
A meeting

Batman pov :

Case file :- A-07

Name : Adrian zeno val Ragnar

Age : unknown ( late teen)

Height : 6.2 ft

Weight : 68 kg

Traits : Pink hair, Brown skin,Golden eyes.

Powers :

Super Strength

Super Speed

Strange energy manipulation

High durability


Telepathy resistance

Restoration ability

(further details required)

Summary : Traveller from unknown planet. Supposed royalty and now orphan. The last of his kind.

Threat level : City class. ( could be changed)

Weakness : Mental trauma and physical fatigue.

Contingency : not decided.

Hmm he really is interesting. His fight with Hawkgirl has proven that he was holding back. He has untrained battle capabilities. His fighting methods are crude.

It is almost as if he was new to fighting. His calm demeanour in a tough situation shows his intellect and wisdom.

He has great awareness. And a sweet tongue. And his strange energy control is also unknown.

I need to reevaluate his powers again. He is a possible threat. I must also show the league his information. We have to make a decision before anything bad happens.

3rd person pov :

In the Justice League tower every member of Justice League are sitting in a meeting room.

There are Superman, Batman, Flash,Wonder Woman, Green lantern, Hawkman, Aquaman and Green Arrow.

Batman stands up in the room and starts to give out Adrian's file to everyone and speaks " This is a new alien that was found in sahara desert. Now he is stationed in the Young justice base. And apparently his home world has been destroyed. I already asked Green lantern about the situation. He should speak "

Hal Jordan aka Green Lantern speaks " I didn't find any trace of his civilisation according to his reports but there are many unrecorded and hidden civilization that are still not under lantern corps raider. So i think his situation is truthful. "

Batman then says " We need to make a decision about him. His threat level may increase by further in near future according to his powers. "

Superman then says " Even though his threat level is high we cannot come to any solid conclusion that he is a threat to us right now. And He is still a kid Bruce ".

Wonder Woman also speaks " Yes the boy is really strong as he combated against Hawkgirl but it doesn't prove any aggression towards us. "

Suddenly Hawkman with anger says " No the boy is clearly a threat he simply comes and beats a Justice League member and you call it non aggression. Besides he must have some ulterior motives behind his actions. As i see it we should keep him locked up. "

Flash says " You can't just lock someone up without any reason. Besides it was just a spar Hawkman, just a spar."

Aquaman says " I agree with Flash you can't lock away a kid without any reason. "

Green arrow says " But he is a natural threat to us and we have to be careful. In the recent years the invasion of Brainiac should have taught us something. He could be a spy. We should be careful ."

Hawkman says " Yes he can be a spy. We have to lock him up and interrogate him. And don't blame me later. "

Wonder woman then replied to Hawkman " Don't be like that we have suffered great during the alien invasion but we can't change our outlook for fear of the future. "

Superman says " You are right we can't punish an innocent. And he must be devastated after his loss. "

Batman says " Enough there is no proof of his innocence yet and nor of his guilt. Since we don't have Black Canary, Hawkgirl, Shazam and Red tornado with us we can't decide anything about him yet. But we need to do it fast. Black Canary and Red tornado will come in two days of time. Until that we need to observe him and since his threat level is high for the Young justice team we need a League member's assistance along with Hawkgirl. "

Hawkman says " I'll do it. I am pretty sure i can handle him if necessary. "

Flash nudges Green arrow and whispers " I wonder if that boy could beat Hawkman's sorry ass then he would tone his annoying voice a little. "

Green arrow replies " It would be fun to watch at least. "

" Quiet, I don't think you should go Hawkman. I think Diana aka Wonder Woman is best for the job" Superman said.

Flash says " That boy is sure lucky. Two of the beauties from us will watch him."

Batman says " What do you think Wonder Woman? "

" I agree. I don't have a problem in watching the boy. " Wonder Woman said.

" No, i disagree " Hawkman interjected.

Batman says " Okay since one of our members have a made a different choice. We have to vote. Everyone raise if you want Wonder Woman to observe. ( Everyone raises except Hawkman.) Okay then it's decided Wonder Woman will watch him untill Black Canary and Red tornado returns."

Hawkman grumbles a little. And Batman gives Wonder Woman all of Adrian's details and asks her to be careful. Wonder Woman looks at the picture of the pink haired boy and smiles " This will be fun. "

Artemis pov :

'What just happened. I just watched the conversation between Hawkgirl and Adrian.

This boy is really despicable. He not only seduced the other girls but also made Hawkgirl his target.

And he will succeed at the rate which he is growing. But why do i care he can do whatever he wants. No he may have some ulterior motives behind his actions.

Yes so i must find his truth and for that i have to talk to him. And i must divert his attention from other girls to me so that they can be saved.

Yes i must do it for the team ' she says as she watches the boy with a little pink tint to her face.

As promised i will post 5 chapters. Thank you for reading. I hope you share this and hope you have a good day.

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