
Dio Caelus

waking up to the sudden ray of light penetrating my window into my room. I turned the other way, not feeling the joy felt waking up to see a bright new day Like everyone else does. Today is just one of the normal day of been bullied again Dio sigh.

if only he had parents like every other kids had, his life won't have been so messy for him the way it is now, its a complete opposite of what one will want to call a life.

Been an orphan ever since the time he remember he could think for himself, knowing practically nothing about himself or even who is parent were,

though been told by the aged lady who raised him up, he was found in an hidden cabin of a carriage rob by bandits, killing every last person in the carriage

if not for the sheer luck and quick arrival of the patrolling guards on duty that day who found him sleeping peaceful after searching through the carriage and was brought into the village, the story would have been different

not knowing what to do with him since only a name tag was left on him when he was found by the guards who brought him to the village, the village chief, had to look for someone to take him in, long story put short here he is.

remembering how he has been abused, called names upon names which had never really put smile on his face, adding to the constant bullying His peers who never stop beating him up every slightest chance they got, life truly was hell for him.

'Today though will be a different day' Dio said to himself, recalling what today is. a day of awakening for all those at the age of twelve

this day comes once every year and today is one of such day and he will be partaking in it this time around. turning to the sky he stare for a while lost in thoughts.

'father, mother wherever you are please grant me your blessing for this awakening, please allow me to awaken a good talent, that all I call ask of you'

Getting his mind back on track he rushed off to watch up so he could meet up with time for the registration, getting done with it in a coupe of minute he ran off the house.

A while later making it to the awakening ground, he sigh I relief that he made on time and registration is still going on.

"Hey Dio come over here, you haven't greeted your daddy today have you?" turning his head he saw Reynard wick, his very own bully king

Reynard a kid from wick noble family known for their terrifying ability of lightning or fire "am talking to you and you are spacing out, come here right now brat or else"

giving deaf ears to him with frown hitch on his face he ran of to the direction for registration, arriving there he stood in the line for a while, till it got to his turn to register.

"name and age" the official in charged inquire of him

"Dio caelus, age 12"

"here, this is your identification slate." checking it out Dio saw his name boldly writing on it with a number tag 97 by the side, stepping off the line to the side for the next person to go forward he heard a voice he is very much familiar with

"I thought you are not going to make it for the awakening because fear of Reynard, telling you he didn't want to catch you here or he is going to beat you up yesterday when he picked up on you".

"I saw him on my way in josh, there is no way am going to miss my awakening cause of fear of anyone, I just hope I awaken a better ability that can get me off their bullying chart for ever"

"me too Dio, I just can stomach it every time those bastard beat you up, you know I can do little to nothing caused his family is more powerful than mine, but don't worry, after the awakening, I will tell my father to house you no matter what ability you awaken."

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