
conqueror: Life after truth is revealed

[this novel is taking part in fantasy carnival! Please drop a powerstone if you like it! Thanks for stopping by!] How would you strive to become the most powerful among your peers when given a system at the same time, same quests and different paths? would you run to the top with strength and perseverance? lay in the shadows with patience strong as steel? Cast your way across galaxies? or just lay there alone - The darkened lights in the auditorium flared down at the crowd of people. It was our first year entering high school at the prestigious academy for "young geniuses". When really, most of them here are payed entries. I stood in the middle of the bunch of people shoving others aside in hopes to get a small head start. In this day and age, people have managed to control the human body and expand it beyond belief. But people had to earn that power, by unlocking the system with a mana crystal you could be limitless. the school you attend to of your first year of high school will give you your system and you must fight amongst your peers to become the best. Where people have been betrayed many times, stolen tests to breaking arms to get a better placement on a mile race. The crowd of people were a racket as the professor rolled out a large blue ball. stopping in the middle of the stage like a popular music artist. "I wish you all the best of luck on your journey." a blue hue slammed against everyone as it spread throughout the room [Welcome, Andrew] 'no one will stop me, this time, or ever.' -------- Welcome to my novel! thank you for stopping by! This novel contains mature themes, so if you are uncomfortable with heavy gore, language or naughty scenes :3 (these are not common and will only take place after story progresses) please be warned. Prolougue will be written in a very fast pace to give background information, I feel that starting the novel like this will be refreshing and will bring more depth to the characters. WARNING! 18+ chapters will have a * in title WARNING! release schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (starting when prologue ends, will change if novel does well) power stones will hasten chapter releases so if you love the novel, please drop one down! 10 pwerstones = 1 bonus chapter 30 powerstones = 2 bonus chapters 60 powerstones = 3 bonus chapters 100 powerstones = 2 chapters a day for a week *chapters will be uploaded the day after goal is reached* this is my second novel after I took a writing class I'm at it again, let me know if anything is wrong! cover is not mine, please contact me if you want it removed

frewdsfagr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

World wide issue and a setback.

International space meeting, Moscow, Russia


"What is it now, I thought the connection beam was fired. It scared the life out of the entire planet though." He said grumpily, the countries all over the world have been pestering him about what the giant beam is and what it does.

"Yes yes, I know sir. But with how powerful the beam was when it was shot. Being the most powerful thing to ever exist by an almost quadruple amount—

"Get to the point."

"Well with over 300 nucular bombs of energy focused on one specific spot, it has caused our planet to move out of it's trajectory, at this rate we will collide with mars in three years. The only thing keeping us from certain death is the climate barrier"

The man's knuckles turned white at the news, he had received many warnings about something like this happening but with how unlikely the project was going to work, he ignored them. He was so absorbed in the fact that they found a way to converse with other life that he forgot about the orbit. Especially since the company who made the system told him too do it anyway, as a way to "make us progress faster and longer.".

"God fu— do we have a way to stop it?"

"No sir, with how much supplies were needed for the beam, creating another blast at that magnitude is now impossible. The only option we have is to try and construct the teleportation module."

"What's the situation on the other planet? Is it a good idea?"

"We have found that the other planet has no viable threats, it's a planet currently stuck around its royalty phase. Metal swords are all they have. With the beam we have found that by the looks of it they have only explored 3 percent of their planet."

The assistant bowed, her hair falling out of her loose ponytail as she lowered her head.

"Well shit, alert everyone. Try and get the news out to everyone within a month. I want everyone to evacuate earth within 9 months." He said calmly without too much haste.

"After all, we need manpower for an overthrow." he grinned.


"FUCKKKKK!" Andrew screamed as a stray arrow lodged itself in his shoulder. Three more were sprawled out around his body with blood dripping onto the floor.

"Puny man is struggling" A barbarian said with glee standing behind two shorter assassins.

'Their speed is now faster than mine, it takes my full concentration to block a small dagger attack from them. Let alone keep track of the two archers.' Andrew gritted his teeth as he stared forward at the remaining five.

He gripped his sword until all color in his knuckles were now non existent. Preparing to strike once more.

"Give up, it's pointless. We have speed and attack advantage." one of the sort assassins said without much emotion.

'That's why i need to attack now or i will be a fish in a barrel' He ran forward bringing his sword up to his shoulders.

He reached one of the assassins and tried to strike but it was dodged fairly easily. But instead of turning for the assassin he instead used momentum to strike forward once again at the barbarian. His short red hair covered in his teammates blood, a smile formed on the barbarians face as he blocked Andrews oncoming attack and the assassins dove in cutting up his legs.

"AAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHH" Andrew let out a blood chilling shriek as he felt his flesh being divided periodically.

He let go of his sword and grabbed an assassin's neck, using item transport he guided the sword through the guys throat. Watching the blood bubble and spill out his mouth. He continued the sword through his neck and back towards the remaining assassin. The sword pierced like butter and slid through his waist.

The barbarian watched with interest as his teammates were being slaughtered in front of him. The archers fired another round after picking up arrows from the ground. Both landed in Andrews blood stained back. Causing Andrews face to contort in rage, the pain was almost too much to bear as he turned towards the archers.

[it is recommended that you exit the dungeon.]

'Im so damn close to beating these 3 though, just a little longer.' Andrew responded to the system and slammed his sword into an archer's shoulder. Causing the archer's arm to distort into an inhuman state, killing him nearly immediately.

[you can't use the benefits if you are dead. You are not superhuman…. Yet.]

'I dont give two shits, im beating these fucks too the ground' He grimaced, using his sword that now returned to him he stumbled towards the barbarian, completely ignoring the remaining archer. Blood spurted from his wounds every time he stepped.


An arrow landed right into his shoulder, if he hadn't leaned forward a little, it would have lodged itself into his neck.

"FUCK, EXIT" He yelled to the system.

The air around him was now crisp as the fall air invaded his lungs, looking out onto the campus from between the doors. Stepping out into the cool air, multiple people turned their heads to look at the new injured person. Many eyes widened in surprise, not because of how close to death he was, how much blood there was, not how tattered his clothes were. But by the new information brought with him, with the world aiming for the top, a dying classmate was common and often ignored. But taking in what the injuries looked like could bring information.

"Arrows…." John muttered to himself, he was standing in the ever-expanding line staring at his old buddy.

'Hes farther than me, and by a large margin too.' John looked at Andrew with the only source of pity from the many eyes. He was worried for the struggling teen as Andrew stumbled along the side of the path, staff nurses were now available too attend the students now that the stupid people who went to far are dead. A lady with long black hair with two mountainous peaks approached him to help.

'No… mountainous is undermining her…' Andrew thought as he slowly lost consciousness.

Waking up in an unfamiliar white room Andrew slowly sat himself up. He was set on a white bed with the softness of a pillow, the sun beamed through the window. He looked towards his legs as they were all bandaged up and full of ointment and other medicinal products. Luckily, since the medical age has advanced so much it wouldn't be too long before he could dive back in.

"Sigh, looks like i have some planning i need to do for that floor." he mumbled to himself as he laid his head back.

'God i'm exhausted, i may need to take a bit off after this. I think I'm miles ahead of everyone else due to my specific spells. But that won't last for long…' he thought as he stared at the bright white lights held on the ceiling.

'Regardless, Might as well work on learning spells for now."

"I don't think you will be leaving anytime soon dear.." a motherly tone spoke from the door, turning to look at the source. Andrew wasn't surprised to see the same nurse waiting as she looked over a small clipboard.

"You're pretty impressive i must say, it's only the second day and you're already on 2-9. You might be a new rising star." She smirked as she looked up from her clipboard.

"Yea, im pretty awesome right" He laughed as he set his head back onto the pillow.

She giggled in response to his narcissism, setting the clipboard down she walked over to examine his now heavily bandaged legs.

"Well, i'm sorry to say that you'll be out of order for the next day or two, even with the high end medicinal pills that somehow magically heal severe wounds will take over a day to repair all of yours. The issue isn't how deep they are, but how many there are. It takes a long time to make all of that blood, I will write you down for a transplant soon" she pressed her gentle hands around his bandaged legs to feel for any cramps or dislocation.

A scent of flowers bloomed over him as she pressed her large body into Andrews. Taking most of his willpower to just look away for a couple of seconds. After all, he was only 15 in his first year of high school, But that willpower isn't much when you're long as he glanced multiple times.

"You know, you should really be more careful, regardless of being a prodigy." she stood back up and looked down at him with a small smug smile.

"You should be fine with a crutch for a couple of hours, just make sure to not put too much stress on it. All of your other wounds should be alright besides your legs, if you find any problems make sure you come back immediately, ill be sure to treat you personally." She smirked mischievously and poked his nose.

Andrew nodded absentmindedly and looked right to find a pair of crutches given to him already, laying on the side of a small wooden bed stand. picking them up he stumbled out of the white hospital bed and used the crutches to guide himself out.

"Thank you miss, when should I come back to get the blood transfer?"

"Meet back here in a couple of hours." She responded by picking up her clipboard once again.