
Chapter 1

A summoning was being held.

In another world called Gaia, a war between many different species had ravaged the land.

In hopes of ending this war, the humans decided to summon a being from another world: a hero.

And finally today the preparations were complete.

A giant magic circle spanning the entire room glowed with bright white light blinding all those witnessing the summon.

When the light cleared and they could see again, they became flabbergasted at what they saw.

At first from the distance it looked like a small girl that did not even reach an adults knee, sitting down motionless.

The guards went to retrieve the girl and upon closer inspection one could see that the girl was in fact, a doll.

A beautifully crafted doll wearing a dress.

Disappointment, sighs of defeat, and cries of disbelief could be seen all around the room.

The doll was examined, but none could make head nor tail of it. It was simply just a normal doll.

At night.

Everyone retired for the night.

The court magicians left the doll on the table as is, all but forgotten.

At exactly midnight.

The dolls eyes suddenly opened.

It then giggled.

A guard was standing at attention at one of the many hallways when he suddenly noticed a shadow that was not there before at the end of the corridor.

Feeling suspicious and alerted, the guard went to see what it was.

Upon turning the corner, the guard saw a doll sitting there motionless.

Confused, the guard looked around for people.

He turned around and called out to the other guard to come.

Turning back around, he suddenly found himself inches away face to face with the doll that was now standing upright and smiling a wide terrible smile.

The guard screamed, rousing and alerting the whole castle.

The other guard came running, but alas it was too late.

All he found were the dismembered remains of his colleague and blood painting the walls of the corridor.

The guard also had a frightened expression on his face, as if he had seen something terribly horrifying.

Everyone looked for the culprit, however they could not find anything.

However, when they checked the room, they were surprised to find that instead of the one doll, there were now two and the second one closely resembled...the killed guard.

At first they were terrified. Terrified of the unknown. The doll was obviously the cause of the incident. The people in power had locked the doll up and were discussing what to do with the thing. Many said to destroy it as its powers were unknown. However a few others were fascinated by it. It could potentially be used in their war as a weapon against the other races.

Debates were debated and they came to a conclusion: to first study it and then see if it could be used. If not, to destroy it completely.

Little did they know the horror that awaited them.

The best minds gathered in a very secured room to study the doll.

They discovered that the doll was actually made of flesh crafted together in such a way where there were no seams. Its hair was made of human hair, and it even had tiny joints made of real bone.

The new soldier doll was the same.

A warlock specialized in curses suggested it was an advanced curse ritual.

Night came.

5 guards were ordered to watch over the dolls.

However the screams came again.

Another massacre had occurred and two new dolls were found beside the original 2.

Everyone was confused about how this happened. How can dolls overpower two specially trained guards?

When the surviving three guards were questioned, they told them that the other two guards just started screaming and began being torn apart by some invisible entity until it molded them into the 2 new dolls.

More experiments were conducted.

The dolls could not be destroyed nor could they be contained. No matter how locked up it was, it proved futile.

The dolls would commit a massacre every night.

From 4 to 8, 8 to 16.

Needless to say each doll would kill one person every night.

The kingdom began to fear these cursed dolls. A command was given to send them to the far reaches of the earth. However the nightmares continued. New dolls would be found everywhere.

The other kingdoms eventually found out and a treaty was formed to figure out a way to stop these dolls.

A year later. A kingdom was destroyed with dolls everywhere.

3 years later, most humans had become dolls.

Another year passed and no living being could be found on this planet anymore.

The dolls simply waited.

Waited for the next summoning…