
Collection [Stories]

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May_Younji · Celebrities
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26 Chs

A Random Letter Before He's Gone

- Lee Jungsuk -

"Your letter put me in tears as I'm choked with sorrow and my own pain, self-pity, and disappointment. You told me that you didn't want me to leave...that you loved me. But of course, I was wrong. Because I always heard you or saw you writing and/or say the same thing.

'When you underestimate love...calling it something gentle and soft, you've already made a mistake. What you call love...is something that all of you, even me, use to your own advantage...our greed. To love is to take. To take with that stupid word {love} is just to take unsparingly.'

But...how could taking unsparingly be considered love? Nothing can be helped when you are in love. True love...it means to give unsparingly no matter what, not take. Hell, what else did I expect? You hid my letters, you pretended like I was nothing in front of everyone, and you told me you loved me. why? you knew what I wanted to hear that day...but how can I do anything now? alone all alone. I wish you all the best. if we see each other again sooner or later we should grab a coffee and share our journeys. Okay?"

I stare at the letter in disbelief. I this why Jungsuk disappeared two weeks ago? even if it is he should've told me he was-

"A couple of Kim Soyeon and Lee Jungsuk's bodies were found in Busan's east ocean bay. The couple left letters on the boat for their families saying they committed a lover's suicide." This is the last letter from them both...oh my god. he's gone...he's gone for good.
