
come on

"What the f**k are my eyes seeing?!" “I..is this human?” ... A new world where there are no humans, but they consider them to be animals that became extinct long ago A new world where vampires and werewolves rule the world But the question here is where did this person come from?! “Hello, my name is Louis Tomlinson,” says the young man lying on the floor cheerfully, waving gently at them. ..... The year 2018 is where it all began Everyone was preoccupied with the stories of the vampires and the werewolf, which were considered fairy tales at the time until... Until a mad scientist thought about these creatures that were running his curiosity and because he did not find any trace of these creatures and discovered that they were really mythical And in order not to place himself in the circle of depression, he committed a great sin, a sin whose result is the end of all mankind. . . “You succeeded!!!” the world shouts with joy, followed by the applause of the rest of the crew and their happy cheer and encouragement to break this happy moment, the sound of bottles containing chemicals falling "Damn it, it's moving," says one of the trainees, terrified, so the scientist smiles at his side, grabs his syringe and compresses it with the body of the experimenter, emptying what's inside the syringe with his veins. "Don't worry, everything is fine," he says arrogantly, and did he say it's okay??? Because this was never what it was, it was quite the opposite!!

Ro_Baek · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
4 Chs



"Where is he? He ran away, didn't I? I told you that he was dangerous and you stupidly brought him to our house, so he will know where we are and kill us." His father, Zain, babbled to Zain, who looked at his room emptyly, his eyebrows sour with anger.

"Shut up mommy" he says angrily and you gasp in shock and then you look at him with a scolding

"You see, his curse stuck to you and yelled at me, didn't I tell you it was dangerous?" she says scolding him to look at her silently and then quickly goes from in front of her

"I have to tell Yasir about this," she whispers to herself after her son is gone, as for Louis

"Hey Jim, let him suffocate like this," says Niall, trying to keep Jimmy away from Louis, as he hugs him to the point of suffocation, not noticing the redness of the younger's face.

"No, didn't you hear, he remembered this picture that brings us together" he says hugging him more so that Louis hit his back three times, muttering "surrendered" as if it was a wrestling arena!!

"He said I think I saw her somewhere and I don't remember her you moron and now I let him die in your hands" Niall says angrily and Jimmy leaves him with a frown as Louis inhales the air comfortably and then coughs a lot and Jimmy inhales in shock

"I saw he needed my hug to heal" Jimmy says, quickly widening his eyes and hiding behind Niall, who is getting ready to carry him and go somewhere far away from this psycho

"Get away from me, you psycho!" Louie yells in a panic, hidden even more by Niall, and Jimmy is gasping.

"He remembered the nickname he used to call me when we were little, I saw he remembered me," he says, trying to get close to him.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Zain who just arrived says he expected them to be here

"Jim has lost his mind and wants to strangle the boy with his constant hugging him" Nile says, throwing laser looks at the unattentive Jim and looking at his brother happily.

"If I had known I had such a psychotic brother, I would have strangled myself with my mother's umbilical cord," Louis muttered as Jim frowned and walked away.

"You're a disobedient brother, go away, I don't want to hug you," Jim says grumblingly, making Zayn laugh. It's the first time he's seen Jimmy like this, perhaps because he's seen his brother, who's been missing for so many years.

"The important thing is that Louis is hungry, so let's see what he will eat." Nile says, attracting their attention as Zain twists his mouth thoughtfully.

"We only eat raw food and I mean meat only, but why don't we talk to Liam, maybe he knows he's a werewolf and they eat human food" Zain says to Nile nods in agreement

"Then, call him," Nile says, addressing Jim, who ignored him and looked at Louis, who was checking everywhere in the house, perhaps remembering something.

"Jmmy, stop looking at Louis like he's your lover you broke up with years ago and now you're back together and now call Liam to come over." Niall orders Jimmy to look at him with hatred, but anyway he takes out his phone and calls Liam

"Hello Lima," Jimmy says excitedly

"Apart from saying my name in the wrong way, but when you are so excited, is it possible that you fell in love with me?" He says in a playful tone, as Jimmy looks at the phone while thinking that he should actually break it over Liam's head!!

"If it wasn't for me needing you now with something important, I would have run you under my feet" Jimmy says in annoyance, and Liam laughs so loudly that Jimmy heard

"Well, what do you want from me? Fuck?" Liam says Jimmy grabs the phone trying to break it but Niall grabs it quickly and Zayn takes Jimmy the phone

"Stop teasing Liam, now come over, we really want you, and oh yeah, bring some vegetables and rice with you," Zayn says, then hangs up his face.

"Vegetables and rice?! What do they keep a dog or something like that?!" Liam mumbles to himself and then shrugs his shoulders indifferently, going to fetch the things Zayn asked for

"Let him just come and stick my fist in his ass." Jimmy muttered angrily, opening Niall's mouth and Zayn in shock, but Louis furrowed his eyebrows in astonishment.

"Doesn't that sound a bit sexual?" Louis whispers to Nile, who nodded stupidly in agreement with his opinion.

"Now tell me why you came here without telling me and it looks like your coming here was planned before," Zayn says, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at Louis, Niall, and Jimmy, moving his eyes to the house that he first finds clean, and yes they sure had planned to come here in advance. .

"This is because umm..." Nile interrupts his words by biting his lips nervously, but Louis looks at them stupidly

"Maybe because the little boy Zane will tell his mother and bring us problems as usual and they will take my only brother from me, which of course I will not allow this as long as I live" Jimmy says sarcastically at first, then turns to harsh and harsh, looking sharply at Zain, who exchange looks with him

"It's not my fault that you don't have a mother to tell her what's going on with you, oh sorry they're both dead" Zain says sarcastically, leaving the place silent for a moment before Zain understands what he said

Zain looks at Niall, who has rigid features, who grabs his pants hard, looking at the other side angrily, refusing to look at his lover.

"Yeah, you have a right if I had a mother now I wouldn't make fun of others because my mother really raised me not like you as a little mother" Jimmy says sarcastically, clenching his teeth hard, trying not to attack and kill him

"Jimmy stop and you Zayn get out of here" Niall says quietly, swallowing Zayn trying to get close to Niall, who steps back and ignores him, heading to the kitchen.

"Didn't you hear it? Get out of here before I cut you into pieces," Jimmy says angrily, making Louis feel the tension in the air, not knowing how his feet led him to his brother's place.

"Calm down, he's going to get out anyway," says Louis, holding his brother's hand, trying to calm him down. Jimmy winks at Louis' hand and quickly looks at him to find him smiling sweetly and well he wants to cry like a proud mother who taught her son to walk

"Hey guys, who is this?" He asks Liam first to go home to look at Jimmy and yes Zayn is not around to exhale tightly

"Did you bring the things I asked for?" Jimmy asks, coming up to him, holding the bag full of vegetables, disgusted Jimmy distances himself

"It's already in your hands," Liam says, rolling his eyes at his friend's stupidity, then adds complement

"Who is this? It smells weird," he says, clasping his eyes in a strange way, and Jimmy leans his body against the door.

"How about finding out for yourself?" Jimmy says to Liam more and well his eyes widen in shock and disbelief.

"It smells like" he mumbles softly to himself

"Human" Jimmy continues with a smile to widen Liam's eyes more

"That's impossible," he muttered in shock, making Jimmy laugh

"It's possible, and you're welcome, my friend. This is my younger brother's twist." Jimmy says, patting Liam firmly on the back to push Liam annoyed.

"How is he human? That's impossible. They've been dead for hundreds of years," Liam says, sticking his lips out

"Does your chief know this?" Liam whispers to Jimmy, pointing at Louis to Jimmy's snoring

"Head on my ass and he doesn't know and he won't know" he says arrogantly, holding his bag and entering the kitchen leaving Liam and Louis alone.

"Oh, you're so beautiful, I can't believe you're this idiot's brother." Liam says admiringly, and Louis laughs lightly

"You're also handsome," Louis says in a low voice of shyness, and Liam laughs at his kindness

"Why are you laughing, you idiot, go to the kitchen and cook for Louis, he's hungry," says Jimmy, taking Liam by the collar and dragging him into the kitchen with him.

"Now tell me how to cook that curse," says Jimmy, annoyed, curtsy at the table

"Oh hey Niall, nice to see you," Liam says with a big smile, ignoring Jimmy to make Jimmy annoyed.

"Stop flirting with them and cook food for my brother, he's almost starving here," shouts Liam, who pushed him away, trying to hear with his poor ear after an annoying buzzing in his ear

"Okay, well, stop, big mouthed." Liam grumbles, then takes off his jacket and washes his hand, then cuts the vegetables after washing them carefully. The two tall idiots look at him with wide eyes.

"I really miss human food," Niall says with a grin, and Liam chuckles at him, stroking his forehead

"And damn it, I'm not human and I eat it, so don't call it that," Liam says to Nile, who ignored him and kept making small groans because he wanted to taste.





"What are you saying?" The king says in denial, raising one eyebrow at what he hears, while the other speaker nervously swallows his throat

"I say that..maybe this thing that fell, maybe it's human, sir," he says worriedly, looking down, avoiding his lady's sarcastic looks, and seconds later the sound of his laughter.

"You're really funny, it makes me laugh, human?! Really? This class is long gone," says the king, waving his hands indifferently.

"Then the tidings of a bird falling from the sky?! Please don't make me laugh," he says sarcastically, followed by his giggles.

"Now get back to work and stop these stupid thoughts," he says solemnly again, nodding to his subordinate reluctantly, pulling his body out.

"I'll show you, you damn human, because of you. I was gloated by the king and his people," he says, gritting his teeth. Well, can we say that Louis had the first hater?!

"Dear, oh, why are you so angry?" The woman says worriedly about her angry husband, who is so rare

"Because of that human being I was mocked, I became the subject of a mockery of the council," he says angrily, biting his lips to conquer

"Oh dear, it's okay, he was relieved that your anger will affect your health," she says, afraid of his excitement, to enter her son, interrupting their conversation together.

"Mom, father-." He did not finish his words because he crashed hard against the wall, causing a small crack at the top. As for the mirror, she gasped hard.

"Where is this bastard?" The father asks his son who is Zain, Zain looks at his mother in disbelief

"Did you tell him?" He says angrily that his mother quickly looks down, avoiding looking at her son

"Look at me, you bastard, because of you and the damn human, I've become a source of ridicule." He utters angrily

"And what's wrong with that, no one told you to go quickly to the king like a mouse and tell him" Zain says scornfully to get a punch next to his jaw

" where is he ?" He asks with a breath of patience that Zayn looks at him for a few moments, calling out the place of the hit

"I don't know, he ran away and my group keeps looking for him," he says quietly, looking down to feel his body on the ground.

"You'd better find him as soon as possible," he says angrily, leaving the place for his mother to rush to him to push her lightly

"Get away from me," he says firmly, looking at him sadly


"I said get away from me, damn it," he yells at her sternly, afraid to take him back a few steps.

"Do you like it? Ha, do you like it, that's what I want," he says angrily, holding his fist tightly.

"You always ruin everything for me" he says angrily to calm down suddenly remembering his lover and how much he suffers because of him to loosen his fist and take one last look at his mother and then quickly get out of the place to break down crying, well it's the first time he screams in her face

"It's because of that damn human" she says angrily as her eyes darken, oh it's the second



"Hey, what do you think?" Liam tells Louie after he puts the dishes in front of him and Louie smiles excitedly, grabs the spoon quickly and tastes the cooked vegetables

"Oh, that's great, you really are a great cook," Louis says gently, patting Liam from the back with a shy smile.

"U-thank you" he says shyly so Jim notices it

"Since when have you been ashamed? When I talked to you you turned the conversation into phone sex and now you're ashamed of a small compliment," Jimmy says in amazement, as Liam looks at him angrily, holding his root.

"Jimmy~" Liam gently caresses him to look at him Jim gives him a look like "What the hell do you want?"

"Go ahead," he says, shoving the root into his mouth, Jim widening his eyes in shock

"Disgusting!" Jim screams in terror, spitting carrots on the ground, and Liam takes his right to laugh so hard at Jim's face.

"Brother, I'm going to show you," Jim says angrily, running after Liam, Liam's look terrified, and runs out quickly behind Jimmy.

"Oh my God," Niall muttered in frustration, looking out the window, and Louis also looked at her curiously to find a big wolf quarreling with his older brother, and it seemed that this brown wolf was Liam.

"It's really huge," says Lowe in amazement and astonishment

"What do you think about trying to ride on it?" Nile winks at his last sentence, making Louis' cheeks red

" Can I ?" He mumbles shyly to Niall giggling and nodding then calls for Liam to come to him quickly

"Liam, I want you to carry Louis on your back" Liam says, and Liam looks at Louis and moves his tail with joy and enthusiasm while nodding his head quickly

"Come on, if you're not ashamed," Niall says with a chuckle, hugging Louis and then climbing onto Liam's bent head in front of him.

"That's great!" Louie shouts with joy, after Liam ran around the large garden surrounded by thick trees. Jimmy is satisfied with seeing his brother enjoying himself, ignoring the pain in his heart.




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