

My heart hammered against my chest. Looking around I saw a towel near me and took it. After I wrapped my butt naked body I made a mad dash, away from these strangers.

Opening the door of the room I was relieved that it leads to the hallway. Droplets of water fell to the floor as my feet slap to the light brown wooden like tiles.

This can't be.


This. Really. Can't. Be.

I didn't even die. And I was sure of it.

I ran faster as my short legs could go while navigating myself to where the exit was. I made a sharp turned and bumped myself to someone that led me to fall forward.

Oh crap. Did I just tackle some helpless person like I was an American football player?

"Oof!" The person who I bumped pushed me up. "Sister? If Mrs Gordon sees you running sh—" he paused. It was the angel from before. Strands of my wet long strawberry blonde hair were on his face as I lay on top of him."Why are you wet and half naked?"

I pushed myself up, away from the boy who called me sister just now.

The door that was near us opened. It was the other angel. The two of them looked like twins but if you looked closer the other was more mature and a head taller.

Angel#2 looked at us with a calm face. "I don't know what you two are trying to do but you better stop it now. If mother is here she'll lecture the two of you until the vacation ends. And shouldn't you be working on your summer homework, Garrett?"

"But brother, it's not my fault," angel#1 whose name was Garrett whined. He was also wet because of me. "Sister bumped into me."

Angel#2 glanced at me with cool eyes. "Go back to your room, Eirlys. Is it not enough that you already caused trouble after jumping off the falls and drowning yourself?"

Drowning myself? Falls? I don't remember jumping nor drowning.

"I... How'd you know my name? And-And I'm not your sister."

Both of them looked at me with furrowed brows.

"Miss," the maid called after catching up with me and then stopped. She quickly curtsied after seeing the two children with me. "Master Rowan, Master Garrett."

I stepped back away from her and was ready to escape again when Garrett blocked my way. I turned around facing him. When I was about to speak he held my shoulders and looked at me in concerned.

"Is this because you became one of the candidates of the crown prince's fiancé that's why you're acting like this?" Garrett asked.

Crown prince? Fiancé?

I needed air. My breathing was shallow. I couldn't focus.

My brain had already stopped functioning.

My body moved on its own, punched him in the stomach and took his arm, turning my back at him, I then lower my center of gravity and threw him to the ground. Exhaustion evades my body before I could even make five steps away from them I was already falling. Darkness ate me.

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