3 Chapter 3: New Beginnings.

A black flame started to appear behind the imp, a man that wore Greek like clothing. He wore a purple short sleeved sweater, under a gray chesplate, with a short black skirt, with no shoes. He had curly black hair, dark purple eyes, light skin and bushy black eyebrows. It was Hades the gatekeeper of Hell and Lucifer's brother. Hades put a brown cloth around the imp's body, because it was naked. The demons looked shocked to see Hades here. "Get back to work!" Hades shouted, without a moments notice the demons went back to fix their village because, it was destroyed in a war between the angels and demons. When all the demons went back to their village Hades black flame engulfed the imp and the gatekeeper of Hell.

The first thing that I saw when I was first awoken(after I sat up straight), was a woman in a striped, long sleeved red shirt, with black jeans, and she was also wearing pointy brown shoes. She was light skinned with white hair, thin white eyebrows, lava red eyes, pointy ears that pointed side ways and 2 black horns. She was with a cat-dog like creature, it was dark skinned and wore a white robe and gold rings around its neck. It had no iris, no hair and no shoes, it also had pointy ears that pointed straight up. They were picking out clothes for someone from a brown oak rack, I looked around it looked like I was in a store, because the front had a desk right after the glass door, it was on the left hand side. The desk was dark oak brown with a book and quill which was in a small container of ink, there was a red carpet in front of the door that goes to the stairs which was on the right hand side of the door, the stairs went up to a new floor, this floor was dessert sand brown. "Oh you are awake." the woman said to me. "Hi I'm Lucifer..."
