
Contract with the Demon King (BL)

Zhang Wang got stuck in a contract with the Demon King! This is totally bullshit! He was finally going to have his chance at stealing the title of protagonist by killing off the evil Demon King... But right at that moment, when he was about to cleave the head off of the villain’s shoulders, somehow, his bugged out system decided to interfere! Next thing he knew, he was stuck with a contract with this evil, hateful villain. What? Their souls are entwined as well? What the heck! Was this just some stupid plot device for some cheap danmei?! Zhang Wang wasn’t going to allow this to happen. He will have to break this contract as soon as he could! ----- WARNING: This is BL, which means boyxboy romance. And there will be r-18 scenes eventually as well so consider yourselves warned! ----- Join the discord! https://discord.gg/DU9S2Y4

valiantxvillainous · LGBT+
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243 Chs

Comb through the village

It turned out that finding the information he sought wasn't that difficult.

All it took was a few amiable chats with the locals.

"Is Young Master a cultivator? That's really impressive!" One of the men chirped pleasantly after Zhang Wang paid for his breakfast.

His female companion looked at the Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms with dazzling eyes. "My but you look as delicate as a flower…! How do you keep your skin looking so smooth and shiny?"

He inwardly cringed at her words but kept a flirty smile on his face. The Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms winked, "Well, I guess it's thanks to my mom and dad I'm so handsome."

She giggled pleasantly, "How envious!"

But Zhang Wang wasn't hanging out to make idle chatter, as fun as it was. He casually veered the conversation toward a direction that better suited himself. "Speaking of which, have there been any other cultivators recently seen traveling these parts?"