
Concealed: The Hidden Power

"The earth where we live is like an illusion of the real world. You have to travel all way to a parallel world to gather the stone to save this world." She was just an alonely orphan but suddenly she becomes part of the most influential family. When the evil force which her ancestor has surpassed began to raise again a group of teenagers was given a task to defeat it again. All they have to do was find seven stones and unseal the hidden power. However, will they even find the stone, awaken their power and save the world. And mainly will they be able to shut the mouth of people saying. "They are girls, can they even save themselves."

Geniesa · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Beginning II

It was the time of fall when the leaves from the tree would meet the soil in the ground. where you can see the tree swing in the nakedness and dirt making its way toward the sky.

It was finally the time and day every student of high school were waiting for. The day when they can relax and be burden-free from all the stress they had since the start of high school, the final day of the exam.

Druhi and Nishita walk around the school building exploring their surrounding.

"It's been a couple of year right?" Druhi asked as she looks up into the sky.

"Umm-hmm, did you remember when you fall near that tree the day school started?" Nishita asked giggling and pointing at the large tree near them.

"Yahhh, that is because I thought I was late on the first day. Who thought I was so early that no one has even arrived beside you."

Then she hit hard in Nishita arm making her growl.

"Yahhh you idiot why beating me out of nowhere?"

"That's for ignoring me and not helping me to get up that time."


If there was a word to describe their friendship, it was they were soulmate. They were perfectly suited another in temperament. They were so close that the outsider really thinks you two as twins, who shared the same brain cells.

"Druhi, I need to tell you something," Nishita says being all serious out of blue.

"Umm-hmm I'm listening go ahead." When Druhi looks at the Nishita in her eyes she finds some sort of guilty and seriousness. Which makes Druhi a little tense and worried. "Nishita..... what's wrong"

"Druhi, remember we had made a plan to go on vacation? we decided so many things and plan out everything"

She looked at Nishita with a confused expression.

"It's actually my family called me this morning. They had some sort of problem and called me back as fast as I can."

"OMG, is everyone okay?" Druhi asked as she was close with her family. Sometimes on holidays, Nishita used to take her to her home. And every member of her family used to welcome her and with a warm feeling.

"Yes, everyone is fine. They told me they had some problem with paperwork and they need my whole family to go our hometown."

"That's a relief then, and when are you going back? is it today?"

Druhi nods her head with a big pout.

"Stop making that baby face you didn't look cute at all."

Nishita glare at her comment.

"How can you say that I'm cutest of all."

"Yes, yes now let's go to the dormitory now, you had lots of things to pack."

"No, worries. Aren't you here to help me."

"Who are you? Do I know you?"

"You little piece of an idiot."


Both of them were standing in front of the school gate, waiting for Nishita parents to pick her up. You both were silently standing, not knowing what to say.

When they heard the honk on another side of the road Nishita look at Druhi, "We will see each other again right?"

Not wanting to make the atmosphere depressing Druhi joke around.

"Obviously, you are just going on some serious trip with your family. Stop acting like going for a war you idiot. Now just go."

This time Nishita don't fire back and just look at her smiling.

"I know we will idiot."

One month has passed since the last exam of secondary school. Druhi also moved out of the dormitory and had rent a small cheap room near the school, where she has to cook and sleep in the same room. Since she was no longer the age where she can continue staying in an orphanage.

She has also got some part-time jobs at school and coffee shop near. In school, she works as a substitute teacher at an elementary class, which she got due to the recommendation of her secondary school and works at a coffee shop on the night shift.

One night it was already late when the coffee shop was closed. That day someone booked the place for the birthday party and she have to stay till eleven cleanings up the place to open in the morning.

It was the duty of the night shifter to clean the place before closing and it also pays highly than the morning shift worker. which was also one of the reasons why she chooses this shift.

When she closed the shop whole street was silent like no one was around. Only the bark of street dog can be heard occasionally. It was only ten minutes walk by the coffee shop to her room so, she usually walked to her room.

She was humming the song and walking by while shipping the coffee. After some time she feels like she was followed by someone and kept looking back but she didn't even see a single soul. She began to walk faster not looking back when a tall shadow towered her from in front.

"Hey there, baby girl~"

When she looked up it was the group of teenage boys from the party before and in them, one was also her classmate from secondary school. She sighed heavily and slurp her coffee. She didn't want to deal with anyone today so she just decides to ignore them and walk off.

"Oii, where do you think you were going huh?" her classmate grabs her hand and pull her over.

"What do you think you are doing?" She slapped his arm, staggering him.

"Didn't your friend went to her parent's leaving you alone? Let us give you some company." Matt says as he smirked looking flirtatiously while his friend starts to surround them.

"Don't you dare to come near me." Druhi glared at him drawback her steps.

He just looked mockingly at her and tries to grab her hand again. Which she quickly dodge and give a punch to his face.

Matt feels the burning sensation on his lip and his mouth fill with a metallic taste. He can feel his friends were trying to hold their laughter as he got punch. So anger quickly arose on him and he grabs Druhi by her hair and tugged her.

Druhi shrieked and afraid of his violent behaviour, which she has never seen. She again shouts to let her go and hit him in his arm but he just grabs her more tightly and laughing like manic. Druhi can feel the burning sensation on her scalp and saltiness fills her mouth due to her tears.

Suddenly a huge force strikes Matt's body and in a blink of eyes, he was already on the ground grinning in pain.

"Didn't you listen to what the lady says?"