
Sweet Dreams

Feeling, the soft breeze through her hair as she galloped on her horse through the forest feeling free at last. Abigail looked back to see nothing she must have gotten a head start for him to be way behind unless he wasn't following her.

Abigail quickly had her horse come to a complete halt she didn't like to be alone in the forest, it looked, spooky. She didn't like it. That was unless he was with her. She anxiously bit her bottom lip listening to any sort of sound of hooves but there was nothing only the sound of the leaves pattering against each other.

A distant howl up in the deep forest alerted and spooked her horse then darted off through the trail. Abigail pulled back trying to slow the horse down. She was frightened she only just learned to ride yesterday morning and wasn't quite prepared for this to happen.

As she scarcely tried and tried her horse only continued to weave through the forest as she began to lose her balance and as if she could faint, Abigail screamed afraid of the hard fall. She tightly closed her eyes and was grabbed around her waist and pulled up against someone's chest before she could hit the ground.

It was him he had not left her he was here and had saved her before falling off of her horse just at the right moment.

Abigail tilted her head back. Slightly against his chest to see his perfect jawline and those alluring lips. She could look at him all day and never get tired of it.

She opened her eyes to find herself in her bed awakening from her dream. Abigail sat up with a stretch taking a deep breath and got out of bed.

Life wasn't great when it wasn't a dream. The king never let his one of many daughters too exit the castle gates or even dare to touch them. Growing up her father has told her she should never leave the castle grounds or she could get hurt by many predators that roam through the forest and village.

Abigail never understood what that meant. She's tried to ask her other sisters but they never knew what she was talking about. She only guessed it was because all of her sisters got to explore the world because they were all very beautiful ladies while she couldn't compare her beauty towards her sisters because she was hideously ugly and stuck inside.

She looked herself in the mirror as she combed her own smoky black hair with a sign. What man could possibly want someone like her.

There was a faint knock on the door and a maidservant entered. It was her least favorite maid she never allowed her to do anything she wanted.

"My lady what are you doing let me do that for you?!" The maidservant scurried from the door up behind her chair then snatched the comb out of her hand.

She slouched in her chair with a sign. It was awfully boring being a lady when living in this castle. Ladies weren't allowed to help the maidservants cook clean or do outside chores. Sometimes she wished she would have been a man.

"My lady, is something the matter?" The maid frowned putting her hair in a neat braided bun.

"I would like to go outside and take a walk in the garden."

"Oh yes of course I'll prepare your dress right away!" The maid hurried to the wardrobe looking determined and opened the two tall doors pulling out a gown. "Here you are my lady would you like me to help you dress?" The maid spoke walking up to Abigail.

"No, I can manage you may go now." She said Shooing the maid to leave with her hand. The maid left her alone at last. She finally felt like she could breathe. Taking a deep breath Abigail closed her eyes and wished to go back to sleep. That was when she was ever happy she was the happiest to see that man in her dreams.

But this is the real world and he doesn't exist. She stood up from her seat and slipped into her dress then, a pair of green flats that matched her green dress.

The images of the man on his horse with her sitting in front as they rode through the forest filled all her thoughts. She never really knew how she would dream different dreams but that man would always appear in them.

It all started on her sixteenth birthday when she fell asleep in the library, she had a dream that she walked out of the castle gates and explored the village for the very first time. She was happy to see several men and women young and old happily buying or selling goods. She walked into a book shop and was amazed to see so many books crammed into one small building.

She walked the aisles of many books and searched for any book that caught her eye. She reached up to grab a book but ended up touching someone's hand instead and instantly she pulled her hand back.

"I'm very sorry I was only trying to see what the book was?!" She turned around to see a man standing behind her with no expression on his face.

The man only stood there in silence watching as if she should be frightened and run away. Abigail began to bite her bottom lip. She didn't know what was happening she was new to this world she didn't know what to do or say to this man.

Abigail was startled by a sudden movement. The man in front of her moved a step closer and she took a step back hitting the bookcase. But to her surprise, he held out the book in front of her. She took it with shaking hands and a smile crept to the man's lips.


She was pulled out of her thoughts when the third youngest daughter out of seven hollered while quickly making her way up to her.

"Abigail, you need to help me father wants to marry me off to some man!" she held on her arm, pleading in her eyes.


Yet again her father is sending off another one of his daughters at the age of sixteen to be wed while she is still trapped in this castle at the age of eighteen.

Every few years it's always the same. Her sisters would run to her for help to talk with their father so that they may not be wed to a man. Abigail never understood why they weren't happy to be wedded to a man. If she could be in their place she would be filled with joy to finally be able to leave the castle grounds.

"I can't help you... I'm sorry!" She quickly left her sister's side and ran back into the castle only to run into someone else.

The king held her shoulders to stop her from colliding in him.

"My Abigail why are you in such a hurry?" The king's eyes were filled with confusion as he spoke.

"Father, why am I not wedded to any man while my sisters are?" she spoke not daring to look into his eyes.

"My precious Abigail it is for your safety?" The king said in a calm tone. Cupping her cheek and tilting her chin up for her to look at him. "Are you asking because you want to be wedded to a man?" The king spoke with fear in his eyes.

Abigail never liked to lie to her father or even hurt him. If she lied he would find out eventually and he would be hurt from knowing the truth.

"Father... May I ask you a question?"

"Yes, my dear..." The king held her shoulders and walked them to a bench.

"What is it you want to ask me?" He spoke as he sat down next to her.

She took a deep breath and spoke. "Does my safety have to do with me not being able to exit the castle grounds as well?" She continued to look down on her intertwined fingers. She wasn't sure if her question would sadden him.

There was a silence in between them for a short while.

"Yes, it does... I wish you could explore the world like your sisters but that's impossible even with many guards to protect you." The king finally spoke. He turned in his seat and looked at her.

"Abigail never exit the gates or touch them even if you want to. Wait a little longer. Promise me this Abigail?"

She still didn't get the idea of why she needed protection from predators or even know what they are or why she is the only one out of her six sisters that can't leave.

"I... I promise?" She said clutching onto her dress, with tightly closed eyes.

"Thank you, my dear Abigail my heart can be at ease now hearing those words." The king stood up from his seat. Thinking he was going to walk away but he didn't he turned around to face her once more. "I'm leaving for the Western kingdom I'll see you and your sisters in the great hall before I leave."

"What but you just got back?" She stood up from her seat and frowned.

"I know but I have to go, king, Benard wants to speak with me about the prince and to be wedded to your sister Lillian."

No wonder Lillian came running up to her for help. King Benard's son is not even the slightest at being nice. That's what she heard from the maidservants from their weekly trip through the village anyway.

"What are you going to do?" She asked finally looking up into his eyes.

The king signed. "I want what's best for my daughters. I'm going to do what's right and... Decline his offer."

Abigail was surprised at her father's words. He's never declined a great offer in marriage for his daughters because he would build more power and wealth by sending them off to be wed to a man.

"That son of his is very disrespectful and stuck up, on himself not even the slightest of discipline!"

It must have been true if her father had said so since he had met the prince before.


Abigail and her three sisters waited in the great hall for their father to arrive. They were all confused at the random meetup but she knew why they were there since her father told her before.

Abigail was screaming inside to share the great news for Lillian but she held herself back since she only guessed that her father would tell her instead.

The sound of the door got all their attention. "Your majesty has entered!"

"Daddy!" Gabriella the youngest daughter hopped off of Abigail's lap and ran up to him.

"How's my little princess?" The king smiled at his youngest daughter. Gabriella giggled as their father picked her up and made his way to the sofas where they waited. "Now young ladies I wanted to talk with you all..."

Abigail already knew what he was going to say but she still listed carefully just as her sisters did.

"I'm going back to the western kingdom to speak about the prince I'll be back in a few days."

"Father please don't? Please don't send me off to that prince!" Lillian stood up out of her seat and quickly went to the king's side pleading.

"Lillian... Is there anyone you have a liking to?" The king asked her.

"Huh?" Lillian turned to look back at her sisters, confused. Abigail gave her a small smile that made Lillian look surprised then she turned back to their father.

"Lillian I'm going to decline the proposal..."

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" Lillian jumped with joy. Abigail was happy for her but deep inside she envied her sister because she'll have to be wedded to a different man while she is still trapped in this castle and never getting to leave.

"But you do need to get wedded? That's why I asked if you have a liking to anyone?" The king raised a brow waiting for her slow answer.

"I, I may have a liking to someone..."

"That's great what is this man's name?" The king asked.

"He-he's not what you would expect father? You may not even approve of what I'm about to tell you?" Lillian spoke nervously and was afraid to look into the king's eyes. "It-it's one of the lords?"

"What?! Lillian, you mean one of the lords that work for father?" Tina the sixth daughter said in surprise.

"Tina quiet it down for a bit longer." The king said then turned his attention back to Lillian. "Which lord is it? Do I have to bring them here for you to tell me?" The king asked in a calm tone.

After getting no response the king had one of the butlers bring everyone, of the lords into the great hall.

"Good afternoon your majesty, what is it you wanted to speak with us about?" One of the lords spoke.

The king took a deep breath and stood in front of the lords. Abigail was nervous for Lillian she couldn't tell if her father was angry about the news or if he was okay with it. It's scary to not know which one it is.

"My daughter has taken a liking of one of you?"

All the lords were taken aback by the king's words then instantly looked at the lord that stood in the back.

A smile spread across the king's face as he finally found out which lord it was. "The rest of you may leave!"

Abigail had no doubt that her father was now upset. She continued to silently watch as her father had the lord stand in front of him.

The lord kept his head down unable to look up into the king's eyes with a trembling body.

"Lord Isaac..." The king closed his eyes for a few seconds then opened them again. "Have you taken a liking to my daughter Lillian?"

"Y-yes... Your majesty?" Lord Isaac spoke in a shaky breath.

"Look at me and say it!" The king demanded.

The lord quickly looked up from the floor and spoke. "Yes, your majesty!"

"How old are you lord Isaac?" The king said in a calmer tone.

Lillian was watching from afar with fear spread across her face. Abigail could tell that she was afraid of what their father would do to him since it was only natural that there would be a punishment put upon lord Isaac.

He looked quite young. Nothing past twenty-one. At least she thought it turned out that he was twenty-two.

"Lord Isaac, would you be willing to be wed to my daughter?" The king asked with a raised brow.

The lord's eyes widened in surprise and looked over at where Lillian stood and looked back at the king.

"Your majesty I'd be honored to marry your daughter."

"What's happening?" Gabriella asked Abigail.

Abigail loved her little sister very much she's only six so she spoke a lot of questions more than being a lady she's meant to be but she believes she would learn in no time.

"Our sister is going to be wedded to lord Isaac instead of a prince." She smiled at her little sister.

She looked up to see Lillian who was filled with happiness and jumped into lord Isaac's arms. He was surprised but then quickly gave in to the hug.

It didn't last long though since her father said something about what should not happen between the two before they were wed. Lillian's face flushed redder than a cherry and pushed lord Isaac out of her arms from embarrassment.

Then what felt like a blink of an eye her father and all the lords were leaving for their trip to the western kingdom.

Her father lifted himself over his horse and said his goodbyes to each of his daughters and went on his way leading ahead of the lords. Lillian waved goodbye to lord Isaac as he started to walk passed, on his horse.

He looked over and said. "I'll be back in a few days in one piece." Lord Isaac winked and went into a gallop with the king and the rest of the lords through the gate.

Next chapter