

Rubbles the size of boulders fell from the ceiling, my legs were engulfed in pain, my heart was about to burst, and my lungs were gasping for air, but I couldn't stop running. I had to save them no matter what.

I was seventeen and I had moved to Pineridge just two weeks ago. My dad got a job here and said we should move here and start anew. A new town, a new school but what he really meant was let's try to forget what happened and move here but how can I forget. The place was like a city but it was called a town due to the people who live here and there was no building bigger than six stories tall. Even though the town is big the best part is the humongous grove of trees covering hundreds, maybe thousands of acres. The sounds are soothing but the sights are eccentric and thrilling but I can only see them on Sunday.

It's Friday. I look at my alarm clock and the dread and fear creep in like a strong gust of cold wind as I realize… it's 6:30,school starts in FIVE MINUTES I grab my clothes rush to put them on grab my keys and then my alarm goes off I grab my clock and throw it in my closet grab my phone and my supplies grab an apple run to the garage grab my bike lock and my helmet hop on my bike and pedal faster than lightning

It's a race against the clock and I hop off hook up my bike to the stand set the security alarm and run pure and utter dread powering my every step I go to my locker open the lock on and put in the supplies that are extras set the alarm and power walk to class covering a meter with every step I make it just in time for First period the bell rings and class starts I take a seat by the window and when I look beside me I realize its Seth my old buddy we first met in 3 years ago his dad owns a really big company his dad actually bought the town so it would make sense he goes here. When I look at the white board I see we are learning algebra 2 basics which I learned two years ago with Seth. So I looked out the window then…

"Psst hey Darius you remember this…" Seth whispered

"Yeah this is what we learned in ninth grade in advanced classes remember, there's no way I could forget their teaching methods" I responded

"That's good, because I would like to know if you could sit by me during lunch today" he asked

"Sure. Can you save me a seat that isn't by any money hungry dushba--"

"E-hem, Darius is it" the teacher cut in

"Yes." I replied.

"Now Unless you would like to solve the question on the board I would advise you to pay attention--"

"Okay" I cut in.

I then got up and walked to the board, grabbed the marker and solved the equation mumbling the steps as I solved it. It was fairly simple.

"Th-that is correct you may sit back down I did not think you already knew that. That is my bad" the teacher proclaimed.

"That is okay, can I just look out the window and do the worksheets?" I asked.

"Okay but you have to do the work" the teacher sighed.

I gave her a thumbs up "Okay"

"Wow" Seth exclaimed "that's never happened.

"Wow now I'm in for it" I admitted " not only did I just prove that I know this content but I just made myself target number one for bullies".

" I feel bad for the bullies" Seth proclaimed "have you looked in the mirror you look like you could run a mile in one minute and your build is masculine. Not only that but your not bulky your actually pretty slim so you're probably going to be a chick magnet" he exasperated "Whatever gym your going to sign me up" he chuckled

We laughed together.

Before lunch I had to go to the nurses office to take my pills for headaches normally you would just get dizzy by mine is a whole new level of headache.

When it was lunch time I found him by the soda machine banging a soda machine yelling "THIS IS HIGHWAY ROBBERY!!!"

"Hey Seth. What's the matter?" I asked

"Can you please help out, this machine just stole 5 dollars from me and won't give me my soda" He asked.

"Sure"I sighed.

I then walked up to the machine banged on it twice and ten sodas came out and three dollars in quarters.

"Wow" Seth replied in astonishment

"Uh-Oh" I said worried.

When we sat down we giggled a little and snickered we couldn't even drink sodas because we were laughing so hard.

"Man I can't believe you did that and It worked" Seth chuckled.

"Neither can I" I replied

"Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place, you know a friendly reunion" Seth asked.

"Sure… wait a second, what is your plan, what are you up to?" I questioned

"Nothing can't two friends (maybe three) have a friendly reunion" Seth replied

"Whatever as long as it's not a trap" I sighed, "What's your address"

"Do you want it on paper or do you want me to send it to you" Seth replied

"Just send it to me my number is ***-***-****" I replied.

"Okay got it" Seth exclaimed

When school was over I applied for a job at a scrap yard and I was accepted to start working on Monday. This was it I needed this job my dad is gone on a business trip already and left me only 50 bucks to pay the bills and buy a box of ramen noodles even though he is going to be gone a month. My dog Ark was out in my house due to the door being open. She has what you could call car lag due to the long ride from New York to here in Oregon even though she was knocked out half the ride and we have been here for two weeks.

Ruff Ruff Ruff Ruff she yelped excitedly

Even though I did well for my first day of school It was a complete fail my plan was to lay low not stick out or draw attention to myself that was a complete fail not only did I prove I was the best academically but I also proved that I am the best physically I wouldn't doubt I made a lot of enemies today .


Finally the message had arrived the message with the address when I picked up my phone and read the text. I fed and watered Ark and headed there when I got to his house I remembered something ironic. Seth had told me about it he said "It's a modest house nothing more" looking at it now It is nothing like how he described it. It was a practical mansion with a gate and everything. Man Seth is very funny. I wonder what he has planned.