
Chapter 19

Alexa’s P.O.V

If somebody were to ask my why exactly I was still keeping up with this charade, I don’t think I could give them a proper answer.

The only one gaining from this was Mr. Hixon but the more I was around him, the more I understood why I agree in the first place. There was this undeniable and sizzling chemistry going on between us, even past all the fake gestures and terms of endearment; I’m in so deep and I don’t think I want anybody to pull me out.

The way he looked at me made my heart dance. His grey eyes were always so expressive, but they always took on an unexpected glint whenever they were on me. And it made me feel hot all over. It was like he was trying to tell me a hidden message with them and till now, I hadn’t deciphered the cryptic code. Did he want me as much as I wanted him?