
Conquering the Universe with my Sister

"A chance to make everything right.... a chance to see her again..." *** Standing on a balcony with blood all over his body, Avery watches the empire he built burn to ashes. Weirdly enough, there was only longing in the eyes of the man. “I can finally see you again, Little Yue.” The man said as he wistfully gazed at the sky covered with smoke. The man falls to the ground as the light in his eyes slowly fades away. The man wakes up in a familiar room. He looks confused at the situation he is in. He suddenly hears a voice. "Big Brother!!" A cute voice reaches his ears as his eyes opens wide at the familiar voice. He slowly turns his head around and... [Tags] [Warnings] - incest - little sister - r18 - brother x sister - sibling love - No Harem [Disclaimer] The cover photo and all other photos used in this novel are not mine. If you are the owner please do contact me so that I could take it down.

Yue_021 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Mana Enhanced Wheat Seeds

Chapter 51 - Mana Enhanced Wheat Seeds

At the field in front of the barracks.

Avery observed and trained the trainees.

After a few hours of repeating the same drills, the elves were now familiarized with the steps and commands needed to execute the drills.

A resemblance of what Avery wanted can now be seen as they did the drills.

Avery then saw Lia, the elven general, quietly standing by the barracks.

She seemed to want to convey something but refrained from disturbing the training.

Avery then turned his attention to the elves who were quietly standing at ease with straight and stiff posture.

From their faces, he can see that they were tired already.

So he told them to have a break in which the trainees sighed in relief as they all fell to the ground.

Avery then gestured for Lia to come over.

Seeing the opportunity to report, Lia quickly went towards him.

"Your Majesty." Lia greeted in a flat emotionless tone. Despite this, respect and loyalty can still be discerned in her voice if one carefully listens.

"Report?" Avery did not mind her tone since this is how she had been most of the time. But the fact that he knows that she is loyal also played the role.

"Yes your majesty, I am here to report about the trainees you sent."

"Go on."

Lia then explained the details of the trainees that he gave to Lia yesterday.

He wanted to quickly fill out the positions of the guards and sentry of the village.

Since Lia and Estel were the ones doing the job for now as there was no one capable yet.

Avery gave her a small group of Elves yesterday so that she could train them.

He can't have his generals act as the gate guards forever.

Lia's report explained all the details and what she did to train them.

"What about the progress? Can we leave the job to them now?"

"Yes your majesty, they are capable of taking the post."

"That's good. Have them take your and Estel's post then come back here with Estel."

"Yes your majesty."

Estel then respectfully left to execute his orders.

After a few moments, Avery then heard a cute and pleasant voice behind him.

"Big brother!"

He smiled knowing who it was.

He then heard rushing footsteps before two soft arms wrapped around his neck.

"Hehe.. I missed you, big brother." Yue cutely asked.

"Really now? But we were only separated for a couple of hours."

"Ehh… so you did not miss your little sister?" She slyly replied.

"No- that's not–"

"Wha!? So you did not miss me…" Yue replied with a depressed tone.

"Nonono! That's not what I meant! You were in my head all the time!" Avery hastily said as he quickly turned around only to see his sister slyly smiling at him.

"See! You did miss me!"


"Hahahaha." Yue laughed seeing she got her big brother.

Avery sighed and simply smiled as he watched her sister's face of joy.

After a few more minutes, Yue finally calmed down.

"So how was the discussion?"

"Oh it went really well– Oh and look at this big brother!"

Yue then suddenly remembered why she was here in the first place apart from seeing her big brother.

She then took the seed in her pocket and showed it to Avery.

"Lindir successfully researched the one that you talked about!"

"Really?" Avery then took the seed from her hand and inspected it.

Seeing the familiar glow on the seed, Avery knew that it was a success.

Though the glow and the magic inside can't be compared to what he had in the last timeline, he was still very satisfied with what they were able to research.

He was sure that with more time and knowledge, the seed would one day be what he was used to and perhaps surpass it.

Even with the seed in his hands was enough for now.

It was way better than the normal one.

This would give them a great headstart as they would not need to worry about food.

They can rapidly expand their population which means more people in the army.

While they did that, the other kingdoms' population and army size would be limited by their ability to produce and gather food.

Avery then inspected it with the system.

[Name: Wheat Seeds (Mana Enhanced: Tier 1)

Rarity: Green

Description: A wheat seed that was imbued with mana through a specific method. The mana magically enhanced the seed, allowing it to gain some beneficial properties.

Gives: Grains x2, +Nutrients, Growth Speed x4 (Mana Dependent) ]

Avery nodded seeing the familiar stats.

The growth speed is dependent on the amount of mana in its environment.

But that is not a problem for Avery as the village and its surrounding was rich and full of mana.

Plus he knew of a method on how to address the seed's mana dependency even without relying on the environment.

One has to know that the field in which they grew the seed in the last timeline was not rich with mana.

So they needed to feed and expose the seed with mana through a certain method.

"It's amazing."

"Right?!" Yue excitedly said since Earth did not have such a magical thing.

So seeing something new that was made possible through magic excited her.

"The fields should have been tilled already, we just need more of these seeds so that we can start growing them!" Yue said as she wanted to see how these seeds would grow.

She wanted to observe the phenomenon.

She wanted to know why it can produce so much and grow faster than normal.

The intricacy of the magic in it excited her.

"Yes. We'll do that."

"And oh yeah! I have a question big brother, would these magical seeds produce more of such seeds?"

"That is actually one of the downsides of these seeds. After growing the plant, the seed that would come out of it would only be normal seeds, so we need to enhance them again with magic."

"Oh! Is it because the magic was all used to produce the grains and the nutrients in them?"

"Exactly." Avery smiled seeing that his sister figured it out.

"Hmm…." Yue then started to think of something.

"Though it's not really a problem compared to its benefits."

Breaking out of her thoughts, Yue nodded in agreement.

"Your majesties."

"Your majesties."

Avery and Yue turned their head towards the direction of the sound.

There they saw both Lia and Estel.

"You're here."

"Do you need something from them, big brother?"

"Not really, I wanted them to join the training. Familiarizing themselves with the commands and such."

"Hmm… okay."

"Since you're done with your task, why don't you join us," Avery asked, hoping to spend more time with his sister.

Guessing what he was thinking, Yue felt elated.

Wanting to tease her big brother she asked with a sly smile "Looks like big brother misses his cute little sister so much to want to spend time with her more."

"Yup. I missed my cute little sister so much that I just want to hug and kiss her all day." Avery said as a matter of fact with a straight face

"Wh-What?" Caught off guard by his reply, Yue stuttered to form a word.

She looked at his face to see if he was serious.

He simply looked at her as if he was really going to do what he said.

"Big br-brother?" Seeing that he was serious she started imagining his words as her face turned red like a tomato.

"Hahaha." Seeing her like this made Avery laugh.

Seeing that he was only joking, Yue snapped out of her trance and called out to him. "Big brother!"

Avery simply laughed harder and patted her head. "You're so cute, Little Yue."

After having fun and teasing one another, they then started training the trainees with the same drills.

This time Lia and Estel listened and observe as they are going to be leading the trainees in the future.

Plus the task of training these soldiers would inevitably fall into their hands later on.

Avery and Yue would be busy in the future and they won't have time to personally train the soldiers.

So it is up to them as Generals to do the job.