
Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo

This is the story of a young man who yearns for the second dimension and wishes to be with his two-dimension wives. One day his wish also gets fulfilled but behind his time travel, there are shadows of many terrifying beings. Let's watch how he wanders through the second dimension, slowly finds the truth, fights other travelers, saves many two-dimensional heroines, and becomes the strongest person in the whole Dimension. ( Note: This is the first time for the author. So, don't mind if the novel isn't satisfactory. Also, this novel isn't for those who just do trash talks instead of really reading the book.)

Yuuki_Shindo · Eastern
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241 Chs

Chapter 91 - Mysterious Library

Xiao Feng, Xun'er, Xiao Yu, Hu Jia ang Jing Shan gathered in the office of Hu Gan and they were currently standing in front of Hu Gan and listening to his instructions.

Hu Gan looked at Xiao Feng and others and he nodded in satisfaction.

"Since you are all here, I shall not continue to be long-winded. You should all know the reason as to why I called all of you over." Hu Gan stood up from his chair and said with a smile, "You are the top five students of this Qualifying Competition. According to the rules, you have the qualification to enter the 'Book Collection Hall' to try your luck."

As he spoke, Hu Gan walked to a wall behind him. His hand randomly tapped a couple of times on it and a soft, deep rumbling noise resonated. A dark tunnel immediately appeared in front of the five of them.

"Follow me." Hu Gan waved his hand at the five of them and took the lead in entering the dark tunnel. Behind him, Hu Jia, whose face was filled with curiosity, followed him without hesitation. Following which, Jing Shan entered. After they entered Xiao Yan, Xiao Yu and Xun'er also entered this dark, black tunnel.

After entering the tunnel, Xiao Feng was a lot casual, he was constantly looking around. He discovered that there were huge moonlight pearls inserted in the walls. The faint glow shone onto the tunnel until it appeared a little hazy. However, this little bit of light was already sufficient for everyone.

The atmosphere was quiet within the tunnel. There was only soft rustling footsteps. Xiao Feng was the only one who was casual, he swept his gaze over Hu Gan, who was leading the way in front of them.

Suddenly, he felt someone looked at him. He looked around and saw Hu Jia looking towards him from time to time. When he noticed her, she bowed her head with blush on her face. Xiao Feng was bewildered by Hu Jia's reaction, he didn't think much and continued walking.

After walking in the tunnel for nearly half an hour or so, a bright light finally appeared at the end of the tunnel. When they saw this light, the footsteps of the few people within the tunnel also became much faster. A moment later, they finally arrived at the end of the tunnel and took one step out of it.

Eye-piercing light scattered down from the horizon, causing Xiao Feng and the others to shut their eyes subconsciously. Xiao Feng quickly adjusted to such strong light and he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the scene that appeared in front of them.

At this moment, the scene that was in front of Xiao Feng and the others was clearly a certain valley groove. That precipitous mountain wall extended all the way up vertically. Finally, it extended all the way to the edge of one's sight. Within the three surfaces of the cliff, there was coincidentally an extremely spacious empty land. At this moment, a massive, ancient pavilion, which was so large that it left one speechless, was standing there.

Their gazes slowly swept across the large, ancient pavilion and finally stopped on an extremely ancient horizontal signboard that was on the pavilion. On it, three words, that had become blurry due to the destruction of time, appeared faintly visible.

Book Collection Hall!

Looking at such scene Xiao Feng, Xun'er and Xiao Yu didn't feel anything because in the No Game No Life World, Xiao Feng who is the Only God, controls the universe. Galaxy, stars, planets, nebula, black hole, etc. are playthings in his palm, even he once controlled a galaxy then smashed another galaxy with it. In the decade of his life in that world, Xiao Feng has seen many wonderful sceneries, so he wasn't shocked.

Hu Gan led the five of them as they slowly walked toward the Book Collection Hall. They were about to enter a twenty meter distance from the Hall, when Hu Gan suddenly stopped. He cupped his hands in the direction of the Book Collection Hall and said, "The top five names for this year's Qualifying Competition have already been born. According to the rules, I have brought them here. Elders, please open the door!"

Hu Gan's words were carried by Dou Qi as they reverberated unceasingly within the small mountain valley. They did not disappear for a long time.

Not long after Hu Gan's words sounded, Xiao Feng looked at the two grey-robed figures, who were seated cross-legged on the ground. Xiao Feng could easily detect there use of space power. He felt there strength and then shook his head. These two old guys are indeed powerful, they are Dou Zong peak but there life isn't long, in another hundred years, if they don't breakthrough then they will die. Not only that, their combat power will also decline with their age.

Hu Gan's voice slowly dissipated from the mountain valley. However, there was not the slightest movement from the two gray-robed human figures. It was as though they did not hear him.

Although he saw that there was no reply to his words, Hu Gan also did not speak again. He maintained his posture of having his hands cupped together as he waited quietly.

Behind Hu Gan. Hu Jia, who had a lawless character, wisely kept her mouth shut. She had never been here before, but she knew that with Hu Gan's status in Jia Nan Academy's Outer Academy, there was hardly anyone that could compare with him. However, he was now this courteous in front of these two gray-robed human figures. From this, one could see just how frightening these two gray-robed human figures guarding the 'Book Collection Hall' were. She may be lawless, but she was no fool. She knew who she could provoke and who she could not.

The quiet atmosphere in the mountain valley continued for nearly ten minutes before the robes of the two gray-robed human figures seated crossed-legged at the main entrance of the hall moved slightly. Immediately, two pairs of calm, old, well-like eyes, similar to those of an old monk, were lifted slightly. They swept indifferently across Hu Gan and the others one at a time before finally and suddenly stopping on Xiao Feng's body. Their gray robes trembled slightly and there was a soft hoarse exclamation that was quietly emitted, "We can't see through?"

The soft sound slowly reverberated through the quiet mountain valley, and also clearly entered the ears of Xiao Feng and the others.

"May I know what the name of this senior is?" The gaze of one of the gray-robed men remained on Xiao Yan. There was a vicissitudinous that was accumulated with time seeping out from within his hoarse voice. His tone was quite respectful when he spoke to Xiao Feng.

Hearing the voice of two gray robed people Xiao Feng wasn't suprised. Due to his sudden increase in strength was a bit too large, he wasn't yet able to hide his breath perfectly, so, two Dou Zong Peaks could naturally feel his strength which would appear unfathomable for them. It was natural for them to ask such question.

"I am Xiao Feng." Xiao Feng was spoke casually as if he didn't pay attention to the two grey robes people. He continued, "As for your doubts, keep them to yourself. I will not harm this academy, so you don't need to be cautious."

"And, don't tell anyone about me, I don't want to be distributed as I am here to just spend some leisurely time with my wives."

"Senior is indeed extraordinary." The gray-robed person on the left side gently sighed. There was some admiration within his voice. He removed the isolation enchantment as he shifted his gaze toward Hu Gan and said with a hoarse voice, "The top five this time around are much better than the previous five."

Hu Gan sighed in relief when he heard these words. He smiled as he said, "Since that is the case, can I request both Elders to open the Space Lock."

Xiao Feng could easily feel the space power surrounding the 'Book Collection Hall'. The space had formed an enchantment which surrounded it and protected the 'Book Collection Hall'.

If one observed carefully then, one would be able to see, few space folds surrounding the 'Book Collection Hall' were gradually forming wall like protection.

To be honest, this thing wasn't Space Lock, it was just simplest compressing of space and then forming protective wall with space power. Xiao Feng, Xun'er and Xiao Yu who could see this didn't bother to say anything.

"This is a Space Lock. An extremely strong mirror knot that only a strong Dou Zun would have the ability to lay. This Space Lock is left behind by a predecessor of the academy a few hundred years ago. If we didn't have the two Elders inside to use a special method to open it, even a strong Dou Zong would not be able to break in." Hu Gan, who was in front spoke with a bit of pride in his tone.

The two gray-robed people outside of the pavilion slowly extended their pair of shriveled hands from within their sleeves. Immediately, they began to use their fingers and their palms to slowly form some hand seals. As the seals were formed by their hands, Xiao Feng could clearly sense that there use of space power, shapeless ripples that were being emitted from their palms, like waves.

The shapeless ripples gradually disappeared and finally came into contact with those folds in space. When the two came into contact, the space in front of Xiao Feng and the others immediately became like a mirror that appeared to be formed by water as circles of ripples repeatedly surfaced. A moment later, the ripples ceased and something like a door was slowly being pulled open by a formless, large hand.

"Let's go." Hu Gan waved his hand when he saw the doorway into this space. After which, he took the lead and walked in. Behind him, Xiao Feng followed without hesitation, Xun'er and Xiao Yu followed Xiao Feng. When Hu Jia saw Xiao Feng going in, she also followed. Seeing everyone walked in Jing Shan also went in.

"Ke ke, we have troubled both Elders." Hu Gan smiled and said to the two gray-robed people seated cross-legged outside the hall.

"It is our duty." The two mysterious human figures wrapped in gray robes did not even move their bodies as a hoarse faint voice slowly sounded.

"You can all enter the 'Book Collection Hall' now. Remember, no matter what you want to obtain, you cannot insist and forcefully try to obtain it. That is because there is an energy layer added to everything here. If your hand is able to pass through the energy layer without any resistance, you can take away the thing inside. Of course, no matter how many you can take, you can only bring one of it out of the 'Book Collection Hall'. Do not be greedy. Otherwise, you will gain nothing at the end, just like if you try to fetch water with a bamboo basket."

"If you cannot pass through the energy layer, then you should give up. There are quite a number of people among those who enter the 'Book Collection Hall' every year who end up returning empty handed. Therefore, leave everything to fate. Don't try to forcefully take those things that you are unable to." Hu Gan pointed at the 'Book Collection Hall' with his finger as he explained the situation to Xiao Feng and the others.

"Go in. The door will only be open for one hour. After one hour, you must come out regardless of whether or not you have obtained anything."

The gray-robed person on the left waved his hand and the tightly-shut main door immediately let out a creaking sound as it was slowly opened, revealing a dark tunnel behind.

Hu Jia, took the lead this time, she inhaled a deep breath of air and took the initiative to step into the 'Book Collection Hall'. Behind her, Jing Shan hesitated for a moment before following closely.

"Let's go, Brother Xiao Feng." Xun Er pulled Xiao Feng's hand and spoke with a smile as she eyed Hu Jia who had disappeared in the black tunnel.

"Yes." Xiao Yan nodded. He immediately pulled Xun'er and Xiao Yu's hands and walked into the 'Book Collection Hall'. .

After all five of them entered the 'Book Collection Hall', the main door, which was open, began to creak as they were slowly closed. Finally they were tightly shut.

As he once again watched the tightly closed main door, Hu Gan sighed gently and said with a smile, "Hopefully these little fellows can find the things that they like. It is a very rare opportunity to be able to enter the 'Book Collection Hall' of the Jia Nan Academy. They must not waste it."