
Chapter 2

Dean was screaming in pain. Other people nearby saw Dean but did not dare to go to him.

"What's wrong with that guy?" asked the man to his friend.

"That the unlucky Dean. You don't know?" said the friend.

"He must have felt frustrated and decide to let it go, kekeke," said another friend. He looked at Dean who was screaming in pain and laughed at him. The trio then walked away and ignored Dean. The other onlookers also did the same.

Dean was not only screaming from the pain but he was also crying. The pain was too much for him to handle. He was sweating and his clothes got wet from his sweat. After a minute, the pain subsided and Dean fell unconscious. Everyone who saw him unconscious on the ground ignored him. There were a few people trying to help but stopped themselves after they saw it was unlucky Dean.

Dean was lying on the ground for few hours before he woke up. He held his head and he can still feel a bit headache. He looked around and it was night. He saw people walked around entering the camp and they giggled while looking at him. Dean looked down and knew what they were laughing about.

Dean got up and went back to his room. Once he got inside his room at the camp, he sat on the bed and stared blankly on the floor.

"I will just sleep here tonight and go straight to school from here," said Dean. There was teleporter inside every room in the camp. The teleporter connected between the dimension and Earth. Since Dean used the teleporter from his school, he can now go to his school from his room.

When awakened, human will automatically receive a power called 'The System'. The system had several functions. It kept tabs of user's stats, storage ability, appraised monster core and helped user absorbed the monster core power. The system was more or less the same as those gamer interface from isekai mangas and novels.

Dean opened his system and checked his stats.

Name – Glitz Dean

Compatibility – Slime

Lifespan – 150 years

Phase – 1 (human)

Vitality – 0

Strength – 0

Endurance – 0

Agility – 0

Intelligent – 0

Energy – 0

Data collected

Normal – 0/100

Elite – 0/100

Legend – 0/100

Mythical – 0/100

Supreme – 0/100

Dean took out the slime core he got from his storage. He held the core in his hand and said, "Appraise". The system immediately appraised the slime core.

'Slime Core. Normal grade. Data available – 4. Absorb time estimation: 4 minutes'

"Only 4 normal data to be absorb," said Dean and he lowered his head. Normal grade monster was the weakest monster that can be found inside the dimension. Supreme was the highest grade for monster inside the dimension and they were absurdly strong.

Dean sat on the floor and put the slime core in front of him. He took a deep breath and said "Absorb". The system reacted to Dean's ordered and the core suddenly shone and the light went inside Dean's body.

The absorption process was not an easy process. In order to fully absorbed the data inside the core, the user needed to focus completely for the duration of the absorption. If they lose their focused, the absorption will fail and the core will be unusable.

For normal grade data, each data will take one minutes to absorb. Since the slime core that Dean obtained contained 4 data, it will take him 4 minutes to fully absorbed the data. The higher the grades of the core, the longer it took to absorb the data inside the core.

Dean sat and focused on absorbing the data. Four minutes later, the system notified Dean.

'Absorption complete. Please choose your stats to raise' said the system.

"One data for each vitality, strength, endurance and agility," said Dean. The system processed the data as Dean ordered and a new notification appeared.

'Vitality, strength, endurance and agility each increase by 0.1'

Dean checked his stats and his stats increased. He looked at his hand but he did not feel any different than before.

"0.1 is too small to feel any difference… Now my journey ends here," said Dean with his gloomy face. Dean had been dreaming since he was small to become a strong person when he grew up. However, it was impossible to become stronger with slime data compatibility since there was only one species of slime.

The real downside of absorption power was that, humans cannot absorb the data of monsters they had already absorbed. If they absorbed that species of monster's data, they cannot absorb that same species data again unless it was of different grades.

Since there was only one species of slime and it can only be found as normal grade, it was impossible to become stronger.

Dean looked at his stats and he teared a bit. His journey end right after he absorbed the one and only slime species available in the dimension. He cannot travel far inside the dimension because he was too weak and it was too dangerous. Dean already accepted his fates a year ago after he awakened but now that he went through it for real, he cannot help to feel sad about it.

While checking his system, he found something new on his system.

"New menu? Monster creation? What is this?" Dean clicked on the monster creation system and a different menu appeared. There were three more different menu. The first menu was customization and the other two menus were unlocked.

Dean clicked on the customization menu and the system notified Dean.

'Register a monster core first' the system notified Dean. Dean blankly stared at the menu.

"Monster creation… I can create monster?" said Dean. The system suddenly answered Dean.

'Yes. With this new function, you can create new monster' Dean was shocked with what the system said. Dean was not only shocked with what the system told him but he was also shocked that the system answered his question.

The system did not have the ability to answer questions from user. When the system suddenly answered Dean's question, Dean got scared.

"System, can you understand what I am saying?" asked Dean curiously.

'Yes' the system answered Dean. Dean got spooked by that and he started to feel scared. A lot of things floated in his mind.

'No need to be scare of me. I am part of you. I can't take over your body too' said the system.

"You can read my mind too?" asked Dean.

'That is obvious. I told you I am part of you' said the system.

"How… can you turn out like this?"

'I don't know but you don't need to worry. I will help you to become stronger' said the system. 'Nice to meet you Dean :D'

"Oo okay. Can you explain to me what the monster creation is? Is it like what I thought it will be?" asked Dean.

'Yes. Just like what you think. The monster creation function can be used to create new monster. With this function, you can create different species of slime and becomes stronger' said the system.

"For real?!!" said Dean. His face brightened; his mouth curled into a big smile.

'Yes, but in order to create a new monster and in your case, you want a new species of slime, you need to register the material into the system. For now, you can only create new monster through customization. Once you become stronger, more functions will be available' the system explained to Dean.

"Then what should I do first? How can I register the material?" asked Dean excitedly.

'Material comes from monster. Not all material can be register. You can only register the material from the monster you kill. Once you register the material, the material will be gone. You only need to register once and you can use it infinitely when creating new monster' the system explained to Dean in detailed.

"So, I need to register a material first before I can create a new monster," said Dean to himself.

'Dean, for now, you need to register a slime core first. Without any cores, you cannot create a monster' said the system.

"Then, I will go get one right now," said Dean excitedly. He stood up and wanted to go to the prairie to kill a slime but the system stopped him.

'Go tomorrow. It is too dangerous right now. It is late. Rest first and tomorrow you can get your first core' said the system. Dean stopped and thought that the system was right. He did not need to rush. Dean sat back on his bed and then saw the slime body inside his storage.

"System, I have the dead slime's body inside my storage. Can I register this?" asked Dean.

'Unfortunately, no. I should explain better. I am sorry. The material that can be registered are the cores, the item drops and the monster soul. The monster remains cannot be register' said the system.

Dean carefully listened to the system explanation and understand what the system said. Dean looked at his system and asked, "Hey, what can I call you? It is weird to call you system whenever I want to ask something."

'You can decide that yourself' said the system.

"How about Sys?" suggested Dean.

'Fine by me' said Sys.

thank you for reading :)

NewKielcreators' thoughts
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