

The hot sun of the Philippines rained down hard against the hospital window. Outside, the world was bright and vivid with color. Trees shone in yellowish-green leaves, birds flew by in a rapid shade of white and black, and the sky shone in a clear blue. From the glass, it looked like a living piece of art, like God and Picasso had worked together to create the world and capture it in one vibrant frame.

To the young boy in the hospital bed, however, it was a slap to the face. The sun spread its rays against the building, yet it was like the beams refused to step anywhere near the boy. They lay just by the hospital bed, located in the center of the peach room. They didn't touch the side of the bed nor the mattress. They rarely shone any light near the boy's fingers or face. When they did, it was quick as lightning and gone in seconds.

The boy was none other than Jimmy Rosales, a twelve-year-old with weak lungs and a frowning face. He had been in the hospital bed in previous visits, so much so that the staff kindly positioned a familiar male nurse named Benjo to preside over him. It was a kind gesture wasted on the harsh reality of his fate: Jimmy was a sick boy. He was often rushed to the emergency room for playing too hard or getting swept up in the rain.

His face, a quiet blend of sugar brown and golden yellow, was losing more and more color into a sickening pale blue. His short frame carried a heavy chest that breathed slowly, painfully. Beside him were his family, which consisted of a brother, sister, and the parents.

The brother was similar to Jimmy, only larger in frame and height. Though his face was a jovial sight, he was grim and kept his lips tight. The sister, a well-built lady with a kind smile, was watching her brother with eyes moistened by tears. The parents, one the shade of chocolate and the other of honey, bowed their heads in silent prayer.

The doctor had just visited them, informing them that Jimmy's chances of recovery were slim. He was infected with a bout of dengue, which would have normally passed over quickly, had his asthma not been there. The equipment in the hospital was adequate but still lacking. They could save the boy, but the delays in getting medicine were damning. In short, the way he could not look them in the eye was enough to tell them the fate of their young child. So they sat there, watching over him as each labored breath entered and exited with the rise and fall of his chest.

A couple of hours had passed when Jimmy had woken up. He had been resting and his breathing had improved, but he still felt like his skin was burning hotter than a pan of cooking oil. He was in a daze, his head spinning from the tired weight that the anesthesia had set. He turned to the left to see his mother, who was sleeping by the couch nearby.

"Nay?" He called to her, using the nickname he had kept since he could remember how to remember. After repeating the word a few times, the elder Rosales woke up with heavy set eyes and traces of tears that had dried up on her cheeks. She sat up, letting her large frame, developed from years of stress and work, wake up along with her. She then walked over and stood by her son's bedside.

"Jimmy," she said, smiling softly, "how are you?"

"I'm feeling okay." He lied, with a hoarse voice and a look of resigned sadness. Sensing her son's feelings, she gently caressed his hand and kissed it. He showed his appreciation by returning her smile, though it took more effort and seconds to form. Looking outside, he saw that night had fallen and the lights of the hospital had been set. Though the artificial bulbs shone brightly, Jimmy kept focus on the stars that covered the blue sky, now turning darker with time.

"I wish I could watch the stars tonight." He lamented. His mother turned to the window, where he watched the stars, before coming back to see a few tears forming in his eyes.

"Oh, my little boy, what's wrong?" She asked, determined to stand tall and be firm when her son needed her. He blinked away a few tears before speaking up in a choked voice, one that made the words difficult to let out.

"I…I'm sorry for being so weak. I don't want you or Tay to worry. I wanna get better but I don't know if I can. Maybe it's better if…" He trailed off, not wanting to say what had bothered him. The silence stabbed at his mother's own heart, causing her to tear up as well. With a few seconds of morbid silence, she cleared her throat and asked him to look into her eyes.

"Don't you think that way, Jimmy," she said as soon as their gaze met, "It's not your fault that this happened. Your body has special needs, that's all."

"But I don't like it! I have to keep getting medicine and it doesn't ever seem to work!" He exclaimed, though the tired voice came out more like a whisper than a shout.

"That's okay. You have to have faith. When you were born, I wasn't that healthy either, remember?" She said, before pointing to her belly. Both of them knew that underneath the shirt was a noticeable scar, where Jimmy had been pulled out from. The birth was difficult, yet Jimmy remembered that her mother looks at it fondly.

"How did you manage?" He asked.

"Well," she said, before turning her head and pointing over her shoulder, "it was in a night like this, when the stars were out. Your father was worried sick and asking if I was ready for the worst to happen. I told him that I was busy admiring the stars. You know, I love the stars. No matter how bad the day gets, they always shine. I remember telling your father that, and soon after, you were born."

She then turned to him, her tears flowing anew but her smile stronger than ever.

"I always remember your birth as the toughest challenge I have faced. Yet, looking at you, even now, I am proud it happened."

Jimmy closed his eyes, smiling at the thought before another soured his lips.

"But I was making you cry, right? Because I can't beat this stupid sickness."

"Not at all." She assured him. "Jimmy, always remember to stay on the bright side. Sometimes a smile is enough to light up the world. So light it up? For me?" She asked, grinning ear to ear as best she could. With a twinkle in her eyes, Jimmy saw a strength and determination that he didn't often notice from his mother. He hadn't even seen it when he was sick in previous times. It reminded him of the direness of the situation, but it also brought admiration for his own mother. With an effort, he powered a grin of his own.

The night had gotten to a pitch black when most of the family had left. Only Jimmy's mother stayed behind, determined to keep her other two children in school and reassuring her husband that he needed rest. She was now soundly asleep in the couch again, sitting by the bedside. Jimmy had woken up yet again, and this time he did not call out to her. He simply stared at her, silently letting his tears flow as he felt his wakeful mind coming to a deep slumber. One that he felt he wouldn't wake up from.

Then Jimmy turned his focus to the stars. Since his mother blocked the lower part of the window, only the glow of the streetlight was visible. It was faint this time, which helped him see more of the stars above. They twinkled and shone brightly, looking like little fireflies dancing atop coal. Some, Jimmy thought, were moving.

His eyes then caught on a single streak of light, a shooting star, as it blazed through the night. Though he knew that shooting stars passed quickly, this one lasted much longer. It moved slowly and left a trail of light as it traced itself closer and closer to the horizon below.

The sight mystified Jimmy. He was weakened from his illness, yet he managed to widen his eyes for a moment in surprise. Feeling the weight of his eyelids made him remember what was happening. He took a moment to close them, and muttered a silent prayer.

"Please help me. I want to be strong, like Nanay is."

Silence fell in the room as Jimmy concentrated on his plea. When he opened his eyes, he noticed a strange blue light coming from the window. Looking at it, he saw the shooting star twirl and dance slowly. It seemed to be shining on him, like a flashlight through the window.

That's when he noticed that his mother was still soundly asleep. Despite the brightness of the blue glow, it didn't seem to touch her at all. Instead, it was focused solely on Jimmy's face. Confused, he narrowed his eyes and focused on what was beyond.

To his surprise, he noticed the small shooting star grow larger and larger. It seemed to be trailing its way into Jimmy's hospital bed. The glow of the blue light became brighter and brighter, turning slowly into a shining white that enveloped the room.

It blinded Jimmy, and with amazing effortlessness, he raised his hands to shield his eyes. In a matter of seconds, the glare had dimmed, and Jimmy felt as though the room had gone dark again. When he lowered his hands, he opened his eyes slowly to see the night sky again.

A warmth began to heat up the side of Jimmy's right cheek. He turned to it, confused as to why he was feeling it. His eyes popped in surprise as he saw a flame hovering in front of him. It was shining a pure whiteness in the very center, yet it had a powerful blue flame surrounding it. What surprised Jimmy even more was how it felt. Despite the prominence of the flame's tips, it didn't seem to hurt at all. In fact, Jimmy didn't feel much pain or tiredness at all.

He stared at the blue flame, which seemed to sway and shift in front of him. He thought to himself that this must be a strange dream.


A sudden voice, like that of Jimmy's own, rang out in his head. It carried a vibrant cheer in it. Jimmy could also feel something itch in his head, as though something had burrowed itself beyond his scalp. When he went to scratch it, the voice snickered in delight. It confused Jimmy, before he looked at the blue flame and realized what the voice must have been.

"Are you talking to me?" He asked, bewildered.


The voice said, this time with an excitement in it. Somewhere in his chest, Jimmy could feel a strange tickle. It was cheerful and pleasant, but it also felt distant and unnatural. He looked at his chest but saw nothing, before he looked up and stared at the blue light.

After a few seconds of thought, Jimmy laughed scornfully. "Maybe I am finally losing my mind. I'm so sick that I'm imagining a star in front of me." He shook his head in disbelief, before biting his lip to remind himself of his current pains.


The voice rang out, this time quiet and worried. It felt like an empty void had just formed in Jimmy's chest. With a bitter smile, he nodded and let himself fall back into his bed.


The voice rang out and this time, Jimmy felt heat wrap around him. Unlike the painful and feverish heat of the sickness, it was one that soothed and glided around him. This helped him smile with more mirth.

"Yeah. I'm sick. My body is weak." He said while biting his lip again.


The voice said. This time, it had more conviction and finality behind it. It was firm and Jimmy felt as though his back had straightened up. The tone of the voice was serious and assured. It reminded him of his mother.

"I wish I had help." He said. "I just want to be strong."


"Yes, strong. Like her." He then pointed to his mother, who was still snoozing quietly. The flame slowly floated its way to her, before it rushed back in a hurry.


This time, the voice had become ecstatic. Jimmy was going to ask what it was, but he got cut off as the flame began to spin around. It then started to orbit around him, spinning faster and faster.

"Hey, what are you-"

Before Jimmy could finish his question, the flame suddenly burst in a fiery glow. The sudden shock of heat caused Jimmy to exclaim in surprise. He felt that same soothing glow envelop him, but now he also felt a burning. It caused his skin to prickle, his muscles to tighten, and his mind to wander. Before he passed out, Jimmy could only remember screaming.

When Jimmy had woken up yet again, it was night time. However, he took a look around the room and saw the surprised and elated faces of his family. His mother held his hand and carried a bright smile that let out a shriek of joy. His father let out a relaxed sigh before sharing a grin with Jimmy's other siblings. His brother placed a heartfelt pat on the shoulder, while his sister hugged his sides.

Jimmy blinked for a few seconds, before he asked what was happening. As he did, he could feel his voice had more strength and vigor. No longer was it hoarse and frail. Now it felt steady and firm.

"You finally woke up!" His mother exclaimed, now hugging his side and crying. He patted his mother somewhat nervously, laughing with an awkward smile before she continued.

"It's been three nights since you last woke up. Back then, you screamed loudly, out of nowhere! I got scared and called the doctor and nurses. When they came by, they said that you had a horrible fever. However, with time, your health improved. You were breathing well, your fever went away quickly, and before you know it, you were better than ever! Lord, I am so glad you woke up!"

She hugged her son one more time, as he absorbed the reality of her words slowly. He asked to see himself in a mirror and noticed how much had changed. The warmth of his skin had gone back to a brighter glow. His hair, which was shriveled and whitened by the stress of the sickness, was now thick and dark with health. His eyes, previously bloodshot and haggard, were now without wrinkles or pain.

He took a moment to touch himself in the cheek. Once he did, he heard a voice laugh with glee. He felt a warm, distant glow hover in his chest.


Once he heard it, the thought dawned on him. The star. It was real. In a few seconds, his lips quivered. Then they smiled. Then, his eyes flowed with joyous tears as he hugged his family in sheer delight.

Jimmy had to stay in the hospital, per the doctor's order that he was to rest until the next day, following preliminary checkups on his condition. Now assured that he could rest and was healing, he insisted that his family give him the night away. Though his mother still stayed, she did grant him a few moments to himself while she called all her friends to spread the good news.

As he heard his mother speaking rapidly from outside the door, Jimmy turned to look at the night sky. For some reason, he now noticed that the stars had grown smaller in numbers. The last time he saw the night, it was full of bright stars. Tonight, it looked like barely more than ten were even shining.

He mused on the situation, wondering what happened. As he did, heat began to touch the side of his cheek. He turned back and saw the bright blue flame from the previous night. This time, it held itself steady. Once he looked at it, the flame danced again and bounced around. As it did, a giddy laughter echoed in his mind.


Hearing this, Jimmy smiled.

"I don't know exactly what you are…but thank you. Thank you for helping me out."

As he thanked the flame, he felt a torrent of warmth flow on and around his chest. While he smiled, he moved his arms and elbows. For the first time since his hospitalization, he felt as though he could move well.

"I'll be honest, I feel much better than when I was healthy. Like…this is much better than I used to be. Any ideas why?"

He asked the flame, but it seemed to ignore him as it continued to dance in front of his eyes. Jimmy then shook his head to erase the questions. He could find them out some other time. He looked at the window again, before deciding to get off the bed and walk towards it.

As he stepped towards it, the flame stopped dancing and trailed just beside the boy. When they got to the window, he pulled away the sliding glass and looked at the black sky above.

"There's not a lot of stars tonight."

In response, he felt an affirmative nod. He wasn't sure how he could feel a nod when it wasn't his own, but he just knew it was a nod. Jimmy spent a few seconds considering what it was, before he looked back at the sky. He then looked at the flame that stood by him.

"I don't know what you are. I said that before, but I'm guessing you are a shooting star. You don't have to stay with me, if you don't want to." He got no response this time, which he took as an answer.

"Well, if you are staying, I have one question: how did you get here?" He asked, raising an eyebrow to the flame. For a few seconds, he felt nothing and thought it was another ignored question.


Once he heard that, Jimmy suddenly felt himself rising in the air. To his amazement, he looked at the ground as it slowly moved away from him. The flame then danced and spun around him.

"What…what is this?!" Jimmy exclaimed, both in fear and joy. The flame then rushed itself and bore once again into Jimmy's chest. Once it was there, Jimmy felt the same rush of heat flow through his body. Suddenly, he felt his fingers twitch in excited energy.


The voice rang out, before Jimmy turned to the black sky. In a matter of seconds, he zoomed past the window and began to soar above the city. The whole world seemed to have spun underneath him slowly, like a movie in slow motion.


The voice exclaimed, as more and more energy caused Jimmy's whole body to shiver in unnatural joy. He spent a few minutes with his eyes open and his feet dangling as he rose higher and higher. When he finally calmed down, he began to laugh in a nervous yet elated fit.

"This…this is…AMAZING!" He yelled out, before he felt a warmth of approval wrap around him. Surveying the sky for a few seconds, he looked around before he began to lift his hands in front of him. Suddenly, he shot through the sky in a fiery blaze.

Across the pitch black night, a trail of bright and blue energy, like that of the sky, cut across and lighted up the world. For those who bothered to look up, they saw a powerful blue line speeding faster and faster above. What many of them heard was said that of a young boy's voice. It screamed in delight as it repeated the word "Fly" over and over again.

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