
Endless Darkness with a system

'Emperor System what the hell is that and why is it so dark, oh god did i die or am i still alive?' these we're the exact thoughts going through Jason's mind at this very moment

"Hello who's there, whats the Emperor System" Jason spoke these words into the darkness but as he spoke he could hear his words being restricted by some kind of liquid. After everything that happened Jason thought that in this darkness, after being dumped, being fired and the being crushed by the emperor statue that he was going to drown and started to panic, flailing his limbs and erratically breathing.

"Please remain calm host"

Hearing this voice again from within the darkness didn't calm Jason down, he started flailing even more.

"Host won't remain calm initiating calming procedure"

Jason felt a buzz throughout his body for a few seconds something akin to an small electric shock, after that he started to lose consciousness sinking deeper into a darkness he didn't want and all he could think was 'why me'

"Host is currently calm initialising system installation"

While Jason was unconscious the system was added all the basic core programs to Jason's mind because when Jason was finally reborn his body couldn't handle the systems full package. As the system was doing this Jason's body was starting to take shape.

'what why is still dark and how did it get so cramped in he're' These we're the first words Jason thought of when he awoke from his unconsciousness.

"host is finally awake, will you remain calm"

Apart from the sudden shock from hearing the voice Jason did remain calm, he assumed the person behind the voice in the darkness could see him so instead of replying Jason just decided to nod.

"Good, to answer your questions the reason why it is dark and cramped will be revealed in exactly five months and fourteen days"

'How did he know what i'm thinking and where is he, i don't like this one bit' Jason tried squinting his eyes to see in the dark but to no avail, he still couldn't see anything as a matter of fact he couldn't feel his eyes or anything thing at all.

"The reason i know what the host is thinking is because i am one with the host's body and mind, that also answers your second question pertaining to where i am, i'm in the host's body, If the host has any questions at all during the next five months and fourteen days all the host has to do is think them and i can reply"

'Ah that seems extremely convenient, but who are you'

"I am the Emperor system given to the host by a greater power, i cannot say who because i don't know the answer, I was given to you as you died by this greater power for two reasons, one because you suffered great betrayal from the ones you loved and two because the statue that killed you was the last to have this system and he was watching you for quite some time"

A depressed thought appeared in Jason's mind 'So i did die and after such a shitty day, so what do you do system, whats so special about you' Sarcasm vivid in every word as he addressed the system.#

"Host i have access to every available skill in the universe from magic and martial arts to summoning and beast taming even simple things such as cooking and cleaning can be taught to you, i also contain a lottery system and spacial storage functions though they are currently unavailable to you until you are stronger, I offer missions to the host periodically to help the host grow and there is also the status page so the host can see his and his followers levels and abilities and powers, all these skills can be upgraded and when the host has the strength to use them"

'You can do so much and it all sounds so impressive' I've nothing else to do so i might as well listen properly 'so i know what you can do and why you we're given to me but whats my reason to have you and can i ever return home'

It took a few minutes for the system to reply "I'm glad the host is willing to listen and be open, the reason you have me is to conquer and rule the world you will next be in, whatever way you choose whether its war or diplomacy or capturing the peoples hearts the systems is there to help you another reason the Host has this system is so that when he does indeed conquer this world he will have or will gain Wives to continue his bloodline and the answer for whether you can go home or not is no, you have died on your world and will be reborn in a new one, as a final gift from the emperor statue i can tell you what happened to the last few people you spoke to if you wish"

Thinking about this question Jason sighed and then asked 'If i know will it affect anything that happens there, if it doesn't then tell me, if it does just forget about it'

"Everything i tell will have already happened so i shall begin"

"Gabe was found to have stolen your personal files and drawings for the new statue project and was arrested for corporate theft and was sentenced to three years in prison in which he couldn't handle it and committed suicide" So Gabe was first wow he got it bad after i died, the system went straight to the next person "Amy soon broke up with Gabe after you died blaming him for you death, she currently remains single and cleans your grave every few weeks and deeply regrets what she did to you" Amy regretted what she did good but it's too late for regret, soon after came the last person "Lucy saw the whole accident and for a while suffered some PTSD she eventually sought help and received it in the form of the president who not only payed for therapy but spent time with Lucy and is currently engaged to her, Lucy took over your final job and finished the statue and had your name engraved on it, the president keeps the statue well maintained as an apology to you as he feels he is to blame for the statue collapsing and looks after Lucy very well, unbeknown to him she is also pregnant with his child and will soon tell him" Wow Lucy did so much for me after i died and Mr President too and a child wow didn't think they had it in them.

'Thank you System i appreciate the information and just to say this at least once even though im angry and well within my rights to be so, i forgive them all'

"For what reason can you forgive them host"

Jason silently chuckled to himself 'Because if i kept all that anger in me i'd enter this new world with a demon in my heart and that would affect my interactions with whoever i might meet, so forgiving them is for the best' nodding to myself i felt like an age old sage 'System how do i check my stats'

"All Host has to is say status to open it"

"Oh that simple' trying to move around wasn't working and i'm bored so he're goes 'Status'


[Name] Jason Starvale

[Age] ???

[Race] Human

[Health] 50/50

[Strength] 0.3

[Dexterity] 0.4

[Intelligence] 10


[Luck] 1

[Constitution] 0.4

[Vitality] 0.4

[Armor] None

[Weapons] None

[Accessories] None

[Artefacts] None

[Skills] Blunt resistance Level 1, Language Level 1

[Summons] None

[Beasts} None

[Magic] None

[Martial Arts] None

[Blood Lines] None

[Wives] None

I've never made my own stat sheet before how's it look.

BlueBeetle23creators' thoughts
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