
2 Oh Sh*t ! [Edited]

In a dark room a body is lying on the ground. Don't know how long has that body lying there but all we know is has been quite some time now.

?? : "Holy Sh*t! My superiors gonna be angry for what I've done.

?? : *Uggh* ... "Where am i ?"

?? : "Oh! He's waking up. The person lying on the ground is finally woke up."

?? : *ugggh* " What happen where am i, Where is this place and what am i doing here?"

?? : "Calm down kiddo, are you okey ? sorry about that. By the way what is your name so i know what can i call you. I don't want to call you kiddo for ever right ?"

Van : "Van, Van Wolski. Why am i here ? The last thing i knew ... *ugggh* RIGHT! I was going to school then meet up with my buddy, then when i was going to the classroom i hear a voice calling for help. Then there's this Red Light falling from the sky. That's the last thing i knew before i got here"

?? : "Woah ! Calm down i said. well that red light falling from the sky is my doing."

Van : "WHAT?!! Then what is that can you please let me know what is that thing and who are you si..."

Van finally gained his eye sight and see who is talking in front of him and when he sees who is talking he suddenly stop. Because he doesn't know what person or creature is in front of him right now. What he only see is a white orb floating in the dark room.

White Orb : "Oh! So your name is Van Wolski. Nice to met you and Sorry for what I've done to you its my fault that you are in here right now."

Van : "Is that so ? So why can't i stand up and where am i and who are you ? please can you enlighten me ?"

White Orb : "Hmm. Well as you can see im a white orb but you can call me Watcher. I don't have a gender so you can call me ma'am or sir its your choice Van."

Van : "Watcher? Okey.."

White Orb : "Yes. I'm the Watcher of this universe and your here in my domain."

Van : "So sir watcher. Why am i here in your domain?"

Watcher : "Well as you can see you died."

Van : "WHAT?! I died?! how?!"

Watcher : "Well you see the Res Light i suppose?"

Van : "Yeah. I see a Red Light falling from the sky. *nods* So that thing kill me?"

Watcher : "Well yeah and I'm really SO SORRY about that. *bows head* It's my fault that you died im really sorry"

Van : "Uhm.. It's okey i know you didn't mean to do that. It just that I'm a bit shock right now for dying suddenly. I didn't get to say farewell to my love ones." ~haaa~

Watcher : *scratch head* " I'm really sorry. Well your family is in good health and your best friend is the same too."

Van : "Well so I'm here ha? In your domain."

Watcher : "Yes and why your here I'm gonna tell you now. supposedly when a person os dead their souls go to God's domain and get purify by the Gods itself and.."

Van : "Wait wait wait ! What do you mean God's domain ?! Is this not God's domain ?!"

Watcher : "Well technically No! This is not God's domain it's ..."

Van : "So where am i ?! I thought you were God!!"

Watcher : "Young man please don't interrupt me when im speaking we will go there and i will explain for you where this is okey ?."

Van : "Okey . Please enlighten me."

Watcher : "Good. Now where was i ? Oh yeah God's domain . So Yeah your not in God's domain bit your in Watchers domain and I can't get you to the God's domain because of my mistake for killing you and that's a very heavy punishment for me. So... I bring you or i mean your soul directly here in my domain because of my mistake."

Watcher : "Because of my mistake im granting you another chance to be alive again. So please forgive me for what I've done and please don't tell anyone about this?"

Van : "Uhm. *scratch head* Okey I won't and it's okey so please don't apologise anymore i understand you and I don't blame you for what you've done. So where are you gonna get me reborn?"

Watcher : "Thank you ! Oh yes. Your gonna be reborn in a world of Anime so i will give you a [system] that every weeb in your world want to have."

Van : "What a [system] ?! Great! I'm gonna be an OP MC Yess!! No one can defeat me hahahaha! So where can i start ?!"

Watcher : "Woah hold your horses there young man, i mean Van. Don't be happy yet because there is a catch."

Van : "What it is ?"

Watcher : "Well in that world that your going to is a world were is always danger lurking and it's chaotic. "

Van : "Whaaat ?!. So what is the name of that world ? I'm a bit scared right now and i Don't know if this is a good thing."

Watcher : "Well sorry but i can't tell you that, where's the fun if you kbow whereare you going right ? hehehe. but don't worry, I'm gonna give you 3 wishes for that so you can survive to that world your going to."

Van : " I have an ominous feeling about your laugh ! but thank you.*bows head*"

Watcher : "No problem that what i should do . So come on what are your wishes and so i can grant them to you."

Van : "Hmm. i thought that its easy to wish what i want but now.. Hmm okey I'll go with that"

Watcher : "So what are your 3 wishes Van?"

Van : " 1. I wish when i learn a skill it get max on it level automatically. 2. Give me an indestructible body and for my last wish give me an x100 in exp boost."

Watcher : "I can give you the 1 and 2 of your wish but the number 3 is a bit hard. If it's a x100% exp boost I can give you but x100 i can't."

Van : "Why ?"

Watcher : "Because your gonna break the balance of that world. So i only can give you x10 and nothing more. I'm sorry and if you don't want to please try another wish."

Van : "Oh i get it . So x10 huh? Well I'll go with it x10 it is!"

Watcher : "Are you sure that will be it? No Turning back now Van."

Van : "Yeah !"

Watcher : "Okey here we go"

When the watcher said he the white orb that is floating around shine brighter and brighter until the whole domain covered in a white light and its only for a few second. Then the white light decreasing its brightness until the whole domain is back to being dark.

Van : "Thank you again and Bye !"

When the white light turn into an floating orb again Van's body is gone and the only thing in that room is the white orb.

That was supposed to be but....

?? : "Uhm hello ? where am i ?"

Watcher : "¥£€¢$#@&* !!"

?? : "Uhm hello ?"

Watcher : "Who are you ?!"

?? : "Uhm I'm ________ and where is this place?"

Watcher : "What the !! then Van is ??!! F*CK !!! I MESSED UP !! SH*T!!"

~~~~That's for another time to tell~~~~

Hello guys !

this is a pure hobby of mine and please comment for my wrong grammar so i can improve my writing and be a good write someday. (I hope.)

please please please Don't be angry of some grammar or words english is not my first.

So please understan . thank you and enjoy.

p.s. : if this is gonna be popular (maybe)

I'll make it 2 chapters a week. ?

HeavenlyMallescreators' thoughts
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