
Solo Mission

Chapter 19: Solo Mission

"So what is my mission?" The day after receiving the sword, William returned to Blackthorn Security Company, which was already part of his routine.

Dunn produced a surprisingly well-done drawing. In it was a middle-aged man, with a few gray hairs, and a refined mustache.

"This man is Gustave Teague. He is the last member of a declining noble house from Backlund, although he has recently moved to Tingen." The Captain introduced the man, and William thoroughly investigated his features. "The man intends to start an auction to sell some heirlooms from his family, as he is about to go completely bankrupt. We suspect that some of these objects could have a supernatural origin, so we need you to keep an eye on the auction."

William gave some thought to the dangers that the mission would entail.

"Isn't it possible that there are other Beyonders in the auction? What should I do in that case?"

He worried that he would have to face several people alone. He had been able to keep up with the clown because his powers countered each other, but at the end of the day, he was still a Sequence 9. Even a few properly armed normal people could defeat him if they worked together.

"There shouldn't be anyone, because they know the Nighthawks will be watching. Fight him if you have to. Your spirituality should give you an idea of the level of danger that Beyonder represents. If he's too strong, remember his traits and come back immediately."

William took the Captain's order seriously. He didn't think Gustave Teague had any powerful items anyway, so it would be strange if a powerful Beyonder came to the auction.

"Alright, how should I prevent Beyonder items from being purchased?" This was the other part that worried him. The people who went to auctions were usually wealthy, in this case, upper-class people and even some nobles, probably.

"Don't worry. We have already determined that there won't be any important families in attendance. You will be provided with the funds to purchase various items." Dunn pointed to a briefcase William hadn't noticed until now, propped against a coat rack. "Of course, you can't take anything for yourself. Your pay for official missions like this is included in your salary."

William nodded, not caring about that.

"Fine. When do I have to leave?"

"Right now, the auction will start in two hours at this address." He handed him a piece of paper with an address on it. "From your performance on the last mission, I trust you will do well, but don't let your guard down."

"Yes, Captain. I'll be back to give the report later." He grabbed the briefcase, adjusted the guitar case strapped to his back, and put on the demi-top hat.

"Good luck." Dunn said goodbye with a nod. "Oh by the way."

William looked at him curiously at the tone used by him.

"I asked about this acting thing." His eyes glittered with complex emotions. "I must thank you. Even if I'm not sure I want to advance to Sequence 6, this will allow me to digest the Sequence 7 potion, which will make it nearly impossible for me to lose control."

William was surprised before grinning widely.

"No problem, Captain."

With this, he went outside. He didn't know where the address he had been given was, so he simply got into a public carriage, the equivalent of a taxi, and asked the driver to take him there.

Well, the public carriage was much slower than a taxi, so it took about an hour and a half to get to the right place.

"How ostentatious..." he looked with some boredom at the mansion that screamed 'wealth'. "He's a nobleman who's about to go bankrupt, and even that doesn't deter him from wanting to show off. No wonder he has to sell these family heirlooms."

There were two security guards, but they let him pass when they saw the symbol of the Church of the Goddess. Actually, people who came from the Church were highly respected in this world.

A servant led him through some corridors until he reached the room where he would be staying. There was an inner courtyard in the mansion, and the auction items would be displayed there. The participants would be in several rooms with balconies to the inner courtyard.

'Debris, I'm in charge of guarding the auction. Could you try to keep an eye out for a Beyonder?' He communicated with his sword to declare his plan to her.

"Sure, leave this to me, Darling." William felt Debris give him a thumbs up.

He nodded almost imperceptibly. More people began to enter William's room, but they paid him no attention.

The auction did not take long to begin. A butler-like man stood in the middle of the inner courtyard.

"Dear Guests, I am pleased to announce that the Teague Family Heirlooms Auction now begins. My name is Avery Collins, and I will be running the auction on behalf of my lord Gustave Teague."

William ignored all the man's talk. He only paid attention again when the first object was finally brought.

"This is a vase that comes from the early Fifth Epoch. It is said to have passed from owner to owner. Some say it even once belonged to Emperor Roselle, but he sold it when he grew tired of it."

'Bullshit. That vase is completely normal, there is nothing special about it. It's probably about a hundred years old.' William thought as he sat in a chair. He had been in the place for a while now and was getting bored, but he didn't let his guard down at all. He was prepared to act when necessary.

Almost half an hour passed before what he was waiting for happened.

"This is a ring that has been in the Teague family since its inception. It is said that whoever wears it will gain a memory boost from it." The presenter showed a golden ring.

William couldn't quite see the features of the ring, but he did notice something else.

'That's a Beyonder item.' At the same time, he thought this, a person who was a few balconies to his right quickly raised his hand.

William looked at him askance.

"Darling, that guy is a Beyonder." Debris's voice confirmed his suspicions.

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