
Conquest Of Dark Lord

Author: AlFeetStudio
Ongoing · 27.1K Views
  • 44 Chs
  • 5.0
    10 ratings
  • NO.200+

Set in an age of destruction, this period is marked by economic crisis, inflation, famine, and deadly plagues. These calamities stem from four kingdoms waging war over territories they each seek to control. The magic they wield has devastating effects on both the environment and society. This turmoil triggers the rise of a being known as the "Dark Lord," the harbinger of ruin from the Age of Emptiness, about 250,000 years ago. The Dark Lord's essence awakens within a 15-year-old boy during his Elemental Awakening Ceremony. In order to destroy the power hierarchy that is worsening the situation on this continent, the Dark Lord must gather his strength again to destroy the power of the System that is used by someone to control all countries on this continent. But to get to that point is certainly not easy, it takes a high mentality and confidence to destroy the evil that has long existed on this continent.

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It is said that you shouldn't meet your heroes. Gehaldirah, a high elf of royal bloodline didn't have to meet the realm lord of High Heaven before he became disillusioned. His admiration for the paragon of the high elf race turned into hatred when he got some damning knowledge about why demons kept attacking his home and looting the sacred tree of life. His hatred for the realm lord turned to self-hatred for his weakness and mediocrity. Gehaldirah had a moment of introspection. He isn't at the bottom of the ladder in this strength-based hierarchy. He is a king of law, but that apparently isn't enough to guarantee your fate. His strength is also mediocre because it was granted to him because of his bloodline. He determined he had to change himself. He has to become better. He concocted a plan that is one part genius and one part greed. His plan for reincarnation led him to the trial of heaven that occurs every origin cycle. He needed Origin essence so he participated in the trial. He got more than he wanted from the trial. His plan for reincarnation would be a success after some adjustments. But now he has a different aim. He won't aim for just the realm lord. The realm lord has control of the High Heaven Realm. That isn't enough for Geraldirah anymore. He became greedier. He has his sight set on the movers and shakers of the Void Universe. Only the power to subvert the will of World Gods will do. The plan to create LEGION, the ultimate organism was then hatched. If one person cannot achieve something, what about a multitude of them? His journey will not be easy. He will have to overcome Celestials and their Celestial Supreme, Gods and their GodKings, Demon kings and their Demon gods. The Void Universe is full of obstacles that will like nothing more than to put an end to his path. It is not that they hate him. They will oppose him simply because the era of conquest is coming. There are no friends in the era of conquest. It is everyone for themselves. And he will use everything and everyone for the advancement of Legion. AUTHOR: I cannot promise that you will like it. I can only promise that the book is original and unique. It is something new. The MC is neutral evil. He is willing to sacrifice everyone for his goals. He is smart and the antagonists in the book are cunning. Discord: https://discord.gg/b3xeynDZQe Power Stones Goals: 1400PS - 1 Extra Chapter. 2000PS - 2 Extra Chapters. 3000PS - 3 Extra Chapters. 5000PS - 4 Extra Chapters. Golden Tickets Goals: 100 Golden Tickets - 1 Extra Chapter. 200 Golden Tickets - 2 Extra Chapters. 300 Golden Tickets - 3 Extra Chapters. 400 Golden Tickets - 4 Extra Chapters. 500 Golden Tickets - 5 Extra Chapters.

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On just another normal Monday, a new virtual reality game called "Evolution Online" launched out of nowhere and took the world by storm. People were blown away by the game’s hyper-realistic features and endless adventures. Everyone from small companies to big corporations and governments scrambled to get a foothold on this mysterious video game. But what they didn't know was that this game was actually a tutorial for the upcoming apocalypse that was about to hit the planet! The game was a precursor to the Earth's first evolution, where mana was going to be unleashed into the real world! Liam, a high school student who had faced numerous setbacks in his life, turned to 'Evolution Online' in the hope of changing his fate, but instead, he got trapped in the game's twisted world, and things went from bad to worse. When the apocalypse finally arrived, Liam barely managed to escape, but his situation didn't improve. Along with millions of others, he died a miserable death, unable to fight back and filled with regret. However, Liam's story didn't end there. He found himself inexplicably transported back in time before everything started! Armed with the knowledge of what was to come, Liam was determined to become the strongest and most powerful player, unleashing destruction upon the world that had ruined him before! This time, things were going to be different! ******************* Discord Link for chatting with author and character art https://discord.gg/XS7gWScKn8

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WORTH IT BAT COK, di tunggu update selanjutnya min hehe


menarik dan sangat worth it untuk di tunggu kelanjutannya


Absolutely fun for reading i hope u continue this novel, i would see Zayn on next chapter please i miss him, he has a poor life actually don't be so cruel to him,


mau tau apa yang bakal terjadi kedepanya, penasaran siapa pemilik Element Kegelapan sebelumnya dan siapa orang yang berhasil menahan serangan 250.000 tahun yang lalu


kapan zayn muncul min udah 20 chapter kaga muncul muncul itu,


Mantap bro tolong di lanjutkan lagi untu sequel novel ini saya ingin melihat bagaimana perkembangan cerita ini berjalan, ga terlalu kaku si ceritanya cuman aga miris aja sama nasib Zayn yang ga memiliki bakat sedikit pun


Buatlah menjadi sebuah karya yang besar untuk masa depan nanti, aku yakin ini akan menjadi karya yang sangat hebat di masa yang akan datang aku tidak sabar untuk menunggu kelanjutan cerita ini aku harap kay terus menuliskan cerita ini dengan penuh semangat


lanjutin trus min sering serinhg update, penasaran ama kelanjutannya


worth it buat di baca di tunggu kelanjutannya


Hahahaha, gua penasaran gimana nasib mc di novel ini dulu orang yang ngegunain ini dibilang penghancur apa mc bakal jadi orang yang sama kaya dlu atau beda lagi ? semoga aja ga pasaran


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