
Chapter 227

  "Now, don't think about anything, just take good care of your injuries." Cheng Liyue gave the order and was worried that this man would not even recover from his injuries properly.

  "You go out first and let Cheng and the others in," Gong Yexiao said to her. He had something to talk to the bodyguards.

  Cheng Liyue came out and said to the two bodyguards, "Gong Yexiao let you in."

  The two bodyguards immediately went in and stayed inside for more than ten minutes before coming out, as if Gong Yexiao ordered them to do something. Cheng told Cheng Liyue that Yan Yang would come over after half an hour.

  When Cheng Liyue returned to her room, she saw that Gong Yexiao's eyes were filled with a shrewd glint even though he was clearly very tired. She immediately frowned and said, "You should have a good rest at this time."

  Gong Yexiao didn't want to sleep at all. Even if his body's consumption was too great, he could still hold on. He was waiting for Yan Yang to come over.