
The Feline people

The downpour from last night ravage the entire empire, including the enchanted forest where currently the leonins reside. The leonins have been the long inhabitants of the enchanted forest that guarded its fortress. They are a rare race of elves that is distinguishable by its cat-like features, but they are mostly recognizable as feline-people.

Due to the torrential shower, it made it difficult for the leonins to practice and train their spiritual energy, thus rendering their daily routine.

"I hate the rain!" Nana, a leonin exclaimed as she struggle to ward off the remaining moisture from her haven. Currently, her treehouse was soaking wet from all the harsh winds and ravishing waters.


The sound of her name broke her from what she was doing. Peering beneath her window, she saw another leonin.


Below her window sill, the leonin gave her a dry, worried look. "Nana! Her ladyship calls for us!"

"What for?"

Instead of receiving a reply, the leonin immediately disappeared together with her fellow peers who also seems to be in a hurry. Whatever it may be, the matter seems urgent because if not them why would her master, a moon elf, call for their attention in such a haste manner?

Without thinking twice, she grab her magic boomerang and went downstairs.

Upon reaching the ground, she saw a handful of leonin workers in a hurry, carrying and grabbing as much as they can of mystical herbs and spices. The whole ordeal was a dishevelment, while everyone was preoccupied with hauling, Nana was in complete confusion. What on earth is happening?

A sudden tremor resonated from the ground. And almost everyone was wailing in terror. Some were panicking while others were running.

From a distance, Nana saw a little leonin reaping herbs and spices when suddenly a loose tree collapses from behind her. Despite the chaotic situation, Nana promptly made a dash for the tiny leonin and catches her before the tree could fall on her.

"Thank you for saving me!" The little leonin muttered.

"No worries but where is your mother?"

The little leonin kept on pacing her head from every direction until the time she made sight of her mother's figure. Without thinking much, Nana ushered the little leonin to go to her mother before a charade of the feline race come stumbling.

True enough, the crowd grew and the incessant stampede of leonins did not stop. It was getting out of hand.

First was the ripples of ground-shaking, next was the immediate overclouding of the sky. All of the attention went straight to the atmosphere as they bear witness to the disintegrated magical barrier that has been protecting the magic forest for a lengthy amount of time. Looking far across the magical barrier was an army of beast.


Everyone shouted in panic.

Hefty footfalls prevailed while the leonins were escaping from the forest. Some elder leonins remained in the course of the situation and were trying to control it by means of trying to put up another magical barrier.

"Get the children to safety!" The elder leonin Morouge roar in trepidation.

Gathering their strength and power with a limited amount of time, they barred their palms on the ground, casting enchantment as to buy time for others to escape.

With a nod in the head, the leonin wardens came to their rescue and quickly transported families and children away from all the chaos.

Noticing the gravity of the scene, some mages were quick to offer help in trying to keep the orcs away from fully invading their homeland.

Another tremor resonated. But this time, it was much more agitated, much more powerful than before. The sky turned red in hue, as if blood was encapsulating the whole enchanted forest into a blood orb.

Nana took notice of this and remembered the all too familiar scene. The veil. The blood sky. Like it was replaying all over again. The invasion.

"Retreat! Retreat!" The Elder Leonin Morogue bark at them while holding the last barrier up in stability.

However Nana, together with other reknown leonin mages did not pursue what Elder Morouge mandate them to do.

"Retreat! While we are still holding this down!"

Instead of pursuing what the elder feline mandated them to do, they each casted their own unique spells as if it was the first phase in preparation for engaging in battle. Elder Morogue paid heed to their unformidable stance. Each leonins were placed respectively into a battle formation that they have been trained and taught in times of desperate needs.

Afterall hardwork and training of controlling her magic. Nana will not pass what destruction of the orcs has been brought upon them long ago. This time it will be different.

"My children...What are you doing?"

After a few moments, the barrier lost its effect and disintegrated into thin air. Elder Morogue mostly lost all of his energy but not his will to protect his remaining feline people.

No matter how hard the Elder tried to persuade his people to flee while everything was still in his and other elders control. He knew his kind was also a stubborn race.

Menacing roars echoed in the sky as the battle commenced in the field.

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