
Complete Opposites

One is an extroverted social light, the other prefers being alone and introverted. They’re probably the closest of friends anyone has ever seen, despite being so different.

DarkNightWolves · Teen
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57 Chs

I Like You

My first classes were so boring to the point that I ended up scrolling through Daniel's Instagram again. His sister is cute, I wonder if she goes to our school. Though if she did then I'm sure that she'd show up with her brother.

Why am I thinking this? I don't know her so I can't have feelings for her.

"Hey, Knox!" Alina shouts my name and I spin around to see her, Keita, and Daniel standing and waiting for me by the exit of the school.

The sight of Daniel standing so close to her puts my entire body on edge, though I know it's irrational. Daniel is definitely better than me, in multiple ways. So if anything I should be more wary of myself than him. The crowd of people all around me is like a sea of elbows and backpacks as I make my way over to them. Multiple people step on my feet a little over half apologizing, the rest just ignoring me like I never existed.

Finally, I make it through the ocean, though I'd say where we stand is more like a glacier in the middle of the arctic ocean. We stand close together as we line up and push through the groups of students attempting to get out of the school but are moving annoyingly slow.

The cold air punches me in the face, instantly making my entire body shake like I'm being assaulted by the winter. My eyes promptly start watering and eyelashes freeze, meaning that if I keep my eyes closed long enough then they'll end up freezing shut. I remember when that happened to Alina one time, Afia and I had to lead her all the way home, the entire time Keita was making jokes that we should let her go and see how much damage she causes. This was shortly after her and I became friends, so we were all a little immature. Alina ended up walking into a pole, a car, and almost into traffic, luckily Afia stopped her just in time. I still hate myself from time-to-time for giving into Keita's antics, but she doesn't hate me for it and she even laughs about it with us whenever we reminisce.

Though, I bet Daniel wouldn't let her get hurt like I did.

"Where do you guys wanna go for lunch?" Daniel asks, leading the group with Alina close to his side. I don't get why seeing her this close to him makes me feel this way. I know he's good for her, and she's my best friend so I should want the best for her. But hey, it could be worse, could be my brother.

The thought makes my stomach roll.

"Why don't you hangout with your friends?" Alina asks, gazing up at him. Her eyes are already starting to water and freeze as well. We should decide on a place soon or else she'll end up freezing and in a bad mood. I'd rather her not be in a bad mood, especially around Daniel, it's far too early in the relationship for him to see her when she is irritable.

"They told me to go spend lunch with you," He responds with a kind smile. "They seem to really like you."

"That's for sure," Keita mutters, almost grumbling.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks, staring at Keita, though he doesn't seem pissed off or defensive, but curious. Like he wouldn't be surprised if we were to tell him how his friends were checking her out.

"They were eyeing her," He answers coldly, nodding towards Alina. His fists are curled, he's ready to get into a fight here and now if he has to.

"Oh," He drops his head, then gazes at Alina, an expression of a sincere apology. "I'm sorry about him, he got his heart broken about a month ago and he's desperate now." She goes to respond, definitely to forgive but he continues. "What he did is still not okay and I will talk to him about it and I'm sorry if he made you uncomfortable. Please give him another chance though, I promise he's not always like that."

She puts her hands up with an awkward smile on her face, "It's perfectly, I wasn't uncomfortable or anything like that." He gives her an odd look and she explains, "I used to date Zack afterall."

He nods, laughing loudly, "Yeah that's understandable. But don't worry I'll talk to him, he is my best friend after all so he shouldn't be checking out the girl I like."

There's a simultaneous gulp from Keita, Alina, and myself as he admits that. Gotta give it to him, he's pretty ballsy. Respect.

"I-I-" Alina stutters, still in shock. Alina, don't say it, it's too soon. We still don't know if we can trust him. "I like you too."

It takes all my strength to hold back the motion to facepalm. Instead we continue walking, Keita and I are silent as Alina and Daniel gaze into each other's eyes with expressions of awe and love. It makes me sick yet also happy for her, I don't get why now of all times I'm happy for her but now's better than never. Maybe I've finally accepted that she's happy, she does deserve to be happy after all. Hopefully she can trust him, it won't be easy after the whole Zack fiasco.

Why are my emotions so all over the place? One minute I don't like seeing them together and the next I'm happy that she's happy. I hate this, why can't I just have one opinion on this whole thing and keep it that way.

"I gotta admit," Keita finally speaks up, pressing a button to cross the street. "You're pretty ballsy."

"I know right man?" Daniel smirks, nervously sliding his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. She seems to relax slightly and stops shaking as much, he must be radiating warmth. "But I still don't know where we're going."

Nodding towards the familiar combination of colours covering the restaurant, I answer, "Timmys."

"Ooh I'd love some Tim Hortons right now!" Alina cheers, her eyes shining with greed and ice. Luckily we're just across the street from Tims, or else she'd definitely be frozen. Though I can tell that she's working on containing her growing irritability. With Daniel admitting her feelings to her and not getting upset with what his best friend did, it's probably making it even easier for her to remain calm as well.

"What's your favourite thing from Tim Hortons?" Daniel asks as we cross the street, trudging through the unplowed snow.

"Depends on what she's craving," Keita answers, holding the door open for them and walking through before me. "Sometimes she likes iced capps, others she wants hot chocolates, sometimes coffee, and sometimes creamy chills."

"What about food wise?" He asks, covering her hands with his own, definitely trying to warm her up. This guy really is something.

"Farmers wrap," Both Keita and I instantly answer.

"And a Boston Cream donut," I add.

"Basically anything filled," Keita mentions. "But mainly Boston Cream."

The worker behind the counter speaks up, grabbing our attention. She has gray hair and is short, though she does have smile lines on her, she clearly is stressed. Must've had to deal with a lot of Karens. "Excuse me, what would you like to order?"

"A farmers wrap, medium hot chocolate with whipped cream, and a Boston Cream," Daniel answers, taking out his card and stepping aside so the rest of us can order. "I'll pay."

I've decided. I have no reason to not trust this guy. Not because he's paying for me as well, but because he didn't hesitate to treat Alina. They are going to have an amazing relationship and I'll be more than happy to support her through it all.