
Chapter 3 - Social Interactions


So far, I've been having fun writing this. I don't know when the next chapter will be, but **if you enjoy the story, please let me know with comments, reviews, and, of course, powerstones!!!**


"The truth is rarely pure and never simple." ~Oscar Wilde

"They don't have strawberry cheesecake?" I mutter to myself, looking at the school menu. "I suppose chocolate cake will have to suffice," I say, sighing as I wait for my slice of cake. "750 points is ridiculous for a piece of cake," I say as I take the cake and see Hirata waving at me from his table.

As I made my way towards Hirata, I noticed Ayanokoji sitting by himself. I was planning to sit with him, but I am curious about why Hirata is calling me over.

"Hey, come sit with us," Hirata says as he makes some space on the table for me. As I take a seat, I notice that Hirata's table is mostly filled with girls, who seem to admire him a lot. He has become quite popular, it seems.

Karuizawa looks at me, my posture, and my slice of chocolate cake with a disdainful expression. "Is that really what you're eating for lunch?" She asks me as if she's disgusted by my choice. I swipe my finger on the icing and put it in my mouth.

"Yes, why is something wrong?" I inquire as I look at her indifferently.

He smiles and says, "I think it's just unusual to see someone eating dessert so early in the day." He tries to sound friendly and casual. He seems like a good-natured person for the most part.

"You must really like sweets, Eru. I always see you eating candy in class." Kushida says in her usual friendly tone.

"Nothing wrong with that, though. Everyone likes sugar, right?" Everyone nods their head at Hirata's response. He turns to me and says, "Anyways, Eru, I wanted to talk to you about the class."

"I understand," I say, looking around the table. I would typically ask for something in exchange for my information, but I have no intentions of making enemies with most of the class here by doing so. "Well, ask away. I have no problem answering a few questions." I pick up my fork and eat a piece of cake.

"Thank you for all your help, Eru," Hirata says, smiling warmly at me. "I mostly wanted to tell you that while most of us were suspicious of your claims yesterday, most of us agree that they now have some truth to them, especially given what many of us have learned about free items."

I swallow the cake and nod. "That makes sense."

"Yes, now many of us wanted to ask you what you think of Class D's current situation, given your knowledge of the school and point system, and since you were able to figure everything out on the first day, I think you're the most qualified to give your opinion on this."

I pick up another slice of cake and bite into it, observing the surroundings. I notice the various expressions on the faces of the students: curiosity, wariness, disgust. "There is not much to say. We are in class D for a reason. The school probably has no expectations of success from us," I say as I swallow the cake. "Even during today's class, there were people texting on their phones, sleeping, and having entire conversations while Chabashira sensei was lecturing. I would say that class D's situation does not look good. I would not expect many points for our class if things continue like this."

"But the teachers were nice. They did not seem to mind. They never even said anything," Sato says from across me, smiling innocently. Ike nods in agreement, "Yeah, I mean, we should be fine as long as we do not get into trouble, right?"

I shake my head in response, holding a piece of cake in my hand. I sit in my usual posture, with my knees drawn up to my chest. "No, this is similar to a test. No teacher will give you the answer. You should know the answers yourself. Otherwise, why have they been teaching you? The situation is the same here. The school is giving you freedom, but there are consequences for not using it wisely." I say in a calm and monotone voice, looking at them with a hint of sarcasm. Class D really is full of idiots.

Hirata lowers his gaze to the table as if ashamed of the situation. "Things are really bad this early on, huh?" he says with a sigh. He looks at me with a hopeful expression. "Do you have any suggestions on how to make the class more serious about the lectures?" It seems like he is truly worried about the direction the class may be heading in.

I finish the last piece of cake and savor the sweetness in my mouth. I wonder if there is any way to make this class more serious about their studies. I look around and see some hopeful faces staring at me. "A way to motivate the class?" I repeat, drawing additional attention. "That's a rather naive question, Hirata. If it were that easy, we wouldn't be in this predicament." I state matter-of-factly.

Hirata laughs nervously and rubs the back of his head as if he is trying to ease the tension. "You're right, Eru. I'm sorry for asking for such an impossible thing." He apologizes to me, but I can see the disappointment in his eyes. He wants to help everyone, even when he doesn't know how.

 Hirata, who is surrounded by the girls from Class D, is instantly comforted. "There's no need to be ashamed, Hirata!" they say in unison. "You were just doing your best to help everyone." They glare at me, displeased by my harsh words. They don't understand that Hirata's idealism is a weakness, not a strength. Well, I guess I'll toss them a bone.

 "There is one way, however," I say, fixing my gaze on Hirata.

"Really?! How? What is it that you thought of, Eru? Is there actually a way to motivate Class D?" Hirata exclaims, his eyes wide with astonishment and eagerness. He is not the only one who is captivated by my statement. I can sense the curiosity of the others around us.

I scan the table and meet Hirata's eyes once more. "I cannot reveal it here. My plan would be compromised," I declare, keeping a neutral tone. I notice the irritation on most students' faces, but some of them seem to comprehend my reasoning.

 "I get what you mean, Eru," Kushida says, smiling sweetly and lifting the spirits off the table. "It's like when you peek at your Christmas present and spoil the surprise for yourself, right?" she asks, and I nod, confirming her understanding.

"You are more perceptive than I anticipated, Kushida," I remark, noticing the envious glares from the males around me. I decide to change the subject. "Exactly. Just continue as you are, and you will see the improvement." I reply, observing my empty plate. There is no trace of the chocolate cake I purchased.

 A second later, the bell rang throughout the cafeteria, and I stood up.

"Excuse me, Eru, I don't mean to trouble you anymore than I already have, but may I also have your number?" Hirata asked me, holding out his phone. I could feel the envious stares from the others as he did, but I nodded and gave him my contact information. "Thank you, Eru. I'll talk to you later."

I quickly return to class and crouch back into my seat, taking candy out of my bag and enjoying it while students converse throughout the class.

Soon, school speakers announced an important event: "Today after class will be the club fair; it is recommended that anyone interested in joining a club come to gymnasium number 1."

"Are you thinking of joining a club, Eru?" Kushida asked me, surrounded by a bunch of girls.

"I do not," I say, gazing at the ceiling, "There are no significant advantages that would persuade me to join one at this time, although I am not opposed to the concept. How about you, Kushida? Do you intend to join a club?"

"I don't know…" she says, putting a finger on her lips, "although it may be a good opportunity to make some new friends, so maybe!"

Shortly after, Ayanokoji approaches me. "Do you want to go to the club fair with me?" He inquires.

"I had already considered it, so I suppose I am interested," I reply.

"Alright, I'll see you later. Oh, and Horikita is joining us too," Ayanokoji says before walking away.

"Are you friends with Horikita, Eru?" Kushida asks me, looking at me with a newfound interest.

"I would not use the term friends; we are familiar, and I have conversed with her occasionally, but I would not describe these interactions as amiable or polite, Horikita is rather… well, some matters are better left unspoken."

Kushida laughs and leans in closer to me. "You shouldn't talk about your classmates like that, Eru. Some people might not like you if they hear you say that," she says, but she doesn't look angry or shocked by my words. "I've been trying to befriend Horikita, but she's the only one in the class who won't give me her number," she says, giving me a puppy dog look.

"You may join me, if you wish, to the club fair, that is. I have no preference," I inform Kushida. "However, I suggest that if you are attempting to befriend Horikita, you do so with the aim of offering value beyond the level of nuisance you may cause. You may not earn her friendship, and I am not saying you are a nuisance, but if she considers you more useful than troublesome, I believe she would tolerate you." I advise Kushida.

 "Thank you, Eru, you're amazing! I'll remember your advice," she says cheerfully, resuming her previous conversation with the girls.

***The Gymnasium***

 "The gym is much bigger than I imagined," Ayanokoji said, observing the scene.

 "It's amazing," Kushida said next to me, making Horikita roll her eyes, probably irritated by Kushida's presence. "But I guess it makes sense since we're going to be stuck here for three years," she said, facing me.

 I observe the seniors trying to persuade the first-year students to join their clubs. Their indiscriminate approach towards recruiting, given the reputation of some of these clubs, suggests that they benefit from having more members. One could easily exploit this system and obtain many points from the school. I wonder if the leaders of these clubs are involved in any illicit activities with their club incentives.

 Horikita suddenly became motionless, her eyes fixed on the stage of the gymnasium. Ayanokoji did not seem to notice who Horikita was looking at, at least at first, but I did, due to my prior curiosity in Manabu Horikita. This essentially confirms my conjectures about their relationship.

However, what intrigued me more than either of the Horikitas at the moment was Kushida's reaction. She did not appear surprised that Horikita was staring at the student council president in that manner, and I am certain that she was observing Horikita throughout our time in this gymnasium. She must have some knowledge about their relationship. But Horikita does not seem to be previously acquainted with Kushida, so how can that be?

 "Oh no! I totally forgot about the time!" Kushida says, looking at her phone with a gasp. "I'm so sorry, Eru, I have to go. I promised to hang out with Sato, Hasabe, and Mori after class," she says, quickly stowing her phone. "I'll see you later, okay?" she says, waving goodbye to me, Ayanokoji, and Horikita. Horikita, however, does not seem to be aware of her surroundings at the moment.

 As soon as Kushida left, the elder Horikita spoke up, silencing the auditorium. "Good afternoon, everyone. I would like to inform you that the student council is also recruiting first-year students to replace the graduating seniors. There are no prerequisites to apply, but we are selective and prefer that the student council members have no ties to other clubs. This is not a mandatory condition, but we rarely accept candidates who are involved in other clubs. Furthermore, the student council does not need naive or idealistic members. If you possess those traits, you will not be chosen, and your application will only harm the school rather than help. That is all," he says and leaves the stage.

 And so the club fair concluded, but Horikita remained motionless.

 "Ayanokoji, Eru, you two are here as well?" A member of the idiot trio approached and inquired, indicating that I should depart swiftly before my intellect is impaired by the exchange.

 "Yes, but I must leave, unfortunately," I say, observing Horikita depart silently. "I have some affairs to handle before it becomes dark." Everyone nods in understanding, and I exit without trouble.

 I return to my dormitory and head straight to the freezer. I select a strawberry ice cream from the assortment. "This should suffice," I mutter as I discard my shoes at the entrance and proceed to the table, barefoot as usual. I barely sample the ice cream with my finger when the phone rings. It is Hirata.

 "You called me sooner than I anticipated," I remark to Hirata in a monotone voice.


Now give me your power stones!

Please give me your thoughts on L as a character so far in the comments, and your overall opinions on the story. If possible please give some suggestions I want my story to reach as many people as possible so I can justify writing more!

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