
Chapter #4.- Go to see black smoke [Part 2]

After a moment Katie's boyfriend arrived at the house. Angie and I were staying near the entrance of the house, with a little baggage. Katie said to us that we will be in a hotel for the weekend. I accepted it, after that, we were on her boyfriend car and start the trip. We talked a little, but nothing important, then, I felt tired and I slept with Angie back in the car.

We arrived at the hotel. It was a little place with dust on the roadway parking. We left the car and went to the reception to get a key for our room.

—Well, stay here while John and me go to ask for the keys…— said Katia to us.

Sun's light was too heavy, so Angie and me got a place under a shade near to a room of the build to wait for them.

—There's too hot…— I said to Angie.

—Yeah… but be chill… she went to ask for the keys, she will back soon… just stay here with me…—said to me.

We kept our position until I saw that Katie left the reception. She walked to us to told:

—Well… we have two rooms… one for me and boyfriend and one for you… so, go unpack, we have just 15 minutes…—she said.

After all, we arrived to see the drag racing. It had won't start yet. It was huge place like a stadium, but bigger, with a lot of concrete bleachers, metal steps and more on the sides of a straight road.

—Well wanna drink something? —said John to us.

—Yeah, I want water…—responded Angie—. And Amy wants water too…—she responded for me.

—Eh… yeah…—I said something nervous.

—Ok… I'll go to shop water… so…—said John and he saw to Katie with naughty gaze.

—That's not the moment… I will be with the girls… —said Katie to him—. They need adultsupervision—added while she saw me mischievous (I ignored her… because I wanted another kiss… but in my mouth… she was and adult and I was an under-age girl…damn it…). Then she arrived to us and we walked to visit the place.

After a little walking, we arrived a place that looked like a parking (I thought), it was a place with grass, where there were five trucks on the grass, one of those was visited by several people that were seeing something. I just watched black smoke around they.

—C'mon… let's to see what happen! —said Angie.

We walked until we arrived to the trucks. There was a lot of black smoke, because the driver was playing with the motor of the truck making smoke with the loud exhaust pipe. Some people were coughing a little by smoke, others was recorded it with its cellphone near the exhaust pipe while was covered its nose and mouth with the other hand to avoid breathe smoke. Angie took her cellphone and she started to record the exhaust pipe.

—Look how much smoke this thing makes—said Angie hypnotized by the smoke.

—Yeah… I seeing it…—I responded nervous because there was too hot, and the motor of the truck was making warmed the ambient.

The truck was doing a lot smoke and Angie was recording that, I just was seeing the smoke, when suddenly, truck started to be louder and louder. It was doing a lot of noise and smoke, the motor roared for a long time, almost a minute, at the same time, black smoke didn't stop get out from the exhaust pipe that was slightly above the ground. The dense smoke covered all around rapidly, Katie, Angie and I started to cough a lot choked into the dense black mist that the truck had did. Then, the truck stopped. A guy screamed craziness (he probably loved it) and other screamed with him.

I turned to see the exhaust pipe again, I was too hypnotized for see the smoke. I was fanning the smoke with my hand near my face to avoid the awful smell, but I didn't move from that place, next to Angie and near the exhaust pipe, because I liked to see the black smoke coming from the exhaust pipe.

—Yeah… It is a Scania R 480. A great truck. I'll drive it on the competition. You like it little ma'am? —said a person. I didn't respond because he scared me. He was the driver of the truck.

—Maybe… but she's under-age… too young for you…—said Katie to the driver.

—Oh, sorry… well… I think that you're her mom… right? —said the driver to Katie something naughty. Katie grimaced angry.

—Hey… I'm not so old… I'm her cousin and I was supervising her…—said Katie and she hugged me in front of him.

—Oh… I see…—said the driver.

—Yeah… and I'm her boyfriend…—said John. He was behind us—. What's wrong? Any problem? —said to the driver.

—Oh, no, no… there's any problem here… just I'm here to talk about my truck… Penny… so, I just talked them a little for that... sir…—said the driver to John.

—Oh… okay… —responded John.

—Well… race will start in 30 minutes… so… c'mon to see the trucks and its diesel power! Uh ho! —said the driver and screamed at the end.

He aborded his truck and did noise with it. Smoke came from the exhaust pipe, and I was seeing it in the air. Katie took my shoulder and said me:

—Beware, 'cause it can stain you…

I turned my gaze to the exhaust pipe and could see that the grass was stained for soot. I forgot for a moment that it is pollution.

I felt sad, because I could see smoke from the truck, and I liked it, but it is wrong… because it can stain the grass with oily soot. I was so confused.

—C'mon let's see the other trucks! —said Angie to me and took my hand.

We walked to see the other trucks, there was two trucks, one right there near to us, a red Scania (I read the sign of the truck) and another that was yellow and was front of us. There were a lot people that was seeing the black smoke came out form the exhaust pipe and recording that in its cellphone.

We stayed near the exhaust pipe seeing the smoke. Suddenly I saw that another truck arrived next the yellow and formed a quadrilateral.

—Eh… Angie… I think that we gotta get out here…

—Eh? Why? —she said me.

One driver screamed crazily and started to do smoke with his truck. Then the other drives screamed too, and all truck got madness doing smoke to the people. We were exactly on middle of the three exhaust pipes, its black exhaust fumes covered us rapidly. I closed my eyes and held my breath when I saw the smoke around me, Angie coughed a lot choked by the dense black smoke that had around her, but she didn't leave her cellphone, while she was coughing she said me:

—Cough! Cough! Let… let me record this! Cough! Cough… It's awesome… cough… cough… cough…

I opened my eyes slowly, I got turned on when I put my gaze over her, because she looked incredible among that black smog, her breast, crotch and face, all her body was covered by the dense smog, a little air passed, and it tried to dissolve something of that dense ambient, but it couldn't, smoke only followed the air while was dancing around her and was leaving her without breath as to me.

I couldn't take it anymore, I needed to breathe, so, I tried to breathe through my hand in a useless try to get some of air among that dese black haze. The awful smell was hard to breathe, I not the unique person that was choked on the smog of the trucks, more people coughing were coughing inside the black mist, but they looked happiness while were recording the smog with its cellphones, someone was covered its face with its clothes and a woman with sunglasses was coughing inside the smoke while was recording the exhausts pipes.

I wanted to tell Angie "Please let's get out of here", but I felt something while smoke was clouding my sight. "It's beautiful!" I just thought. It was a unique opportunity in my life to see a impressive and massive amount of smoke around me. Angie stopped her coughs and screamed "Ooooouuuh!", people got crazy and screamed too with her. Driver got craziness too and got louder and louder with its truck, and smoke get out. It literally was a black smoke show. I got surprised among the massive smoke that truck could do. I discovered my face and breathed confidently in the smoke, I grimaced by the awful smell, but it was okay because I was with Angie. I started to cough choked on the smoke.

—Are you okay?—questioned Angie to me something worried.

—Yeah… I a little hard to breathe…—I said and I coughed again. She gave me little pats on the back while she only said me "it's okay, it's okay".

Then, she took her cellphone and told me:

—Selfie on black smoke! girl! —she said me and hugged me. She took pic to us with her cellphone.

In a moment Katie appeared behind us.

—Wow! this is the reason why I hardly find you… really… I need a foglamp to find you into here…— said Katie and she coughed a little to try to clean her choked throat by the black smoke on the air.

—Yeah… It's too smoky here…—I said while I was trying to avoid smoke. I was fanning myself with my hand.

—Cough! Cough! This is funny! Wanna a selfie? Cough! Cough! —said Angie among her coughs.

—Ejem… yeah…—responded Katie and coughed a little.

After that the competition started and we passed the day seeing a lot of smoke form the trucks on its racings. Night fell. Angie and I was on the motel, I couldn't lay down on the bed, because I felt my body too dirty, I felt my face' skin as if I've dust over me. Angie took a bath first, so I was waiting her near the door.

I couldn't believe this, Angie was correct, people love smoke, its origins don't matter, because I could see that the people love truck' smoke, and they took selfies next to smoky and warm exhaust pipe. They didn't take importance if it was black smoke, and they didn't take importance if they started to cough.

I was feeling sick, because I'd headache and my throat hurt a little, my eyes were burning and were watery, maybe because I'd breathed too much smoke from the motors of the trucks and screamed a lot among the smoke as a crazy girl. There was not only smoke from its exhaust pipe, in a part of the contest, one truck burned its tires against the roadway. I coughed too much, I really needed air on that place. Angie and Katie coughed a lot too, but they didn't leave her place, we were talking in the middle of the smoke cloud normally while coughing as if it were any day.

In a moment Angie got out from the bathroom. It was my turn. I entered with my towel and closed the door. After I got undressed, I checked my face on the mirror of the bathroom to see if I'd got stained by the soot of the truck' smoke, because I couldn't leave to feel my face dusty. I found nothing. In that moment I sneezed.

I took some of toilet paper and cleaned my nose. It got stained with black mucus. I knew that was because I'd breathed a lot of smoke literally all day. I didn't feel very well, and it was the first day of the racing… but… to see Angie and Katie coughing with me while a truck makes smoke to us… was beautiful… "If I die… I wanna die happy" I thought. Maybe that's the thing that the people think when they see the smoky race. I took a shower to remove the dusty sensation over my body.

While I was taking a bath, I heard that someone entered to the room and talked with Angie, I thought that it was Katie. After a moment, I got outside, I saw that Angie started to smoke a cigarette near the window, it was a little open.

—Oh… Amy… c'mon with me… I gonna hug you…—said Angie with smoke in each word.

I walked to hug Angie strongly.

—Are you okay? —said to me.

—Yeah… I'm okay…—I responded—. Why do you question? —I added to her.

—Oh… I got a little dizzy… and I'd headache… but, maybe I just needed a cigarette… that's the reason that I questioned you if you're okay…—she responded.

—Oh… I see…

—It's okay… maybe you need a cigarette too…—said Angie and she offered me one from the cigarette pack. I doubted a moment—. Oh yeah… I forgot that…—she said, and she sipped her cigarette.

She blew me a lot of smoke to my face. I felt that smoke slightly and soft, I just wanted to breathe a little of that. I closed my eyes and I inhaled her smoke slowly and I exhaled with a relieved sigh at the end.

—Wow! I could see smoke get out from your sigh…

—Really? —I said surprised.

—Yeah! Now you're my secondhand smoker… and I'll be your personal pipe…—Angie said. We laughed a little but, in a moment, I coughed a little at the end of my laughs—. But… I'll always love your kitty cough…—she added to me. She kissed me in my mouth. It was a little kiss.

In a moment someone knocked the door. It was Katie. She entered to the room and asked for a cigarette to Angie. A smoker started to fill my space with smoke. It was funny, I got turned on a little. Katie blew the smoke to the roof. Immediately she apologized.

—Oh, sorry… I forgot that you love that I smoke in your face…—she said and immediately she sipped her cigarette and blew me something smoke.

—It's okay… don't worry…—I responded wih a smile, but I really wanted to breathe her smoke too. Suddenly Angie blew me smoke to my face.

—I wanna kiss you…—said Angie.

—Eh! —I exclaimed because she said that in front of her cousin. I was so embarrassing.

—Ah! I've an idea! —she added—. Katie, could you blow smoke to us while I kiss Amy? —she said while she gave her cigarette to Katie.

—Okay… —responded Katie.

—Wait… wait… will you smoke two cigarettes? —I questioned to her. It was too stupid, I know, but I've nervous a lot and I didn't know what to say in that moment.

—Yeah… What's wrong? I can do more smoke with two cigarettes—said Katie.

—Oh… I see…— I responded something embarrassed.

Angie hugged me and I could see that Katie inhaled two cigarettes at once. I closed my eyes while I was kissing Angie, I played with her tongue with mine in that wet kiss, I drunk her saliva while Katie was doing smoke over us. I could felt the hot smoke near my skin, she exhaled the smoke with her open mouth, because when she blow smoke like a kiss it get out cool, but when she exhale with her mouth like a "O" form and closer, it feels hot.

At the end of the kiss, I felt charmed. A lot of smoke was around us, I could see a smoke cloud floating on the air. Katie really could smoke a lot.

—Damn it… I got jealous… I wanna kiss you too…—said Katie to me.

—What ? — I tought. I got red.

—Oh… sorry… I know that I'm as older ten or nine years than you… It's okay… I understand…

—Well… I…—I said embarrassed a lot.

—It's okay girl… If she want it… I don't have a problem…—said Angie.

—Eh… but… I… I…—I said.

—It's okay Amy… we are alone… It will be just a kiss…—said Angie—. Right Katie? —added to her.

—Ye… Yeah…—responded Katie like a embarrassed girl.

I doubted a little, but after a moment I took a decision.

—Okay… —I said.

—Eh! Yes! — said Katie like a little girl—. Okay, Angie… please smoke two cigarettes, one will be mine, it's just while I kiss her…—added Katie to her.

—What happen with the others? —I questioned.

—Ah… I got the end…—responded Katie.

—Ah… I see…—I responded nervous.

I saw that Angie lighted two cigarettes in her lips and inhaled it. She did a lot of smoke.

—Uff… too smoky…—said Angie. She heavy breathed and fanned the smoke that was around her.

—Have you never smoked two cigarettes at once before? —questioned Katie to her.

—No. I never had smoked two cigarettes at the same time… it's too strong… but it's okay… I'll try…—responded Angie.

—Okay…—said Katie.

Katie took me gently from my shoulders. I was too nervous. "It's okay… it will be just a little kiss" she said to me to try to chill me. I just wanna cry, but for happiness, because she was too beauty, big breast (I think she was cup D on bra) thin waist and wide hips. I saw her eyes she softly took me and started to kiss me.

Damn it… it was a pleasurable kiss… I felt her tongue on my mouth softly and gently, at the same time, Angie was burning me whit her hot smoke, because she was too close to me and she was exhaled the smoke with her open mouth. Several times I could feel hot smoke in my cheek. I felt so turn on. Then she ended her kiss.

I took a big breath of air that was polluted by Angie' smoke. I coughed a little and saw to Katie, she was a beautiful woman, whit her long and black hair and her angelical white face. Angie interrupted suddenly; she did a noisy cough.

—Cough! Cough! Cough! Damn it…—said Angie.

—Oh… you okay Angie? —said Katie to her.

—Yeah… I think that I burned my little lungs…—mocked Angie while she was breathing the smoke from the smoky trail from cigarette that she had in each hand.

We laughed a lot by her joke. She blew smoke to us and we breathe with pleasure.

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