
World shred apart.2

" You!" I subconsciously let out. Now I was feeling regret. I should have called the police or maybe just told my father about what happen eariler. Maybe if I did we wouldn't be in this situation right now.

Looking at the monster infront of me I couldn't help but wonder what he was.

" Zac, you know him?" Mark asked with confusion but the kitchen knife was firmly held in his hand. His hand tense and his shoulder stiff.

I could tell he was terrified but he still kept his position infront of me.

" He attack me earlier in the city but i didn't think he would have followed me here." I said as I glance at a claw mark still left on my right hand.

Mark clearly saw this and frown. His gaze back to the beast infront of us he grit his teeth.

" Zac, run and call the police. Tell your mother not to come here too." Mark quickly said. I was hesitant but he yelled.

" Run!!" It stun me for only a second before I turn on my heel and dash to the back door. What Mark was doing was wise. I would be stupid and ungrateful if I didn't accept his sacrifice. But the thought of leaving my father to be killed still pains me.

Reaching to the back room I hurriedly rush to the back door when a loud crashing sound echo from the kitchen. The pronounced groan of Mark made my ears perked as I looked back.

I shouldn't have. I might have been better if I didn't. A black sinister voice echo infront of me as the tall monster stood only inches away from my face. The hot rancid breath enter my nose making me repulsive but before I could give a suitable response to his breath a fistful of my shirt was grab, near my collar.

With little ease I was threw over his lshoulder and crash painfully onto the wall some meter away from where he stood.

I knew my back wasn't broken but sadly I couldn't feel my right leg. Running away was no longer an option. Maybe it was never one as I saw the man cover 4 meter in a step as his body blur. Suddenly I felt like something lift me into the air. The area around me blur before I fell hard on the ground.

I grit my teeth as I subconsciously reach for my obviously broken right leg. A right foot like if mocking me slam against my chest making it hard for me to breathe. I was sent flying by the kick and crash into something.

Getting back some clarity I notice I was in the dinning room and the thing I crash into was the dinning room table.

I took a cold breath out as I search for the monster and my father. The two were in the kitchen but I could clearly see them. The scene was horrifying as my father wasn't in one piece anymore.

Currently I could see the upper section of my father body, his arms were rip off and being brutally eaten my by the monster in human skin.

As I tried to open my mouth I cough out some blood helplessly. This was my fault. Why did I think it was a bother to tell someone I was attack and just went straight home.

Why did I fight back and I should have just made the monster kill me in the alleyway. This way maybe my father would be alive and my mother would not be walking in on a monster eating her family.

As such thoughts swirl in my mind I heard the pitiful scream of my mother. She was home.

' Shit' I thought as i struggle to open my mouth.

" Mom, Ruun!!!" I yelled hopefully but it was too late. The sound of her heels madly stamping on the ground didn't stop but got louder as she approached at an incredible speed.

Soon she enter the dinning room and saw the scene. Her gaze had immediately went to the monster and she was terrified at the sight of Mark.

" Mark..." she mutter in pure shock as she spotted his dismember arms and barely breathing chest. It was no doubt he was going to die.

Strangely apart from shock, anger swell up in her eyes. I swore she would be frighten by the being that was eating her husband but it didn't seem so. She then glance at me with some pity before she took a deep breath.

This was where things got weirder than I ever thought it could. The moment she turn her gaze back to the monster that had cause this I caught a glimpse of her eyes. It was bright green like mind but this moment it was glowing. It was like two flash light were turn on in her eyes.

I suddenly notice the monster pause what he was doing. I noticed a large trace of shock in his eyes which turn quickly to a terrified expression. I was confused by both things but when the monster seem to panic and was about to leave, some clarification came to me.

I don't really think that was the right word but it explain why the monster was afraid as soon as it saw my mother eyes. A small animalistic growl escape her mouth as she lunge toward him. I wanted to scream at my mother to stop but the next moment I was as scared as the monster.

My mother, slightly shorter than me, grew. Her arm clearly thicken before dark brown hair or was it fur grew from her cheeks. In just a second her entire office suit was shred apart along with my understanding of the world I had live in for seventeen years.

My mother was no more. What stood in her place was a wolf. A large wolf with chocolate brown fur and emerald green eyes. It stood quite tall about two meter or three and it was five meter long. I didn't get to see much more as the wolf had already reach the monster and began to brutally rip it apart with it fangs and claws.

As I watch green blood splash across what used to be my family kitchen I suddenly felt fatigue. The pain from my broken leg was still there but the fatigue was stronger. My eyes slowly close as I fell into a deep sleep.

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