

all passengers proceed to living quarters* an air female voice announced my pod opened up I was greeted with a holographic interface that showed most of my details, name, weight, height and so on I looked at my self, the hibernating suits were skin tight but weren't uncomfortable in the slightest,

*please proceed to dock 005c* the voice announced again this time it felt like it was in my head

" what the fu... I mumured as I stagarred to the exit a transit which is more like a tiny train that can contain only a hand full of people came to a halt as I left the hibernation room

*005c was boldly written on the top, the doors slid open and I made my way into it collapsing on the small seat that was in it, soon another figure came in it was a guy with brown hair I think, he sat next to me, and that's when I dozed off again,

**a strange ringing sound woke me from my sleep, I was on a small bed which was just past my own width I was facing the metal wall , it had neon lights running in a rectangle which had it's lower corner broken or cut making it look incomplete.

**Good morning eve* the ai greeted startling me, I sighed as I sat up, on the other side of the room was another bunk like mine with the irregular rectangle to my right was a fairly large window, I could see the endless void of space and a few stars some light fell into the room through it, I guess it was from the planets star since we were likely six months from its orbit, .....

....the annoying alarm, began to ring again although it was a subtle beeping a figure emerged from the bunk opposite me it was a male,

"seriously why are we in the same room, from the top bunk a girl jumped down.

" fuck " the boy cursed

two legs swooped from above me, another roommate I guessed, the girl sat on the floor crosslegged, a holographic screen appeared in front of her and she started swiping through the air.

" how'd you learn to use that?" the guy asked, his voice was quite mature,

" I'm a tech genius" she replied almost smiling

" um shouldn't we introduce ourselves, " I suggested looking around the small room.

"umm, yeah," the girl started " I'm jean"

" Roland" the guy sitting next to jean said.

" and I'm Jerry" the guy atop my bunk said.

"uhhh, I'm eve, nice to meet y'all " I said

Jerry jumped down making the metal under my feet vibrate, he had blonde curly hair, an average muscular frame just like Roland, he was.... beautiful if I must say*

the lights in the small room flickered on

***good morning, residents of 005c, you may now proceed to the cafeteria for dinner,* the same ai voice stated then went silent for a few minutes before announcing again, we all left the room as soon as we can, immediately we left the room we were awed by the size of the hall which led to the even larger cafeteria, which was a bit crowded as other people had beat us to dinner I quickly lost tract of my other room mates, in the center of the hall was a large pillar like structure were other passengers collected thier meals and above it were five large hexagonal windows obviously over reinforced with whatever they use, it still creeped me out.

I took a tray and headed to where I'd get served, queuing along, I finally got my meal, a slice of steak, rice, a few vegetables and coloured water, yh colored water...the tables had only four seats and I was lucky to find an empty chair as people kept flooding In, I grabbed my fork and started munching down on the meal which was surprisingly good, I thought or maybe it was my hunger, whatever,

as I munched on a veggie I took a quick scan around the table two blonde haired girls talking to each other by my right and in front of me..... this dark haired dude was openly staring at me,

"ummm....are you ok" I asked feeling a little embarrassed,

" are you from California?" he asked me

'yes I was from California now what'

"um...no I replied " what's the matter"?

" you just look kinda familiar" he said stuffing his mouth with some fries.......wierd...


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