- Straykids - {JeongChan}
"Good aft-"
"C-Could you please open the play pin?" His voice cracked and shaked.
A raven haired boy in a high school uniform. Looks like he got in a fight, but I didn't ask, I was afraid to. He looked like he was about to cry, I could see the tears threatening him. He didn't cry though.
"Puppies, or kit-"
"Puppies today please. Could you give me Ruby and Rex please?" The two golden retriever puppies in the back, never notice really. The ignored and sister of the store better like it, but how did he know them? I've never seen him here.
"U-Uh, yes sir, go ahead and go in. I'll grab them for you real quick." I rushed to the back grabbing the puppies.
When they came towards the playpen they jumped out of my arms with a harsh thump, but they ignored it and ran straight in the pin jumping all over the boy. I close the pin and then walk back to the counter and watch the boy bitterly smile while the puppies lay in his lap with calm composure. Then he made movement and the puppies were ready to play. The boy's giggles were amazingly adorable. They filled up the empty store with that happy and angelic sound. The puppies loved him and he seemed to feel the same about the small furry little friends.
After about 2 hours of the boy playing with dogs he opened the pin grabbing the fur balls and walking towards the back. I quickly follow him only to see the boy gently settle the puppies in they're pin. He booped they're noses, but when he turned around and saw me, we both went in shock for a second. His cheeks become red and he rushes out.
"Hey could I get your-" The door shut and my soul left my body.
The next day I saw him again. Bandaid on his scruffs and a small bruise on the coner of his lip.
"Could you bring out the kitten Honey please." Honey just turned one...today. I grabbed the kitten and handed it to the boy, but instead of him going to the play pin the cat climbed on his shoulders and sat there and he sat down in the chair infront of the front window. He pulled out papers and a small bag. He pulled out a trat and handed it to the kitten laying on his shoulders.
"Happy birthday Honey." He smiled softly petting the kitten and let him fall asleep on his shoulders. The kitten looked happy. I wanted to talk to the boy but right as I was about to...
"I'm gonna do homework today so sorry about going in the play pin." He said staring at his papers.
"No it's fine your good with them so I don't have a problem." And that was all I could muster to say right before I just stared at the beautiful school boy doing his homework. Then once agin 2 hours later he left. A schedule?
I've watched him for a week now and he comes at 3:15-3:20 and leaves around 5:30, but it's closing time today and he didn't come today. I hope he's alright.
He hasn't been here for 3 days. I wonder what's wrong this time?
5th day and he finally came in. Small limp, no uniform, and 15 minutes after I opened.
"Riby and Rex?" I ask and he shakes his head to the puppies. I was about to ask him if he wanted Honey the kitten, but he spoke before me. He didn't talk much but he seems a little more comfortable with me, which is good.
"Could you bring all the puppies and join me?' He asked putting me in shock, but I simply nod in response and grab 2 puppies each arm. Then me and the raven haired boy are silently in the play pin wiht 10 playful puppies of all kinds. And now was my chance to ask his questions. Get to know him.
"So, what's your name?"
"Yang Jeongin..." He didn't hesitate like normal,that's a good sign.
"How old are you?"
"So you're about to be fresh out of highschool after these last two quarters huh?" he hummed in response and I just smile.
"One moore question."
"Go ahead." He answered and I quickly pop the question.
"How come you show up here at a pet store all the time?"
"They're cute, comfortable, and they are my escape from every part of bitter reality I have to face outside of these doors." He lightly smiled to himself and this is the first time I notcice his white braces.
"I feel the same way..." We sat in silence once again while the puppies started to lay around us both slowly drifting.
"Your braces are cute." I said softly and the boy lightly blushed. It was too cute.
"Y-Your turn...for questions."
"U-uh yeah."
"Bang Christopher Chan. Or just Bang Chan."
"I don't know."
"How do you not know your own age?"
"We were playing speed, just call me hyung. And you have one moore question left Mr. Yang." Jeongin visually cringed at the name and I chuckled at how cute he was.
"Sexuality?" He popped and my mind went completely blank.
I-Uh..." I couldnt find the words.
The younger boy I had an "8th grad syndrome" with could be straight and I could also fuck up a nice little brother relationship with this answer. Like what if he's straight and Homophobic? Oh god...what do I do?
"Oh, I'm bisexual." The boy answered and it relaxed me a bit.
"Same." They boy blushed again. I grab the boy and set him in my lap and he teses up.
"Are-Y-you ok?" I felt like I did something wrong. The boy jumped up and then ran out of the store. Sensitive...probably trauma...?
He didn't come for 3 weeks, 4 days, but here he is today. Silently playing with puppies and kittens in the pin. Letting off a few cheerful giggles filling the deeply silent pet shop.
Weeks. He's been coming all the time. We've gotten to know eachother moore. The moore I know about the boy the moore I fall in love.
"C-Chan hyung!" Jeongin ran in the petstore scared. He ran around the counter quickly attaching himself to me.
"What's wrong Innie?"
"My uncle is coming and really mad..."
"He found out I'm Bi..." My eyes widen.
Jeongin told me his parents died leaving him with his abusive hoomophobic uncle 3 years ago. When I put him in my lap that one day he jumped up cause he was afraid I'd feel the perts of his body that were a bit swollen from his uncle. A large older man stomped in here with the clear thought of homicide evident in his mind and eyes. Jeongin let out a small whimper and I quickly gained confidence. Even only for a second.
"There you are you dick sucking soon of a bitch!" He ran to the counter to get Jeongin, but I pushed the boy behind me and his uncle let off a bitter chuckle that reiked of whiskey and cigarettes.
"Oh this is why you ran here? You want your little boy friend to protect you?"
"Yeah so what? I'm his boyfriend and what are you gonna do about it?" Jeongin's grip on my shirt became tighter but I didn't back down.
"Listen here you cum guzzeling-" The man went to grab my shirt, but I quickly grabbed his wrist and here came a protective side in me that I didn't even knew existed.
"Look. You ever touch him again I'll kill you , touch me you'll be seeing prison bars for the rest of your life old man, got it?" He growl's at me and quickly walks out. I turn around and hold Jeongin's shoulder and watch his eyes change from full of fear to relief.
"Are you ok Innie?" He hugged me and I just pet his head.
"I don't want to go back..." He said softly with a shaky voice.
"Do you know a kid named Hwang Hyunjin?" Jeongin pulled away and nodded lookin in my eyes.
"I now you're getting bullied and so is he so, I'll set you two up and you can stay together. Watch after eachother and come here together after school, I'll start letting you two stay with me ok?" I smile and he hugs me once again. I could feel his love pouring through him.
"Thank you so much hyung...for everything you've done for me." I pet his head and softly chuckle.
"And thank you for coming and playing wiht the puppies and kittens."
4 weeks later...
Everything is going great. I live with two younger boys and take care of them. They've become bestfriends and the bullying has gone down tramattically. Today only Jeonginis coming to the shop because Hyunjin has dance class. And I think today I'm gonna tell him how I feel I even bought chocolate covered strawberries (his favorite) to confess.
"Hey hyung." Jeongin came walking in grabbing one of our black puppies named Coco and then sat in teh chair infront of the window. You'd think we'd be busy ever...but we're located in a n alley so not really.
"What time will Llama be back and ready for home?"
"He'll be here around 6...he said he was gonna buy taebokki then head over here so we can go home." Jeongin spoke bluntly but gentl with Coco still in his lap.
"Ok, but Jeongin I-"
"Hyung I need to tell you something..." He looked worried...it cant be too bad can it?
"Go ahead Innie." I said gently staying behind the counter and listened closely.
"Hyung..." he hesitated as his eyes stayed glued to the puppy in his lap so I said what I wanted first.
"Innie...I have something to tell you..." And there goes...his eyes pop up and look at me and now I feel under pressure.
"Innie, I like you...in a romantic way..." I look down at the counte and pull out the strawberries.
"Be my boyfriend, Inne please?" The younger put the dog on the ground and slowlystarted pacing towards me making my anxiety peak.
"Look if you don't like me that's-" His lips were softly placed on mine with his hand resting on my cheek. I kiss back then he pulls away.
"Hyung, I like you too-" Coco started barking making me and Jeogin chuckle. Jeongin picks up the puppy holding it in his arms as Coco attacks him in kisses.
"That' s mine." I say gently taking Coco from Jeongin's arms letting the puppy attack me.
"So who's your's?" Jeongin asked and I smiled.
"You, you're my boyfriend." I smile softly as I see the boy blush and giggle shyly aat my comment.
"Thanks hyung." Jeongin says taking Coco back in his arms.
"No thank you for coming to play with the puppies and kittens." I smile softly coming around the counter and hug the younger with Coco in the middle.
"And I would do it all over again." Jeongin said and I plant a kiss on his forehead.