
Kai's Thoughts

As has been his routine for the past three months, Kai sat in his spot in the cafe.

A small booth by the window.

He leaned back on the seat, looking out and nodded politely in thanks to the server who placed a cup of latte on the table.

He knew his behaviour was rather irrational but he couldn't help it.

Each day, she would be on his mind. Each night, he would dream of her.

Yet, he did not know who she was and where she is right now.

Was she having an intimate moment with her beloved?

Each time he thought of that, he felt an acute pain in his chest.

He took several deep breaths, just studying the scene outside.

Since when had he ever been this irrational?

Ever since he returned to the Sheng Family, he had to keep his emotions under lock and key. Every single person was a snake, no matter how harmless it may look. Self-preservation was the norm.

Being used was common.

So why?

Perhaps it's because she invoked a feeling that had been deep within him that he never knew existed. He thought he was incapable of it since he had worked hard to be what he needed to be, to survive.

Or perhaps …

Perhaps she just reminded him too much of the innocent time when he had met 'the one' so long ago.

He had let that person go, because he had to, and it had been his regret throughout.

Now, he met another 'the One'.

Kai didn't think he would ever be able to be lucky again to feel this way.

He didn't want to spend the rest of his life regretting not doing anything this time. To just let go was not in his nature.

To put the Sheng Family before himself was not in the cards.

He had no choice then, but he had a choice now.

Even though the path ahead of him was fraught with thorns, he had to step on it. If he was to give up on this second chance, he knew that he would never be able to be at peace with it. His regret would be 100x worse than the last time because now, he actually *could* do something but didn't.

Kai sighed and reached for his cup but his hand felt empty air.

He turned and jerked back a bit.

"Mr. Smith?" he said incredulously, seeing his idol right in front of him. Holding his cup of latte.

"Hello, Kai," Kyle said with a smile, leaning back on the booth chair, "Long time no see."

Kyle pushed the cup of latte back to him and Kai shook his head, "No, that's fine. I can order another one."

Kye shrugged and took the latte back. It wasn't that he really wanted it, for it was just to get Kai's attention.

He took a sip.

Not bad.

No wonder Zero liked this place.

Kai just watched as his idol sat there, so majestically in his suit. Despite the formal dressing and the casual setting of the cafe, he did not look out of place. He looked good just drinking from a cup! It all seemed so natural, and it was just a part of him.

Something that Kai had worked hard to be before. He had used Kyle as the person to emulate, but he soon realised that he could never achieve do so.

Because Kai was well aware that he didn't have the same sort of vibe or aura as Kyle.

Kai was the more 'softer' version, so to speak, so there was no way he could give off this manly, king-type aura. He tried, but when he couldn't, he remembered Kyle's words from long ago to accept himself as he was.

Thus, he changed his methods and found the best way that only he could do.

To appeal to the women through his soft demeanour, and show firmness when needed. He often got scoffed by the men about this but it got the job done.

Kai wasn't bothered by those thoughts or opinions, or whisperings that he was not 'a real man'.

What mattered was the result.

And he knew better than anyone else that he *was* a 'man' - whatever that is supposed to mean.

Kai didn't know why Kyle was here and he didn't want to ask lest it made Kyle leave immediately. He racked his brain to try and think of the possible reasons Kyle could be here.


Nah, the Sheng's already had some of that with the Smith Industries - and even then, why would Kyle personally come to such a small company as his for it? He would just send someone else. Even Sam, his PA, would not be doing it.

To catch up on old times?

Hardly, for they didn't keep in touch anymore after the train incident. They may have met during official functions, but they never did raise the fact that they knew each other before then.

Before either of them became CEOs.

Kai didn't want to use Kyle in that way. He owed Kyle a lot, and giving people the impression as if he had a connection to Kyle would have benefited him but it went against his bottom line.

He only used those that were intent on using him.

Kyle had helped him when he did not need to, and for that, Kai felt he owed a blood debt that could never be repaid. There was nothing that Kai could offer Kyle, considering the latter was far higher up the ladder than he was - so the only thing he could do was not make use of him.

No matter how indirect it was.

"I heard you're looking for someone," Kyle said, after putting down the cup.

Kai sat up straight, his senses on alert.

Why would Kyle know that … and more importantly, why was he here asking him that?

Kyle took out a picture from the inside of his jacket and pushed it over to Kai.

Kai looked at it and his eyes widened.

It was a picture of his Angel.

It was a graduation photo. She was in her graduation gown and cap, and she was smiling so beautifully in it while holding onto a small husky plushie that had a graduation cap on.

Before he could grab it, Kyle had taken it back and placed it back into his jacket.

Kyle observed Kai's facial expression and gesture to the smallest detail.

He saw how surprised he had been upon seeing Lianne's picture, then the joy and love within that gaze. The flash of agitation when Kyle took back the picture, and naturally, the longing as he stared at the place where the picture was being held.

"Who is she?" Kai asked, his voice cracking a bit from his emotions.

"That's not important," Kyle said, then was silent as the server came to place another cup of latte in front of Kai, and a plate of cookies.

"Compliments of the owner," the server said, "It's salted caramel and pecan cookies, and it would go well with the latte you're both having. Please enjoy."

"Thank you," Kai said to the server, and he held the cup in his hands, welcoming the warmth.

When the server left, Kai looked expectantly at Kyle and asked, "Then what is important?"

"What are your intentions?"

If it wasn't Kyle in front of him, Kai would have retorted with 'what's it to you?'. After all, what was the connection that his Angel had with Kyle and why was Kyle so interested to know? Was he another love rival?

No, it couldn't be.

It was very well known how devoted and in love Kyle was with his wife. Their marriage was used as an example for anyone in Country Tz. Kyle was still only 28 years old, and despite being married with three kids, he was still sought after by numerous women that would throw themselves at his feet.

And get squashed by his wife.

Truly, the perfect loving, power couple.

Rather than trying to figure that out, Kai knew that his Angel was definitely someone important to Kyle. After all, the picture showed that Kyle had been there and was probably the one taking the photo.

With that, Kai was sure of one thing.

If he didn't answer to Kyle's satisfaction, he would never be seeing his Angel again.

Thank you for the votes and comments. Review, please, if you haven't.

Stay safe everyone! <3

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PsyberRosecreators' thoughts
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