
Contracted Wife Of Cold Mafia

The story you've described involves a young girl named Irene who is 20 years old and diagnosed with cancer. To fund her mother's operation, she encounters a character named Kai, who is a 25-year-old member of the mafia. They make a contract where Kai agrees to provide the necessary funds for Irene's mother's operation. As part of the agreement, Irene agrees to marry him. After a physical relationship, they develop feelings for each other and fall in love.

IRIS29 · Action
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18 Chs

Last night was nothing.

Irene slowly opened her eyes, she was greeted by the warm, gentle rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains, casting a golden glow on her face.

Irene found herself in Kai's embrace, a wave of shock and fear coursed through her body, causing her spine to tingle. Memories of the previous night flooded her mind, memories that had left her feeling vulnerable and uncertain about her place in this marriage.

She pulled away slightly, creating a small space between them. Then she woke up and walked into the bathroom and took a shower after some time she came out wearing simple clothes. Then Her eyes fall on Kai who has already woken up. Then she gathered some confidence and talked to Kai about last night .so Irene said "Sir, I... I need to talk about last night," she stammered, her voice filled with a mixture of fear and hesitation.

Kai's expression changed as he sensed Irene's unease. He reached out a hand, placing it on her shoulder. "Irene, I understand that last night might have been overwhelming for you.

So let's forget about last night he said with no expression that makes Irene shocked

As Irene said while scattering her voice what do you say? Then Kai said "Irene, our relationship started as a contract, a way for you to secure the means for your mother's operations was a mistake of our both we lost control last night so let's forget it Kai stated with no expression on his face.

Irene's heart sank as she heard Kai's response. His words felt cold and detached, leaving her with a sense of disappointment and confusion. She had hoped for a more compassionate and understanding reaction, a genuine acknowledgement of their shared responsibility.

With a heavy sigh, Irene nodded silently, suppressing the lingering feelings of hurt and vulnerability that swirled within her. She understood that moving forward meant burying their encounter in the depths of their memories, pretending as if it never happened.

The sound of the maid's knock broke the heavy silence that enveloped the room. Irene and Kai exchanged a glance before Kai responded, his voice devoid of emotion. "Thank you for letting us know. We'll be there shortly."

Then Kai coldly said to Irene you go have your breakfast I will come there after finishing off my morning routine Irene nodded her head and went to the dining area, the maid said ma'am your breakfast she said kept here I will eat it after Kai arrives Irene said

What is your name? Irene asked the maid, then the maid replied ma'am I am Laura ,nice to meet you.

As Irene engaged in conversation with Laura, the maid, a small sense of warmth and connection began to stir within her. The simple act of asking for her name and encouraging a more familiar form of address helped to bridge the gap that existed between them.

"Nice to meet you, Laura," Irene said, her voice laced with sincerity. "Please, don't hesitate to call me Irene. We're all part of this household together."

How could I call you by your name ma'am sir will fire me if I call you by your name maid said to Irene .

I understand your situation but I will you anty and you will call me Irene that finale and about I will tell him that I told you to call me Irene .

Irene, I appreciate your trust and your desire to create a more open and equal environment," Laura responded, her voice filled with gratitude. "I will honor your request and address you as Irene. And if anyone questions it, I will make it clear that it was my decision."

As Kai entered the dining area, a silence settled over the room, interrupted only by the greeting from Laura, the maid. Irene felt a mixture of emotions—tension, curiosity, and a flicker of hope that perhaps this interaction would be different from their recent ones.

"Good morning, ," Irene greeted him with a polite nod, her voice carrying a note of formality.

He hummed without saying good morning back to Irene.

Irene's feel sad, disappointment washing over her. She had hoped for a more open and understanding conversation, but his response only served to widen the gap between them.

As Kai took his seat across from Irene, his words pierced through the air with an icy coldness and asked hope you that breakfast Irene.

With a deep breath, Irene mustered her strength and met Kai's gaze, her voice tinged with a mix of hurt and determination. "I haven't eaten it because I was waiting for you," she replied.

Laura served the breakfast to Irene and Kai, a heavy silence settled over the room. The tension between them seemed to weigh down the atmosphere, leaving both of them at a loss for words. They began to eat their meal in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.