
Chapter One.

I scurried to my closet tossing my clothes looking for the warmest clothes I could find. Still I aim to pick out a black outfit for Papa's funeral. I finally have the chance to get out of this retched town.

I never had to worry about anymore of this work. I constantly worked myself to reach my goals and make it in the city of New York. This place drained every ounce of energy that was in me. The harder I worked the more energy it took from me. It felt as if I was going insane in this place. There were times I just wanted to throw my hands in the air and just walk out, but I held on only to make it this far. I am proud of what I have accomplished.

I immediately packed my necessities and scurried out of the hotel only to run into the busy economy of New York City. I whistled horribly and looked for the taxi throughout the crowd of people walking. "Taxi!" I shouted over the roar of voice when it screeched to a halt I pushed my stuff in "To the airport, please." I directed.

I sat as the crowd passed by in a blur and the air blew my curls in wild directions. "I have a feeling my hair is going to be hard to tame." I thought as I placed a curl behind my ear. I laid my head on the window of the taxi and closed my eyes. Thoughts of Papa filled my mind. When I was little in a little southern city in Ireland we would milk the goats and cows. Papa had made butter and cheese, while Mamma baked the best pies.

I miss the smell of warm apple cinnamon in the mornings. She would bake them for a quarter each and grew her own peaches and such. She loved her garden. She loved feeding people who couldn't afford it. I loved meeting every good soul nowadays that is left to tell the stories of how I pattered around while mamma baked and made everyone smile. You would think the world was falling down around you, but Mamma would be there to talk you through it. She basically raised me my whole life and I don't know what I would have done without her. Papa on the other hand done odd jobs he was always everywhere. He was always out and about when I was younger. He would work on cars, in the shipyard, and odd jobs to help everyone else who needed the help.

Papa would always give and give. He was really raised to be an amazing man with a big heart he wore on his sleeve. Both people who meant the world to me are gone now, but I know they are smiling down at me.

I am finishing what I started a long time ago. I am now in my 4th and final year of college. I am currently attending the New York University for my degree in Cultural Anthropology. I study humankind and the cultures within the human race. I have experience with Archaeology, as well. I am proud of what I have accomplished I want to do this to achieve my goals and make Mamma proud.

I looked out toward the dark paved streets being as the sun has already went down so the only light were those on the street lamps. I just sat there listening to one of Metallica's old albums as I lay my head against the seat. "We are here, Ma'am." He stated as we came to a stop in front of the airport. I sighed and paid him the $265 I owed towards my cab fare as I exited the yellow cab. I walked slowly dragging being as I haven't had much sleep and could not put my mind to rest because of this turmoil inside my thoughts. The memories just kept switching like a slideshow, but feeling like a pin pricking each time.

I ascend the stairs in the airport directing me towards my flight. I see that there is no line and I am thankful. I never knew grief until the moment I had lost Mamma, but as soon as Papa followed a few years later it felt as if a void had swallowed me. A type of formal emptiness.

I looked down at my old watch and to see it is close to time to board. I really had not realized how much time had passed on the cab ride here from my apartment. I immediately hurried towards gate 8 with my boarding pass that I luckily retrieved ahead of time and showed it to the stewardess. I sat in my seat on the inside of the economy airline and just proceeded to lay my head against the window completely, physically, and emotionally just tired. My mind felt as if it swarmed 1,000 miles a minute.

I fell asleep to the sound of the engine after buckling my belt as we took off into the sky.

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