
Botched Robbery - Roseymint

A black object shot up, then followed the unmistakable sound of gunfire. "Everyone on the fucking ground, anyone that moves even a centimeter gets a bullet in their skull. Understand?" People dropped down, everyone whimpering and some even crying. Six men stepped forward in masks, one in a gorilla, one in an eagle, one with a clown, one with a hood and small mask covering everything but their eyes, one in a Ronald Reagan mask and the last one with a skeleton mask. The gorilla and skeleton had black duffel bags. They moved through the crowd, aiming their guns at everyone that passed.

Then someone made a terrible mistake, they decided to jump up and try to run out the door. The one with the hood turned around and without a second of hesitation shot a bullet through the man's leg, the bloodcurdling scream that erupted was enough to make anyone want to puke. The man was holding their leg. The hooded one calmly walked over, aimed the gun at the man's head and said: "Get the fuck up or I'll kill you like the dog you are." The man tried to comply, but he couldn't stand as his leg was profusely bleeding at this point.

"I said. Get. Up." The barrel of the gun was pressed against the man's temple, the two with the duffel bags sat them down and brought out bags. Body bags. As well as what seemed to be. C4? The man was struggling to get up and as he managed to the hooded one grab him by the hair and slammed him into the ground. Hard. There was a sick noise as the man's nose broke and he gurgled on his blood as he died. The hooded one snickered. "All right, everyone back up. It's time." A small explosion came from where the C4 had been placed and they all went in. Except for the hooded one. "Anyone else moves, you'll end up like that." He said pointing at the dead body. The front doors of the bank opened. A single man walked through.

"On the fucking ground." The man looked at him, and suddenly he was gone. Then he was behind him. The man appeared behind the hooded robber, grabbing his arm then breaking it against his knee, over and over until a small piece of bone appeared from his arm, he then grabbed it and proceeded to yank it out, blood erupted from his arm as he did so. The hooded figure screamed. The man grabbed him. Slammed the figure on the ground and stabbed him through the head with the bone. The man turned around, winked and proceeded into the vault.

The sounds of gunfire echoed, followed by dull thuds and then quietness. One of the criminals flew out from the vault, smashing and breaking the window. Another slid into the main lobby, his neck bulging as if something was trapped in there. Two were dragged out by the man, both still carrying duffel bags full of cash. Meaning one was still in the vault, most likely dead. "Right, so pay attention to what happens next. Got it, folks?" The man's voice boomed. He lined both the robbers up and grabbed the bags. He smashed his foot down on their stomach as he jumped out of the broken window.

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