
COTE : Everything about power (R-18)

Hello ShirooYuki here~~ I am looking for new experiences and challenges by publishing my second novel. So give it a try and Please give me a review because I always read and follow the advice from the reviews you give!!! I will try to upload 7k-9k Character / Chapter in this novel so Cheer me up!!!! ================================================================================ This is a Classroom of the elite fan fiction that have a Harem and R-18 elements in this novel. Why? because why not?? . Just try to read first, if you dont like it just drop it and if you love it, Make sure to add this to your library!. See ya! ~~ =============================================================================== Theres an additional genre tags that i will add it in the future. ( If you know what genre i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) if you have read my last novel, you should know what tags lol :). ================================= Want to read advanced chapter? Give me your stone to this novel to reach the milestone that will give you bonus chapter per day!!! 200-300 Power Stones = 1 Bonus Chapters / Day 301-400 Power Stones = 2 Bonus Chapter / day 401-500 Power Stones = 3 Bonus Chapter / day Want to support me? You can join as member in my P4TR30N p4treon.com/ShirooYuki ( Change 4 to a) See ya!!

ShirooYuki · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Chapter 70: The sharp eyes lead to pleasure (R-18)

When I arrived at room 5034, I heard voices coming from inside. "Hey, do you think they've forgotten about me?" I thought to myself as I tried to back away, but then the topic shifted to me from inside.

I couldn't sense any male presence.

"Hey, hey, if it's between Horagasaki-kun and Ayanokoji-kun, which one do you prefer?"

"Well, I think I like Horagasaki-kun. I really like that confident, sexy type."

"I think I prefer Ayanokoji-kun. Cool and handsome types are really great..."

I really didn't want to get involved. As I stood there feeling paralyzed, a voice called out from down the hall.

"Oh, you came!"

It was Kobashi who appeared. Awkward timing or whatever you call it. Kobashi was holding a large plastic bag, and inside were bottles of juice, snacks, and the like peeking out.

If I get caught, I'll just show my face lightly and leave, okay?

"Feel free to come in! Everyone's here!"

"Uh, thanks..."

The door felt heavy, almost like the door to the zone in "Kuroko's Basketball". Well, I've never been there. But as soon as I opened it, I felt something stimulating my senses, not visually but olfactorily.

It was really that nice, feminine scent.

And then, right after, multiple pairs of eyes from the girls in front of me fixated on me.

"Ta-da! We've brought in the No. 1 handsome guy in the rankings!"

In the not-so-spacious space, there were a bunch of girls sitting around. What is this? Awkward. Ayanokoji isn't here, really... I'll have to deal with him later.

"Alright, Horagasaki-kun, please sit down! Where should we put you... Oh, is it okay next to Honami-chan?"

Indeed, the one I'm most familiar with here is Ichinose, so it's a relief. Just standing here, being stared at, is uncomfortable. Might as well sit next to her.

"Is it okay?"

"Y-Yeah, sure!"

I sat down after a light refusal, but I'm still getting stares. I'm really not used to this.

"Now then, let's get started. This is a thank-you party for Horagasaki-kun, who introduced Yume-chan and Chihiro-chan to us after the deserted island test. Cheers!"

As everyone raised their drinks, Amikura called out as if she were the MC. And here, Shiranami caught my gaze and spoke up.

"Um... Horagasaki-kun."


"I won't lose to you!"

After that, the girls started talking about love and various other topics, but whether the atmosphere was good or bad, to be honest, it felt bad. However, no matter what the topic was, there was a common point: many girls regarded Ichinose as the center, trusted her , and had blind faith in her.

But trust and blind faith are different things. Even if Ichinose is a trustworthy person, there is still the possibility of making wrong choices. Continuing to trust someone who is wrong will not yield results. To correct mistakes, students who can acknowledge when something is wrong are always necessary.

In the midst of this, one girl raised her hand.

"Can I say something?"

"What's up, Yuki-chan?"

"I'm sorry, but can I go back to my room? I have a headache as usual, and I'm feeling really tired. Seriously tired."

If it were just a normal remark, it would have been fine, but I was surprised by her unexpected tone. She seemed like she belonged in Ryuen's class, but she's in Ichinose's class.

But it's a relief she brought up the topic. I decided to follow her lead and leave this place.

"Well, I think it's about time for me to head back."

"Huh, leaving already?"

"I only came to show my face, so, well, see you."

"O-Okay, see you later, Horagasaki-kun."

Ichinose waved cutely as I left, and I was escorted out by the other girls.

"Man, that was nerve-wracking. Finally out of there."

Less than 30 seconds after the Yankee girl left, I also escaped from the cursed Room 5034.

That place is seriously like a prison.


The Yankee girl, who complained of a headache, was walking in a direction different from the guest room. I didn't know her name, so I checked with OAA.

2nd year Class B - Himeno Yuki

Academic Ability: B- (63)

Physical Ability: C (51)

Ingenuity and Thinking: C+ (58)

Social Contribution: C+ (58)

Overall: C+ (57)

Other than the slightly above-average academic ability, everything else is average at best or worst. At first glance, she doesn't seem to have any outstanding abilities.

However, these are just the abilities seen from the school's perspective. Hidden strengths and weaknesses may exist in any student.

"Himeno ... was it?"

"Huh...? What?"

She looked slightly embarrassed and averted her gaze. It's unnatural for her to be here after saying she had a headache and leaving the room.

"Aren't you still having a headache?"


I see, she's got quite the attitude. She called me annoying, you know. But still, she coughed lightly and then shifted her gaze toward me.

"I thought maybe getting some fresh air would help calm it down."

"I see. Well, I can understand wanting to escape from that environment."

"Huh? When did I say something like that?"

She had been quite indifferent until now, but her expression changed suddenly. Well, she seems like the lone wolf type. Like a mix of Kanzaki and Ibuki.

"Actually, I also don't like that space and tried to escape from it."

"Ichinose, don't you have feelings for her? Is it okay to be so dismissive?"

"It's not like I'm being dismissive. It's just... I don't know how to put it... I'm not good with the atmosphere, or it just feels awkward."

"Oh, so you feel that way too. I thought you were more like Ichinose."

"Don't mess with me. Don't underestimate a solo player on a deserted island."

"Hehe, what's that supposed to mean?"

Surprisingly, the conversation flowed, and I could see her true expression.

"But you don't seem like someone from Ichinose's class. You seem more like someone from Ryuuen's class."

"It's not like that. From my perspective, the classmates are just too kind-hearted. In our class, we often gather in large groups to do something. Well, that's fine, but each gathering tends to drag on for a long time because no one wants to leave."

If the loops were repeating things I didn't like, it would be frustrating. But Ichinose's classmates are enjoying it. So even though each gathering drags on, nobody tries to leave, resulting in long durations.

"If you don't like it, you don't have to participate, you know? But I guess that's impossible. Your class seems to be all about rallying everyone together, right?"

"You understand. Surprising."

To my surprise, Himekawa was taken aback by my response.

"I have a similar stance to you. I absolutely want to do what I want to do, and I absolutely don't want to do anything that doesn't move me."

"I see. I wanted to go to Horagasaki's class instead."

B Class, where girls' solidarity seems to be strong overall, even though there may be complaints internally, it takes courage to throw a stone into the water and cause ripples. Himeno Yuki, our encounter might change the course of things in some way.

"I was thinking, if Ichinose managed to save 20 million points, would you steal them and change classes?"

I said it jokingly with a casual tone, and Himeno looked at me like, "Huh?" and sighed, glaring at me.

"Are you stupid? There's no way that would happen."

"It's obviously a lie. You're stupid to even consider it seriously."

Himeno and I leaned on the railing of the deck, having a conversation without much enthusiasm.

"No way..."

Perhaps I went a little too far, as Himeno visibly displayed an aura of annoyance.

"But, well, if you want to vent your stress, why not try yelling?"

"Scream...? But even if I scream here, wouldn't people think it's weird and be put off?"

"Well, from the outside, they'd probably think you're crazy and be freaked out."


"But since there's no one around and there's the sound of the ship, it should be fine, right?"


It seems she's never shouted loudly before, showing hesitation.

"In that case, why don't you try shouting first?"

"Why me...?"

"Well, you know, you look like a playboy and you have a flashy image of deceiving various girls. If you show me an example, I'll do it too."

"That's irrelevant... Well, whatever. But what kind of image do you have of me?"

"A playboy."

"it's not wrong, but..."

Saying that, Himeno's face twisted, and she took a step back from me.

"Are you trying to seduce me too?"

"And if I said yes?"

"I'll scream for help."

"But there's no one around."

"That's... Anyway, didn't Ichinose have eyes for you? Even though you clearly looked like you were checking her out?"

Why are women so sensitive about this sort of thing?

"...Okay, should I scream?"

"If you tell me about your experience with someone like that, then yes."

"...Then I don't have to scream."

"That's not fair. You're the one who suggested it in the first place, so you should stick to your end of the deal, right?"


"Fine. You don't have to scream. But just answer my previous question."

I made up my mind and exhaled softly, rattling off the names of those who've had that kind of experience.

"Ichinose, Shina, Matsushita, Kamuro, …"

"Alright, I get it, it's too much."

Himeno looked at me with a troubled or repulsed expression. Well, I've said what I needed to, now it's just about getting her to scream.

"Alright, 3... 2... 1..."

"S-Stop it..."

"What if I lifted your skirt? Would you scream then?"

"Huh? I'd kill you."

It was just a joke, a little jest. But Himeno lightly prepared herself, raising both hands to her mouth.

"Okay, Himeno -san, go ahead."

With a quick flip of her wrist and a beckoning gesture, Himeno , with an irritated expression, let out a loud scream.


It would be drowned out by the engine noise of the ship and the wind, so no one else besides me would hear it. Surprisingly, her voice was quite loud, and it echoed in my ears.

"What are you screaming for?"

"I-It's because you told me to!"

With a blush on her face, Himeno lightly slapped me. Despite her downer tone and attitude, she's unexpectedly cute, this Himeno-sama.

"But... I feel refreshed now."

She let out a small sigh of relief and nodded satisfactorily.

"See? I felt like I lost something big, though."

"You really are a jerk."

"...Sorry, Himeno ."

"And by the way, did you really want to lift my skirt?"

"Huh? Why would I?"

As I said that, Himeno leaned in slightly towards me.

"Ichinose... Kamuro... Why do you only prey on the top girls?"

"Even if you say that, it's not like my body..."

"Hmm, then can I be satisfied too?"

As she said that, Himekawa squeezed her own skirt tightly, slowly lifting it up, revealing her beautiful thighs little by little.

"Y-You idiot."

"You know that's a lie, right?"

Saying that, Himeno let go of her skirt and turned away, but I didn't miss the slight blush on her cheeks.

"Oh? Seems like you're a little embarrassed."

Although I found my teasing a bit annoying, when I said that, she approached me and lightly tapped my head.


"S-Stop... But, you know, you might be right about me being a little embarrassed."

She showed a slightly seductive smile and chuckled, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"I see... Well then, I'll head back to my room."

As I said that and tried to return to the ship, Himeno abruptly held out her phone.


"I told you to give me your contact info."

"Ah, right."

Surprised by the sudden exchange of contact information, I involuntarily switched to polite language. As I brought my phone closer, our bodies naturally moved closer too. I could smell Himeno's feminine scent as I registered her contact.. As I thought about that, I noticed that her face was also turning red as she looked down.

"What's wrong? Is your headache really that bad?"

Saying that, I moved my forehead closer to hers, and as our cheeks touched, she blurted out in a rough tone while blushing.


"I'm not gross; I'm handsome."

"You're saying it yourself... It's true, though."

"Yeah, well, then I'll be going."

"I'm still enjoying the breeze."

With that said, I decided to head back inside the ship. After descending the stairs and walking for a while, I realized I had left my terminal on the deck railing, so I turned around and headed back to the stern deck. As I looked around to find where I left it, I heard a voice from the opposite direction. There was Himeno, huddled up, but it didn't seem like she was feeling unwell.

"Nh... ahn... /// Why am I getting excited remembering when he pressed his forehead against mine..."

Unable to speak to Himeno, who seemed to be masturbating with squishing sounds, with her hand inside her skirt, and trying to leave as if not seeing anything, I didn't notice that it was an iron plate below, and the sound echoed.

"Eek! Who's there?"

Himeno's voice sounded surprised as she approached me, and it seemed like she noticed my presence.

"...Please don't mind me and continue."

While trying to casually leave the scene with my eyes averted, Himeno grabbed my arm firmly as if to say she won't let me go and stared at me with a look that said so.

"You saw, didn't you..."

If I said I didn't see anything here, it would only make me more suspicious, so I decided to confess honestly.


"Then help me."

While saying so, Himeno dragged me to a secluded place away from prying eyes and forcefully put my hand inside her skirt.

"Do it... You're used to it, right?"

"But... still..."

"Please... This isn't good the way it is."

Himeno looked fidgety, glancing up at me with pleading eyes. I felt a slight excitement at her different demeanor from before.

"Okay, I understand..."

Saying that, I moved Himeno's underwear aside and inserted my fingers into her soaked vagina. It felt slippery, making squishing sounds as I pushed my fingers in.

"Nh... hng... ///"

While Himeno held onto my arm, she urged me to go deeper and deeper, pulling my hand up to its limit.

"Haahhnn.....//// Hyaaa♡"

It wasn't the cool and foul-mouthed Himeno; it was the disheveled and feminine Himeno in front of me. Unable to contain myself because of the freshness, I inserted another finger into Himeno's vagina.

"Hmm....//// Wait, nooo//// That's, dangerous~~"

Himeno said as she squirted a large amount of fluid. Did she climax? I thought it was quite early, but it seems my member is also fully erect. It's hardly likely anyone could remain calm after witnessing that.

Unable to resist, I pulled Himeno towards me and forcefully took her luscious lips. She didn't seem to mind either and entangled her tongue with mine.

"Haaahh....lick lick....suck"

"Hmm....lick....*pant*...Is this your first kiss?"

As I asked, she blushed and brought her face closer to mine, embracing me. "Yes, but so what?" she said, then leaned in to ask for more kisses.

After a few minutes of lascivious kissing, as we separated, a string of saliva hung between us. Himeno, panting heavily, looked at me with admiration.

"Himeno, do you want to do it with me?"

Blushing, she turned her face away and replied, "What will you do if I say yes?" Probably she's also aroused; her thighs were dripping with love juices, and her eyes, usually narrow, looked glazed with pleasure.

I removed her underwear and lifted one leg to expose her genitals. Naturally, her panties were soaked due to the copious amount of fluids dripping from her.

"....Too wet."

"Of course... I get excited too."

Saying so, Himeno lifted one leg and spread her own genitals as if to emphasize them. I lowered my pants and rubbed my erect penis against her.

"It's big....will it fit in?"

"...Let's try."

As I inserted my penis into her vagina with a squelching sound, her tightness made it clear she was a virgin.


"So tight...."

Since Himeno urged me to move while we were connected, I started thrusting my hips. Normally, it should be painful for a virgin, but she seemed quite tough.

"Himeno, are you really a virgin?"

"Yeah...it...it's my first time...ahhh♡"

Although she tried to stifle her voice with her hand over her mouth, her moans were clearly audible.

"I might...finish like this."

"It's fine if you come inside////ahh♡ahhh♡"

Her words made me even more excited, so I increased the pace.

"I'm going to come, Himeno...!"


Lifting up her smooth and silky thighs, I ejaculated vigorously into Himeno's uterus.

"It's filling my stomach♡"

"Himeno, you're cute....."

"You're cool too, Harusaki♡"

While holding Himeno's head in that position, we entwined our tongues. She held onto me tightly, wrapping her arms around my neck, and we kissed so passionately that it seemed beyond what high schoolers would do.

After we finished that intimate act, she lowered her legs, and Himeno collapsed to her knees, the semen I ejaculated into her leaking out as she did so.

"Haah, haah....That was intense...."

Ignoring Himeno's condition, I lifted her up again, urging her to lean against the wall. With a squelching sound, I inserted my penis into her vagina from behind.

"Hyaaaa♡ Wait, I'm still sensitive....!♡ Ahhhh♡"

"This is amazing...."

Placing my hands on Himeno's chest from behind, I removed her bra and fondled her soft breasts while moving my hips, entering her vagina in a position known as standing doggy style.

"So soft...."

"Hyuunnn♡ What are you touching there?♡"

Excited by Himeno's moans, I thrust my penis into her uterus, and she showed a highly aroused expression.

"Ahhhhh♡Ahh♡Ahh♡There...feels so good♡"

"I'm coming....!"

"Come inside♡Pour lots of your semen into my pussy♡"

As I ejaculated into Himeno for the second time, the semen poured out from her vagina onto my groin.

"You're naughty♡"

Licking the semen on her fingers, Himeno turned around with her hands against the wall, smiling mischievously. So, this time, I pulled her close, stealing her lips, and she wrapped her arms around my head, holding onto me while our tongues intertwined.

"You're lewd, aren't you?"

"You're too experienced....mmmm"


Despite our conversation, we didn't stop kissing. After a few minutes of kissing, we decided to return to the ship together.

Seriously, I've got to say, she's the eighth one I've bedded. I'm feeling blessed, really.


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