
The Explanation

Layla sat as asked. Pulling her knees up to her chest on the window seat. The sun had gone down already and Romanov stood to the side, close to the door, seemingly waiting to be called upon or asked to leave.

Damien sat by her on the seat making sure not to touch her.

"I think this would go better if you ask me questions and I'll try to fill in as we go."

She knew he was talking to her but he stared down at his hands, the bandaged one balled into the other.

"Who is Adrien?"

"He's my mother's husband. I thought he was my father until I was eleven. Adrien had a genetics friend who had told him I probably wasn't his. He had me tested as soon as possible. I'm still not sure who my father is.

"He has my mother somewhere, I haven't seen or talked to her in 12 years. I can't tell anyone about not being his son because he has her. He holds her over me so I have no choice but to do as asked."

"Is that why you married me?" Layla wasn't sure if she wanted the answer.

"Yes." His tone was full of anguish. "I didn't want to. But I had no choice."

"Why did I have to go to that room while he was here?"

"Because the second he finds out that we're becoming...closer, he's going to try and use you or take you. He wants me miserable, alone, and angry at the world. He's succeeded at that for 12 years. I've stayed in my room at his manor, idly waiting for him to pass or give up or anything.

"You and Romanov are the only ones who can know about that room. You cannot tell me where it is, what it looks like, not even what floor it's on. As long as I don't know, he can't tell me. Anytime he is here, I want you to go in there, okay?"

"Am I in danger, being with you?"

"I honestly don't know."

"I mean from you, not him?"

Damien looked at her quizzically. "You think I would hurt you?"

"Maybe not physically. But having a broken heart can hurt more than a broken bone." Now it was her turn to stare down at her hands.

He took one of her hands in his, his skin feeling smooth as his fingers intertwined into hers.

"Look at me," He whispered. She met his evergreen eyes. "I can't promise I'll always do the right thing by you. I can't tell you I'll never say or do anything that would hurt you. I have never been in a relationship before. I haven't had friends since I was eleven. I don't know what to do at all. But I promise," he squeezed her fingers with his, "I will do everything in my power to do what I can to make you happy."

Tears filled her eyes and her throat choked as she looked at the pain, heartache, and hopefulness in his eyes. "Then I'll stay," she said quietly.

A spark lit his face for a brief moment before it fell and he said, "there's one condition, though. I'm not saying this to lay a claim over you nor is it because we are married." He took a breath and sighed heavily. "I need us to share a room so I can be sure you're safe. He built this house, mind you. He may know something I don't about it. You don't have to share a bed with me, but I at least need to be able to see and hear you."

"That sounds doable." She smiled slightly at his obvious nervousness.

"I'm sorry about all of this."

"You don't need to be. I think he has something over my father, as well. Daddy has never asked me to do something I didn't want to. I didn't want to get married, either. I read romance stories. I wanted to have an epic love story like the ones I read. But, daddy told me I had to do this.

"I wanted to make the best of it which is why I tried so hard when we first met. It's why i cried the first night. You were just so mean and clearly wanted nothing to do with me. I never thought I'd get married and not even get a reaction out of my husband at the way i looked."

"I'm sorry about that." Damien ran a hand through his dark hair. "Before I saw you I thought you'd be a spoiled rich girl and that it would be easy to avoid catching feelings for you. Then I saw you in your wedding dress."

"I didn't think you even saw me." She felt her cheeks flush.

"Oh I did. You were gorgeous. You didn't expect everyone to bow to you like I thought you would. I hurried out hoping you would change before we left. Then I saw you in the other dress at the door. Being beautiful after getting ready for a wedding, anyone can do. But when you came down with no makeup, a simple day dress on, and a pair of flats, it was obvious you had - have - the kind of beauty that doesn't need the help."

He slung his arm around her neck, pulling her to his chest. She nuzzled her face against his his chest, his chin resting on her head. She could smell the earth again and felt her world and time stop.

"When I heard you crying I laid there thinking of what I could possibly do to help you without putting you in danger. Once you stopped I went to go help you to a different room but you had fallen asleep. It took my breath away how you were curled into my coat. I carried you to the bed and left, sending Maryanne to help you."

"I fell asleep because of your scent that night." Layla hadn't moved a muscle when she spoke. "I cried until I buried my face into your coat and your scent put me to sleep. Somehow it calms me." She confessed quietly.

"Interesting. The same happens with me just from being near you. I was able to stay calm while Adrien was here once you sent me that message. I concentrated on the smell of the paints and books, things you love. I stared at this spot imagining you sitting there. Being near you brings me a peace I've never known."

She hadn't responded. Romanov stepped over to them.

"Sir, she's fallen asleep."

"Could you grab us a blanket, Romanov?"

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