
S2 C3

" Are you okay?" asked Alex, holding Precious's face and directing her to look into his eyes

"Did she say something that hurt you? Don't think about it, you know you're the best, right? You are the perfect person for being yourself, you remember that.," Said Alex and Liza nodded her head.

Alex smiled slightly and pulled Precious into his arms. Alex hugged his wife tightly and warmly because compared to the words of the comforter, a hug was more effective to comfort someone who was sad.

"Compared to her harsh words, I feel more sad because I saw her with that jerk. I remember the day when I saw him having an affair and making out with another girl. I really want to tell everything and ask her to break up with him because Alice is my best friend, but I don't have enough courage to say that.” Said Precious.

"How can I dare to tell her all of that after everything I did ..." Precious said

"It's okay, it's okay ..." said Alex, rubbing his wife's back


All chairs filled and the launch event is ready to occur. Before the fashion show began, they ask Mr Adepoju to go on stage and give a brief speech as the owner of AD Group.

With his steps that seemed very authoritative at every step, Mr. ADEPOJU caught everyone's attention. Even just by seeing himself standing on the stage everyone can see the very authoritative leadership light from him.

"Before I start my speech, I want to thank all the staff who prepared this event so well. Thank you for your hard work.," Said Mr. ADEPOJU, holding up the glass of wine he was holding and drinking a sip as a sign of his gratitude.

"On this special day I also want to say one very important thing. I'm sure everyone already knows that my son Alex and also my rightful heir have worked very well for several years as a manager in the AD Group customer service division and for that I want to say to everyone present at this event or for all who am watching this program that from today I will step down from my position as CEO and appoint my son Alex to take my place.," Said Mr. ADEPOJU made everyone surprised to hear his statement.

"So for the future of the company and the new Owner AD Group, I ask everyone to guide and trust my son. Cheers to the new start of AD Group!," said Mr. ADEPOJU, and he raised his glass once more and the crowd did the same.

The fashion show began. As his reputation is very famous, Claire amazed everyone with the results of the clothes she designed. All clothes have different and simple designs but also look unique and amazing.

After a few hours, the event ended and all the invited guests left for their home. Now only a few staffs were cleaning up and Claire was talking to the model. Stella, who was deliberately waiting to meet Claire, stood still while watching Claire, who was talking to several schoolgirls.

Stella waited patiently until they had finished speaking. After talking with several models who worked with her, Claire sat in one chair while fanning herself with her own hands because the weather was boiling.

Stella approached Claire and stood in front of her until we held a bouquet she wanted to give to Claire. Claire looked surprised when she received the bouquet of roses from Stella until they looked away from each other.

"Congratulations ..." Stella said, giving a bouquet of red roses to her face

"Is this a sincere congratulation or is this an alternative way of congratulating? This is the first time I have received a congratulation from someone and that person is looking at me with a frown.," Claire said teasingly, Stella.

"Just accept the flowers, it's fortunate that I came and brought flowers to you." Stella said chairman

"Very well, I accept it. Thank you very much." Said Claire received the flower given by Stella.

"Do you have time tonight?" Claire asked, "Let's have dinner to celebrate this." Claire continued.

Stella nodded her head at the offer of Claire's dinner by being cold, even though in her heart she was so excited that she wanted to scream, but Stella was too proud to show her feelings.

Meanwhile, Robert was cooking in Liza's new apartment. Liza looked so nervous that she couldn't stop staring at Robert, who was cooking. Liza felt uncomfortable seeing her boss cooking for her. Several times she tried to stop Robert and offer help, but Robert refused and told her to sit sweetly at the dinner table.

Robert looks so skilled when he cooks that it makes people happy to watch him cook. Robert's served the food neatly on the plate. Robert also gives food which he cooked to Liza who has been sitting at the dining table waiting curiously for the food .

"Um, this is superb!" said Liza with her eyes wide open and shining brightly while giving a thumb up to Robert

"Thankfully, I was anxious you wouldn't like this." Said Robert with a big smile and he could finally sit in relief, before he looked very tense

"No way, this is superb!" said Liza successfully making Robert smile happily

"Did you take a cooking class before? It's superb, like restaurant cooking.," Said Liza.

"No, I've never been to a cooking class. I just used to live alone ... after my parents died, I had to do everything myself.," Said Robert with eyes that sparkled.

For the first time, Liza felt guilty because of her curiosity and high curiosity. Even more so when she saw Robert who was gloomy when in the office he always looked cheerful. Robert, who was very cheerful, became depressed because his memories with his parents when he was a child crossed his mind.

The sadness a child feels when his parents die will always leave an imprint on their hearts. Although they have tried to cover it all up or forget it even if they have forgotten it, but the memories will continue to come if we ignore it.

So even if it is just a minor incident that touches on an old memory, then that memory will continue to come and it will never disappear completely. Realizing the sadness was in Robert's eyes. Liza then rubbed Robert's hand and hugged him while patting her back gently.

"Sorry ..." said Liza who felt guilty for bringing up Robert's old pain

Robert holds Liza's hand and rubs it. Robert smiled thinly because he was happy that Liza showed that she cared about Robert. Robert stood up and looked at Liza, Liza looked nervous until her eyes kept moving when Robert looked at her.

"I'm fine, there's no need to apologize." Said Robert.

"But what about you? Are you okay?" Robert asked, looking closely at Liza's eyes.

"I'm sure I'll be fine ..." Liza said while avoiding Robert's gaze

Robert sighed and looked at Liza because he knew that Liza was still terrible. Although Liza continued to put on a tough face and said that she was fine. Actually Liza was only pretending and deep inside herself, she was very fragile and needed someone else.

However broken heart will be very painful especially if it's from a relationship that is long enough and this is the first heartbreak. The pain will multiply, but Liza doesn't want other people to touch the acute feeling and close it tightly.

" Are you sure? I know you must have suffered, it's okay if you cry and tell me everything. I will hear everything ...,"said Robert.

"I'm fine, maybe because I still think nothing has ended. Maybe I still hope he will find me and ask me to come back.

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