
Chapter 2 - Ekaksh Avadin

Chapter 3 - Ekaksh Avadin (2)

The year 2169, Galactic Earth Calendar.

"Good Evening passengers. This is your captain speaking. First, I'd like to welcome everyone to Crystal castle Flight 68N. The good news is that we have entered the safe zone of Rosenberg, encountering no complications. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 38,000 feet at an airspeed of 500 miles per hour. The time is 7:25 pm. We are expecting to land in Rosenberg City approximately ten minutes ahead of schedule. The weather in Rosenberg is clear, with a high of 26 degrees Celsius. I'll talk to you again before we reach our destination. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight," an announcement woke the young man sleeping in the luxurious private room on board.

"Already there, huh?" he yawns and stretches his arms with closed eyes.

"We will arrive in 24 minutes and 20 seconds. Sir, you have 11 unread messages. Do you want me to open it?" A robotic voice said,

"Are there any level 4 messages or messages from my brother?"

"Negative Sir, it's from Miss Ahana while there is 1 from your mother and 1 unknown"

"Sigh~ Play the one my mother sent first"


Just as the robotic voice finished, the cubes mounted on the walls began to glow. These cubes are normal 3D image emitters and are for public use. Like most of the basic devices in this room, these cubes have level 1 clearance and can connect to any AI Codex.

The light coming from these cubes fused to form a hologram of a beautiful woman with long straight gray-blonde hair parted in the middle. She wore a gold-rimmed reading glass, making her already stoic face even more rigid.

"I had already sent you your lodging details for the night in Rosenberg. The hotel would arrange a chauffeur to pick you up at the airport, and his details would be sent to your AI Codex. Call me when you have time. Take care and don't cause trouble."

"Elber, check for details mother sent and see if that unknown message was from the hotel. In time, play the messages from Ahana." The young man chuckled.


Suddenly, the hologram of the beautiful woman shattered and reformed into a six-seven-year-old cute girl with long black hair tied into a ponytail. Her chubby cheeks were puffed up and her green eyes were blazing.

"YOU SCOUNDREL OF AN UNCLE...." The loud and angry shouts of the girl were enough to shake the whole plane, but it was fortunate that all the luxurious rooms on the flight were soundproof.

"You know what happened at school today? ..... and just like you told me, I punched him in the gut and broke his two teeth"

"And then there is Mr. Ramsay, you know the one with the horse-like teeth..."

"Miss Evelene asked for you again, tch! What a thirsty bitch. Ouch! Ouch! Sorry, Grandmaaaa..."

"Anyway, how long will you even be gone for? I bet you will come back like always hehe...."

After listening to 15 minutes of several short and long messages, the young man smiled and stood up. He walked to the washroom and came to a suspended washbasin with a large mirror.

In the mirror, a shirtless man can be seen standing with lean packed muscles. The young man looks 19-20 years old with honey tanned skin, sharp eyebrows, and chin-length black hair. With a big splash, the young man washes his face and slowly opens his closed eyes. The two dark spaces in the eye sockets are without eyeballs, making his handsome face hideous and blood-curdling.

Closing his eyes, the man pulled his hair into a loose man bun with shorter pieces of hair falling around, gaining his charm again.

"Yes Sir, there is a booking to Rosenberg Star Resort in your name and they have sent the details of the chauffeur"


"Hello ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking. We have got clearance from the Rosenberg and we are about to land. Please check for....."


Outside the VIP gate of Rosenberg Airport, a middle-aged man with short hair and a trimmed beard is waiting for 20 minutes. He was informed that a significant guest was coming, so he had to pick him up and safely drop him off at the resort.

"He should be here now. It's already 8:10, where is he?"

As he was getting worried, he saw a handsome young man in a black dress exiting the airport. The young man was quite tall at 184 cm, his black hair was styled in a man bun and he wore round-shaped dark reflective glasses. With one hand in his pocket and the other holding a coffee, the handsome guy was slowly moving in his direction.

Seeing this, the man took out a metallic card from his pocket and tapped on it. A small hologram appeared above the card showing the guest details. Confirming his identity, he walked toward him.

"Hello Sir, I am Kweku from Rosenberg Star Hotel. I am here to pick you up and drop you off at the hotel"

The young man looked at him for a moment before smiling. "Elber, is he the one?"

A black suitcase which was quietly following him came forward and scan the middle-aged man. "Affirmative Sir"

"Sorry, Mr. Kweku. I am blind, so I need Elber here to confirm your identity. I hope you understand and forgive this," the young man said politely.

This came as a surprise to Kweku. The guest's details had not mentioned his blindness. The slight anger and prejudice he had against him also resolved with this.

"It is alright Sir, I understand. I think we should head out now. Do you need my help to get to the vehicle?"

"No Need, I have Elber for this."


"OK, please follow me"

There was a blue car in the shape of a turtle parked ahead. Kweku walked to the car and opened the gate for the young man. As the young man entered the vehicle, the luggage behind the young man suddenly floated and entered the car with him.

'The Rich and their ways,' thought Kweku as he saw how the luggage floated on its own with no small jets to provide thrusts. It worked on antigravity technology, which is very very expensive. It seems a bit excessive to fit it in a luggage bag.

Kweku looked at the young man comfortably sitting with one hand supporting his head, gazing outside the window, slowly sipping his coffee. His manners seemed polite. Kweku had worked for 10 years and working in one of the leading hotels in the city had him dealing with lots of people. However, there are very few who are young, rich, and polite.

Kweku slowly drove the car across the parking lot and made his way to the nearby highway.


"Fawn has left the Airport in a blue NTK with car No. S36RB-03167"

"Check if he is protected by his herd"

"No one in sight. It looks like the ideal time for hunting"

"Good work Eagle, keep following him. Wolf and Leopard, are you at the positions?"

"Yes, we have arrived and checked the place."

"Be careful, everyone. This will be our prime opportunity to hunt. After this, the herd will be alerted, making it impossible to hunt his calf"


A man with a tiger mask put down his intercom and heaved a sigh. Behind him was another man wearing a snake mask. They are a new group of mercenaries who do assassinations, kidnappings, and extortion for rich people. This time, they have received a request to kidnap someone from the Avadin family. Their first target was the granddaughter of the Avadin family, but she was protected by chakra warriors all the time.

Their second target was the third and youngest child of the Avadin family's head.

"Tiger, are you sure about kidnapping one of the Avadin?" the snake said with hesitation in his voice.

"It's Fine, I have researched the target. He is the only non-awaken member of the Avadin family. He is blind from birth, which makes things easier. The only thing I am worried about is why no one is protecting him. In any case, we can't miss this opportunity. You should also get moving and be ready for your position"

Snake-masked sighed and walked out. He knows they can't miss this shot because tomorrow the target will move to meet his grandfather.


Kweku was unaware that he was being followed as he drove his car on. The car reached a small wired bridge on a small tributary river. Kweku looked ahead and noticed heavy traffic ahead. It looks like someone rammed his truck at the sides of the bridge, narrowing the space for vehicles to pass. Trying to take another route, Kweku tried to reverse his car, but now he finds himself stuck in between.

"Sorry Sir, there is a traffic jam ahead. There will be a temporary delay." Kweku said, perplexed why his GPS showed this way clear of traffic before.

"It's Fine" the young man smiled and put down the coffee cup. Slowly cracking his knuckles, he faced Kweku and said, "Don't freak out. Just look out for yourself."

Confused, Kweku wanted to know what he meant. However, before he reacted, he heard a gunshot. He looked back and saw 3 armed men with animal masks were getting close.

One with the wolf mask pointed his gun at the windshield and gestured to open the car gate. Seeing a gun pointed at him scared Kweku, but still gathering his courage, Kweku refused to open the gate immediately and tried to think of his way out. He was looking around when a bullet suddenly ripped into the empty passenger seat next to him, scaring him.

"Just open it, don't think too much" Despite hearing the young man, Kweku couldn't open the gate as he was so scared that his hand got paralyzed.

"Elber, open the gate"


Suddenly the gate of the car detached and opened in wing fashion. A man with an eagle mask came to the side and grabbed the young man to get him out of the car.

"Put your hand above and don't move, if you don't want to die," the man said as he poked his rifle at the blind man's back to show that he was armed with weapons.

"Leopard, go check for bugs," the one in the wolf mask said as he scrutinized the surroundings. He knew there were always some fools thinking themselves heroes, but fortunately, there were none today. He looked around and saw everyone hiding inside their cars.

The man with the leopard mask put his rifle down and pulled out a metallic ball to scan the young man for any trackers. 5 seconds later, the light receded into the ball and the ball turned green. "All Clear"

"Good, Let's move"

"Tiger, we caught the fawn. Snake, get the drive ready," the wolf said in his intercom.

"Excellent, be careful and move fast"

"I have a car ready at the north end of the bridge. Come quickly"

"Don't worry, we will be there in a mi ..." before he could finish his words, he heard the loud sound of glass breaking and something crashing into him with an exhilarating speed.

Bewildered, the other two men looked at the broken windshield. It happened so fast that none of them saw what flew out of the car, making them tense. The man with the eagle mask suddenly felt a tug at his rifle and he instinctively fired. Looking back, he saw he had shot his ally, the leopard in the back, who is now groaning on the ground. As soon as he could make out what was going on, a heavy fist came to his neck, breaking it. He fell on the concrete, not dead but paralyzed as all the energy left his body. He knew he would die, but slowly.

"Quite simple," the blind man smiled as he stepped on the leopard's right shoulder, cracking it against the agonizing scream of the man. He slowly bent down and picked up the rifle near the eagle's slowly dying body.

"Elber, did that guy die?"

"Negative, Sir he is only unconscious."

"So we don't need this guy here," the young man tapped the rifle against the shivering leopard's head

"No..no please, I surrender" the man in the leopard mask begged.

"It will be a bother to save you in addition I have a shortage of hands right now. Don't take it personally ."

"He is also not the boss. I...I can take you to the boss, just let me live. I am useful," Leopard cried and didn't think twice about selling his boss. He knew his boss was powerful, awakened human and this young man was no match for him.


With a thundering shot, the brain matter and blood spilled out of the man's head. The young man had already fired the rifle and killed the guy. Looking at the dead eagle mask, he made a hole in his head too, just in case.

"I don't argue with dead people," the young man muttered

Slowly, he walked to the unconscious man with the wolf mask. He didn't remove his mask for he couldn't see his face anyways, and this was not the time for Elber to scan his identity.

"Elber, you get the positions of the rest"

"Yes Sir, there were two more connected to his intercom, but they have ended the connection. There is one at 200m north, at the northern exit of the bridge and the other is 1800 meters to the south."

"Go south. We need their boss. Let the lucky one leave, but I want their boss alive"

"Affirmative" Suddenly two mechanical arms pop out of the suitcase as he flew south at high speed.

Sighing, the young man looked back at blue NTK and asked, "Mr. Kweku, have you ever been in traffic police?"

Kweku, who was silently hiding in the car, shivered and looked at the frightening young man. This is the first time he saw a murder. "Mr. Kweku"


"Get these vehicles moving. The show is over."

"Y...Yes," Kweku stuttered and hurriedly ran to clear the traffic. All the surrounding people were also very cooperative and moved their vehicles quickly. After leaving the bridge, they immediately call the emergency number to let them know. In 2 minutes, the whole bridge was empty, with only one or two vehicles.

The man in the wolf mask awoke as well, but didn't move, nor did he open his eyes. He acted comatose while plotting how to get out of this sticky situation.

His weapons were confiscated, so there was no way to retaliate. This small bridge was 30 meters wide with the river flowing down, so one side was a maximum of 15 meters far. If he ran fast enough, he could cover the distance in no time. Jumping in the river looks like a smart idea right now. He slowly stretched his muscles, ready to spring into action.

He snapped open his eyes and quickly jumped forward, ramming into a fast kick coming to his head, knocking him back again.

"Not acting anymore, I thought you would act till I make the act, a reality for you." the young man chuckled. "Okay, tell me, who do you work for or who asked you to kidnap Anaha?"

"You can torture me as much as you want, but I don't know about our clients. Our boss got this deal from the black market, but even he didn't know his identity. All of our work is done anonymously and we are never in direct contact with our customer." he said sincerely.

The young man stared at the wolf for a few seconds, making the wolf question the credibility of the young man's blindness behind those glasses.

"Fine, answer my other question. Why do you all choose these animal masks to hide your identity and you guys even refer to yourself as an animal? I mean, is there any deeper meaning or is it just random? I am curious," the young man asked, showing his teeth.

This question perplexed both Kweku and Wolf, as they didn't expect that the young man was still in the mood to play. Seeing the enormous smile on the young man's face which contorted into a demon's smile, the Wolf compels to answer.

"It's not that important. Before forming the mercenary group, we used to work with animal traffickers, and then one day ..."

"Sir, sorry for the delay, but their boss was an early 1 star Chakra fighter, and it took me some time to neutralize him," a voice came from the silver-black bracelet, the young man was wearing.

"Did you kill him?"

"Negative sir, He is alive. I only broke several of his joints to incapacitate him. We will arrive in 20 seconds at your position."

"Good" The young man whisked out his rifle and shot the talking wolf in the head, killing him. Kweku, who was standing nearby, jumped back and asked, "What happens, sir?"

"Nothing, It just I am not curious anymore."

"You don't have to worry, Mr. Kweku, you are interesting enough," the young man laughed and walked back to the car.

A few seconds later, Alber came with a broken body in a tiger mask and drop him on hard concrete.

"Kweku go pick the bodies of these dead men and put them in the trunk"

"Mm...Me? But sir, this is the hotel's vehicle."

"Don't ask silly questions. I will buy your hotel a new car. Just do as I say now"


Kweku hurriedly dragged three dead bodies and put them in the trunk with the unconscious tiger masked man. After storing them, he hurriedly ran to the railing of the bridge, vomiting his gut out. Walking back, he saw the young man quietly sitting in his seat with folded legs, waiting for him to drive. The black suitcase, which was mangled in blood and damaged tissue, was also quietly lying there.

Kweku quietly sat on the driver's seat and started the engine. He slowly drove it out of the bridge and moved to the main road.

"To the Southern Army base," the young man behind said

"But sir, we ha..."

"I am not talking to you, Mr. Kweku"


"Affirmative, sir," the suitcase lying next to the young man voiced

Kweku suddenly lost all control of the car, the steering box folded itself and the car was in the auto mode now. Smiling ruefully, Kweku lay back in his seat and closed his eyes.

"Sir, Who are you?"

"I am Ekaksh Avadin."


Ekaksh (Sanskrit) - One with beautiful eyes

Avadin (Sanskrit) - Peace-loving