
Hidden Boss

Naturally, the news reached Lianne.

The whole MIB was abuzz about it.

Even more than when Lianne started hanging out with Zero.

Naturally, Lianne couldn't miss this opportunity to go and tease Zero about it.

But … she would wait for the first wave to be over first.

What made Lianne wait was the fact that there were some fools who were making bets about who would win Zero over (her, or the new girl Lily) or whether there would be a catfight between her and Lily.

This was getting out of hand.

The fact that she managed to get the news about this so quickly meant that there were some who were more vocal than before.

The truth was, the clamp down on rumours wasn't as iron-clad as some believed it to be. Kyle wasn't that ridiculous to think that people would stop talking. Thus, as long as it was kept within the boundaries, it was fine.

When it got to the point that even she, Lianne, would know of it so quickly, meant that it was getting out of hand.

It never bothered her, or Zero, that there were these persistent rumours about the true nature of their relationship. After all, it was so easily misunderstood and a lot of people couldn't really believe that there could exist a platonic relationship between a man and a woman.

Before Zero, Lianne would have agreed with them as she, too, found it unbelievable that feelings would never form between two people when they were single, and very close to each other.

It was a question that had actually gone through research* over the years and to summarise it, the answer was: no.

Not when it involved two people that are very close to each other. At some point in their lives, they would fall for each other. However, whether or not they actually end up together is another point altogether.

The point was, it would not be smooth sailing to maintain the friendship. The feelings would arise.

A man and a woman can be friends without forming any sort of feelings for each other, but that is normally in an unequal relationship; usually, when the woman is 'in charge' and 'keeps the man at bay', so to speak.

It was different with Lianne and Zero.

It was hard to explain, and perhaps they were an anomaly, but it could not be denied that any such romantic feelings never existed between them and never would. Sometimes, Lianne thought that perhaps she and Zero had been blood siblings in a previous life - or perhaps, even twins. So their connection never severed even if their memories of the past life did.

Of course, that was all just fancy conjecture. It was all based on unsubstantiated information as it was entirely based on her own mother's experience. If her mother could have been reincarnated, who was to say that it was the only case?

Setting that aside, Lianne focused on the waves the current news was making.

There had always been one rule in the Smith Industries and more so in MIB.

Rumours are not meant to be talked about so openly.

It could not only ruin the reputation of the people that they were making stories about, it could also create problems as public opinion may turn falsehood into reality. At least, in the minds of those who heard them.

Lianne remembered well the way her mother dealt with those that had been stupid enough to talk openly in front of them a possible relationship between her and Kyle.

Although they hadn't said it loudly, it was a huge sin to actually talk about it when they were still in the vicinity. Her mother had nipped that in the bud by putting those three probational employees through the Boss of 'Extra Work'.

Lianne spit out the straw she had been chewing on and looked at the mangled mess in exasperation.

She really should get rid of this bad habit, or perhaps, replace it with gum.

She turned back her attention to the matter at hand.

Seems like MIB had become slack lately.

With Zero not bothering about rumours regarding him, some of the more brazen (or perhaps, forgetful) ones have started to go slightly off track. They have forgotten some of the more basic rules.

Looks like it's time for a company-wide cleaning session.

Some needed to go through retraining.

Lianne laughed a bit when she continued to add names to the list of 'recruits' for the retraining as her eyes studied the surveillance cameras. It wasn't hard to catch the culprits as their expressions and the way they turned to each other each time Zero came by was a huge give-away.

It certainly has been a long time since she took a more active role in MIB, other than helping out once in a while when they reached out for her opinions and observations.

Perhaps they had even forgotten what it's like when the 'Hidden Boss' collaborated with the 'Cold Boss', Zero?

Anyway, at the end of it, they should still be grateful … after all, if she didn't step in, then sooner or later, the Final Boss would.

So Lianne felt no guilt whatsoever as she finished compiling the list.

Still, she would need to report this to her mother once everything was settled.

Her mother may have already left MIB entirely to the Diamond Team and her, it did not mean that she was to be kept in the dark about any major events. This would be considered a major event.

The cleaning up … and Zero finally getting laid. Er, no, girlfriend. Lianne meant, a girlfriend. Zero finally getting a girlfriend.

Lianne rubbed the space between her eyebrows.

Kai was really getting to her. If that shameless man that always pushed his luck knew her thoughts, he'd definitely be more shameless.

Lianne switched off her laptop.

She had no hacking skills like Kay did, but she did have the programmes that made her able to do some basic level hacking. It was so well made that even a noob like her would be able to use it.

Simple things like accessing the MIB security camera feeds, for example, were at her fingertips.

Of course, that was mainly because she had the key to the backdoor to it. One that was heavily guarded, of course. To other people who tried to get in, they'd be destroyed (figuratively speaking).

Her laptop was a specially made MIB laptop that was made to look like an ordinary high-end laptop. It functioned as one and had one additional feature that could only be accessed with her fingerprint, eye retinal scan, and facial recognition.

In this way, Lianne could get any basic information she needed without having to bother the rest of the team with it. That's how she managed to get the information on Kai's grandmother so quickly.

She did the groundwork and left the more detailed aspects to MIB.

Did she feel guilty for using resources for personal reasons?

Of course not.

She was given access to it, and it wasn't like she abused it. Using it once in a while for her own needs was not wrong. Heck, if one was to really go down to the reason MIB was formed?

To gather the intel, to do what was needed to make Kyle's empire grow.

She was doing the same thing, but it was more to make her position secure and grow. MIB will continue to be used in such a manner, to protect her siblings.

Be it from her mother's former life, or current life.

In this sense, she was the same as Kai and had the same responsibilities. To grow in power, protect the family, and nurture the next generation.

The only difference was, her role was hidden.

Lianne sighed again and stretched. In mid-stretch, the doorbell rang.

Lianne laughed to herself, and got up. Guess she'll let Zero enjoy some time with Lily today. There's still tomorrow to settle things at MIB.

* A very, very basic aspect with regards to "can a man and a woman just be friends". Looked through a few sites, but this was the most comprehensive one (overall): https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/the-attraction-doctor/201304/can-men-and-women-be-just-friends

Huh. An entire chapter of her thoughts and no conversation. I always try to have some but couldn't this time. So much information dump. /heh

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