

There are days like these that I cherish. Moments where my girlfriends and I can get together and be women. We can cherish each other and suck in the energy that vibrates around us. I love my girls, especially when it comes down to unwinding after a very long day. Relationships come and go, things fail and situations blow up but when I tell you those girls have never left my side. I mean it.

The relationship the four of us have is everlasting. Something that runs deep and generates the powerhouse of a stabilized structure. We bend but we never break, we compact together and stick that way. We are able to express emotions and experiences with each other that one may never know. A drink with them could expose a whole town.

Trust me.

I would know.

Rain silently fell upon the silk black umbrella covering my perfectly put-together bun. One hand gripped the handle of the umbrella tightly as the other hand sat peacefully in the coat pocket of my long Louie rain jacket. Fashion at its best of course. I quickly hurried down the busy streets of Chicago into a side coffee shop where Darlene worked. She was closing tonight so we were to join her for some late-night coffee shop fun.

As I walked up to the window of the coffee shop I could see Darlene serving coffee to one of her customers. A warm but beautiful smile plastered on her face showed just how attentive she was when it came to her teeth. Her long brown curly hair hung to the middle of her back bringing out her high cheekbones that sat at the top of her face. Her hazel eyes lit up as the customer said something that caught her by surprise.

I headed towards the table where Estelle and Jenn were laughing and drinking. I couldn't help but notice the steady volume throughout the place. It was peaceful..something out of the ordinary but I decided not to dwell on it. I was with my girls and things were sure to be okay. Tonight would be full of conversations, adventures, and fun.

I placed my things beside me and joined in the conversation involving an incident that must have happened today. Jenn was the CEO of her own company and many men couldn't stand the fact of working under a woman. Of course, she was very headstrong about being independent and was ready to go against any man that tried to come or speak against it. I loved her dearly..

Jenn sat to the left of Estelle. She wore a red pants suit that clung to every part of her body. Her dark brown lipstick went perfectly well with her caramel skin and brown eyes. Half of her hair was up in a bun while the other half perfectly stretched to her shoulders.

Estelle had ruby red lips traced with a perfectly blended brown pen bringing her full lips out to the surface. Her grey eyes were a little dull from a long day of work at the hospital. She was a physician assistant who barely had anything in that closet of hers but the white coats needed to walk through those hospital doors.

What caught me by surprise was that tonight Estelle wore a black spaghetti strapped dress that hung to her body in a seductive way. Her shape was always hidden to those on the outside but we knew how all of her assets popped when she used her enhancers. Tonight was sure to be a good night. Everyone seemed as if they were in a very decent mood.

Thirty minutes passed quickly as I took a sip of my second drink. Of course, we were trying to space each drink out in enough time to wait for Darlene. So when we heard the door lock and the blinds to the windows close, I knew it was the start of one enjoyable night. A bottle of grey goose was placed in the middle of the table as Darlene pulled out a chair to take a seat. We went on about our day and the situations we had to encounter for the day.

Eventually, the drinks started to kick in leading us into a conversation of intimacy, exploration, desires, and confessions. Yes, the group would decide to put me on the pedal stool first leading me to my first confession on one crazy,


scheming fling.

The Mailman.


There are things that we tend to hold tightly to. Things that others need not know but, I hold no regrets when it comes to the pleasure that I have received from the mailman on South Braxton St. I took a swig from my drink as the girl's eyes lit up after figuring out who the mailman on that street was. Jenn would be the one to remember that he had a nice ass and dick print.

She would be the one to point out the most obvious. As on cue, the girl's eyes focused on me and their drinks while I finished my story.


South Braxton St - Chicago.

I was literally going through a major divorce back then. Dark times ladies but I tell you that mailman helped me get somewhere closer to the light. I chuckled to myself as I closed my eyes and went back to the first time I met Stephen Mosley the mailman on Braxton St.

Around this time we stayed in that yellow house next door to the crazy lady. Darlene nodded her head in confirmation of the lady next door being crazy. She had her fair share of that old woman coming into the coffee shop. My divorce from my high school sweetheart hit me hard. I could never truly express the pain I was going through or that I even had needs that needed to be filled.

I was so focused on Jameson and making sure his needs were met completely during this divorce that my own slipped my mind. I believe more than anything that I was probably holding onto James a little too tight.

However, it was more so 'me' that was taking it hard and he was completely fine. Yet, I probably wouldn't have known that either until Stephen.

So, I was going about my regular routine for the day. The typical making breakfast, getting James up, getting myself together and things set up for the rest of the day to go by smoothly. Today already seemed off since I was going through that "missing" my husband moment. It was just one of those days when I felt extra lonely during the morning routine. I was still healing.

I kept pushing through my day though. That whole day I was literally filled with sadness. I couldn't explain the pain I was feeling. Almost as if I refused to grieve over the divorce and my soul was finally crying out. The day went by in such a blur. My mind was so stuck in past memories. I literally stayed up until four a.m. I knew I had missed out on a good night's sleep but it didn't matter. At this point, my mind was running wild and I was up for the count.

Normally, I would've tried to go back to sleep but something was urging me to get up. Jenn chuckled to herself while making a comment in hopes that I wasn't using the holy spirit to get in her words some "dick". - But seriously, I followed the urge and just got into the shower. It was peaceful and it did clear my mind but not the urges deep down inside.

Time passed me by as my thoughts unwillingly raped me as if the participant begged for it. I would've waited to get the mail too, believe me, I would have. It was too early to be walking outside, it was still dark and besides my hair was still wet. However, despite all of the reasons to wait until the sun came up I still wrapped myself up in my housecoat and threw some slippers on.

He simply asked me if I was Trisha Parker and from there a five-minute conversation turned into an hour, which turned into him being late on his route. We seriously did nothing but talk about our lives. Of course, the divorce came up and he too mentioned that he had a divorce as well. It was almost like we crossed each other's paths purposely. I honestly don't know how it happened.

Four o'clock meetings turned into a 2 o'clock two-hour freak fest on who could cum the quickest. Literally, it was a fight to the finish. The lawyer vs the mailman. Estelle snorted at the fact that a lawyer was banging the mailman.

However, Jenn quickly reassured her that high-class jobs don't mean high-class dick. Immediately I started choking on the liquor I had just shot back. Leave it to Jenn.

Darlene patiently looked at me as if waiting for me. Of course, I knew what she wanted but I knew she wanted to say it. She immediately started to rant about needing the details of these "cum fest". Miss Coffee Shopp's goodie two shoes had some nasty nasty inside of her. The whole group knew it.

I took another shot. It was one fifteen in the morning and I was one hour into needing some kind of release. I knew Stephen was coming to satisfy me but the urge building inside me was screaming for release. I eventually gave up on waiting and gave in on myself. My fingers slowly trailed up and down my body. Exploring the folds of passion excitedly leaking between my thighs. Circular motions created overbearing friction of passion awakening the beast within me.

Stephen was sure to punish me when he walked in on my own pleasuring but I wanted the punishment that was sure to come. I needed to be taken care of and he was very attentive. I was close to my personal peak..

Almost forgetting that my fingers were doing the work.. - before release, my arms were immediately pinned against the headboard. Stephen was unhappy and my body was ready to make things right.

He growled lowly in my ear as he took in the room's scent. Covered in my sweet bliss slowly giving me away. His eyes locked with mine letting me know not to move my arms. His fingers cupped my arse as his mouth lined up with my sweetness.

His plan was to take me there and then leave me there. I was not to go all the way. My punishment for starting without him but his torture was okay.

"Take me there."

I wanted him to take me there and bring me back. I knew that he was going to satisfy me eventually and my body was to take it all in. It was the teasing of my areolas with cool air coming from the mouth of a human holding an ice cube upon his tongue.

They protruded outwardly as if stretching their arms out. Is it torture to oneself to love the pain of erotic teasing? The sounds of moans painting the walls around me passionately. Don't get me wrong it was great sex but it helped me forget.

It woke me up to the pleasures of others. I was now awakened to the satisfactions my own body required from the one who even dared come close. Eventually, the flings had to stop. The lady from next door started watching me. I know I am a grown woman, yes but I did have a guy friend on the side who came by every now and then and her ass was ready to tell.

I was literally supplying this woman with smokes of herbs to keep her ass silent. The mailman was never supposed to happen ladies. Never. So, when that old woman's family moved in with her I surely didn't hesitate to tell them my concerts with her being extra sick since they had been gone. They never left her side after that.

I chuckled to myself and took another shot.

Stephen came back once or twice but eventually stopped coming. I think he was fired. Estelle snorted on her drink as Jenn added her two cents on a damn mail truck parked outside one particular house for hours at a time while people were waiting on their checks.

"I want my check and he out smacking buns." She took a shot of her liquor.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Something so intense could be such a hilarious downplay when it came to Jenn and her comments.