
Chapter 29

The day before the news about Trice Mountain posted on the internet.

After continuously walking for 1 month from Trice Mountain, Firl finally arrived at camp 6. He immediately took the teleporter and went back to earth. Once he arrived, he quickly went to his workplace, The Magna's office.

However, once he arrived, he got the news that he was already fired a week ago. Firl was out of contact for a month and they thought he already gave up. Firl was mad about this and he begged them to rehire him back but they did not budge.

In the end, Firl posted the news about Trice Mountain on the internet and in one hour, it trended all over the world. People from the first dimension was so happy with the news and many of them started preparing to go to Trice Mountain no matter how far it was.

Firl on the other hand told everyone about how he lost his job and many people sympathized him. Firl also decided to go to the dungeon himself to strengthen himself so that he can got to more dangerous places and reported about something like this.

* * *

"Leader, we are entering the dungeon, right?" said Cilan. He was a quite a short man considering his age. People usually mistakes him for being a middle schooler when he was a high schooler.

"Yes, we are going. Group Titan will surely be going too and I thought maybe we can team up with them. With our current strength, there is no way we can conquer the dungeon," said Isaac.

"Then, I will meet them to arrange the meeting between our group and them," said Dina. Dina was 3 years older than Isaac and Cilan. When Isaac form the team, she joined him and proved her worth and thus becoming the group vice captain.

* * *

Elemental essence was a gateway to using skills with elemental effects like for example fireball, whirlpool, tornado and earthquake. However, only those that advance to second dimension will be able to use elemental skills.

Essence can be found in higher dimension however, sometimes the elemental essence will appear in first dimension. Gaining elemental essence from the first dimension did not mean they can use elemental skills because elemental skills can only be gained in the second dimension.

The only advantage of having it earlier was that they can use elemental skills as early as the first day they stepped in the second dimension.

Elemental essence once obtain will show in percentage. The higher the percentage the stronger the skills used related to the essence.

According to professionals, the ice essence that appeared in Trice Mountain will at least gave 200% of ice elemental energy to anyone who got it. The was a reason why it was predicted to have 200% of ice energy. The appearance of dungeon. The dungeon appeared because of the ice essence. That proved how strong the ice essence in Trice Mountain was.

Dungeons will never appear in first dimension under normal circumstances. Dungeon was special because it gave many rewards to everyone that entered it. Dungeon was filled with monsters and a lot of treasures.

Even if someone who entered the dungeon did not get any treasures, the experience inside will make them become stronger. Any monsters inside the dungeon can be absorbed by anyone. The was no restriction to them. If someone compatibility was rat, they can absorb elephant monsters inside the dungeon not only rat monsters.

However, dungeon was dangerous. Really dangerous. Anyone that entered a dungeon won't be able to come out until someone conquered the dungeon. The gate into the dungeon will always welcome anyone who went inside but never let anyone out until someone conquered the dungeon.

Usually it took months before someone conquered the dungeon. The earliest someone had conquered a dungeon was 3 months in fourth dimension and that person was Cloud Luke. Once a dungeon was conquered, it will disappear forever.

Dean was reading the news about the dungeon but his face was not changing. He was not interested in going there because he was too weak. The no restrictions inside the dungeon was not appealing to him because he can create his slime by himself. The treasures? Dean was totally not interested in wealth. There might be some super powerful skills book can be found inside but he still not interested in that.

To Dean, there was no point of going if he was going to die inside anyway. He did not want to risk his life for something so obvious he won't be able to do. He decided not going but he still watching the recording.

"Whew~ look at all those supreme grade monster. I am not even there but I can feel their power," said Dean. He was impressed with the visual of the white lion, 6-arm yeti and green wolf. He was dreaming about the time his slime will reach that level of power too.

'Well, they are the strongest monsters in the first dimension. If you go there, Dean and fight one of them at your current level, they only need to snort at you and you will die, kekeke,' said Sys.

"I know you are belittling me but I am not even mad because it is the truth anyway," said Dean. Dean kept watching the video. Dean watched the video for few more times because he likes the video until something caught his attention. Dean paused the video and intently watching at something.

It was small but he sure what that was because he was the one that created it. "No way!!" Dean was totally surprised to see a rabbit look alike monsters was among the many monsters that can be seen in the video.

That rabbit was not big but it was weird. It did not have any arm or legs. Their ears did not perk up, they were lifeless. It was round and the strong wind made their body jiggling.

Dean mouth curled into a big smile. "My rabbit coat slime!!! I have been looking for you for ages and you are at Trice Mountain. Now I know why no one found you!" Dean was totally excited.

'What are you going to do now? Trice Mountain is totally dangerous. With the appearance of the dungeon, the dangerous level increases a lot. Monsters are everywhere in the Trice Mountain. I am pretty sure the other monsters near Trice Mountain will go there too. The dungeon gate is still close so they will flock outside the gate until the gate open,' said Sys.

"Umm~ You are right. It is too dangerous. I already max my elite data so there is no point of hunting them… but I need to register them in the system," said Dean while touching his chin. Everyone around him focused on the dungeon but Dean was interested in something else.

'We can wait until the dungeon disappear and go there later. Now we know the location of the rabbit coat slime, it won't be a problem anymore,' said Sys.

"You are right, knowing the location is more than enough. Now, I wonder where my rubber slime lives? It must be at this kind of hard to reach place too," said Dean. Dean watched the video one more time before he spotted something else. His face suddenly turned serious. It was unclear but he knew what he saw.

'Dean? What's wrong?' asked Sys. Sys can feel Dean's mood changing.

"The virus," said Dean. Sys was shocked and quickly looked at the video, however, he did not see what Dean saw.

"I know what I see," said Dean. Dean was thinking of something and he suddenly said, "Sys, we are going to Trice Mountain."

Sys was shocked to hear that. Sys tried to stop Dean but Dean was determined to go there. Anything that Sys said were rejected by Dean. Sys gave up.

'Then, Dean. Let's make yourself a pet. It might not help you much at this point but it will surely be helpful once it became stronger' said Sys. Dean nodded agreeing to Sys. After he decided everything, he went to the prairie to hunt the slime that had yet been upgraded to legend grade.

After Dean saw the virus, he completely changed. He focused and killed a lot of slime in one day. Thanks to that, Dean succeed in upgrading the pink cosmos slime and white cosmos slime to legend grade.

Once all that done, Dean went back and did everything he used to do every day and went back to his room. He sat on his bed and opened monster creation menu. Dean wanted to create pet but he decided to create new slime first.

Dean actually had decided long ago to create a slime series based on size alone. He created the kilo slime which was three times the sized of normal slime. This time, Dean used the legend grade kilo slime core and customized its size to three times more and changed the color to red.

The kilo slime had a diameter of 60 cm and three times that, the new slime will have the diameter of 180 cm. The new slime will have the same height as human. A huge slime. Dean saw the new slime appearance and he nodded. Sys then showed Dean his new legend grade slime stats.


Grade: Legend

Skills: 1. Bounce 2. Heavy Tackle 3. Heavy Slam

Item: large red pillow, skill books

Dean was totally satisfied with the new slime. The new slime had a new skill, heavy slam. Dean named the new slime, The Mega Slime.

Dean created the mega slime and moved on to his next creation. He had thought for a while after he got the colorful cosmos flower. He wanted to try use it on the pillow slime and see what it will produced.

Dean used the mutations feature and chose the legend grade pillow slime core and pink cosmos flower as the add-on. Sys showed Dean what it looked like. Once Dean saw the appearance of the new slime, Dean stood up with his fists clenched tightly in the air.

The new pillow slime was not the normal pillow slime. The pillow slime usually carried the slime shape pillow but after using the pink cosmos flower as the add-on, it was carrying a cosmos flower shaped pillow on its back. Sys showed Dean the new slime stats.


Grade: Legend

Skills: 1. Bounce 2. Water Absorb

Item: cosmos shape blue pillow, skill books

There was nothing change to the new slime skills but the new item was worth it. A new shaped of pillow. Dean named the new slime, The Cosmos Pillow Slime. Dean created the new slime and moved on to create another new slime.

Dean chose the legend grade pink cosmos slime core and white cosmos flower as add-on. Dean did not have any hope for this combination but he decided to try it. Dean looked at the new slime. Nothing much changed other than the color of flower on the top of the new slime head.

The cosmos flower was fully pink before but now, the petals had two color. Pink color at the beginning of the petals and white at the end of the petals. Dean then checked the stats of the new slime. If there was nothing new, he will not create it.


Grade: Legend

Skills: 1. Bounce 2. Cosmos Scent

Item: pink + white cosmos hat (eq), skill books.

Dean was happy to see the new skill, Cosmos scent. The new skill alone was more than enough to create the new slime. Dean did not know what the skill effect will be since he cannot see the skill effect.

Sys said that Cosmos bipinnatus attracted butterflies and birds thus maybe the new skill will have the same effect.

"Skill that attract or lure other monsters, not a bad skill," said Dean and then he thought of something. "If what you said is true then we will get our chance to hunt birds and then I can possibly create slime that can fly," said Dean while smiling.

Dean looked at the item dropped and a question mark appeared in his mind. "Sys, what is this (eq)?"

'That stands for equipment. In other words, the new hat is an equipment,' said Sys. Dean was totally shocked with this development.

thank you for reading :)

Next chapter in a few hours :)

NewKielcreators' thoughts